ITT post the retarded little brother of your country

ITT post the retarded little brother of your country

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I think we all know that its Canada

The country that only went on a lock down after 5k cases...

Brasil don't have brothers or friends

we're Austria's retarded little bro

We only have cute little brothers.


It's Mexico. Canada & US are not similar, that's a meme. Culturally and ethnically, Mexico and the US are carbin-copies of each other.


Austria's retarded little sister!

Attached: 3mann.jpg (600x400, 11.51K)

P sure we're the retarded... I guess big brother, of the Nordics.

Papua New Guinea

Thats calling the kettle black. In your case, literally. Please tell me about how pure white your country is you fucking liar.

Never said we were pure white or potrayed the US as bad. It's just different. Never seen a Mexican till I left Canada to vist LA and everyone was speaking spanish everywhere. Face it. The US is now a hispanic culture, not Anglo.

Venezuela is our down syndrome brother, Ecuador would be the slow learner one
Panama is the rich sibling
Brazil is the family member who moved abroad and forgot to speak the language
Peru would be the 3rd grade cousin you met once in your life and fucked



You're kidding yourself

but it's our big brother country that's retarded


idk probably the US

Canada (my country is Québec)

its guatemala

probably liberia desu


Canada. They aren't really retarded but more gay and convinced the world that their passive aggressiveness is politeness.

but it's our big brother countries that are retarded

>idk probably the US
Well you're more retarded than us (which your post also reinforced), smaller, weaker and younger.

Heres undeniable proof of leafs being the retarded brother

idk liechtenstein seems pretty retarded

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>The US is now a hispanic culture, not Anglo.
Yeah except the Latinos here can't speak proper Spanish or even their parent's version. Their culture in most of america also is on the level of tacos in Sweden.

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Maybe you should also smoke meth, fuck chinese students (prostitutes) and huff gas. It seems to he working for them.

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Formerly Fyrom

every anglo country except based ireland and unbased south africa, sorry to say. even the UK

Whatever dude, whenever you step into Canada and notice the vast cultural differences(we speak English btw, not Spanish) then you'll realize that Canada & US similarity was just a meme.

Ukraine, duh.
And we're the retarded little brother for Czechia.

malaysia is not retarded but more like a smug asshole brother to us

Latvia is our retarded little bro

>Ukraine, duh.
lmao no

Lithuania but they are more are as smug asshole brother who left you alone and want your death



Based and truthpilled.

TY for getting me ice cream :)

I really don't know

Probably Portugal, but in this case we are the retarded big brother

Mutts seething at the truth

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tbf amerianglos can't speak proper ebglish either.

A вeдь ecли тaк пoдyмaть, бeлaнoны peльнo caмыe aдeквaтныe из этoй тpoицы.

Not retarded. Just horse-headed


uncanny based

We love you too, falanga bro :)

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Use to have a retarded brother but we killed him in the 70s


we are the tard, but all meds are like this