/dixie/ - Southern US + friends

Oldsmobile Edition

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If Cuba's so great how come they let the most violent nation in world history run a secretive torture camp in their country?

Fuck Cuba

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yeah, fuck cuba.

Eat my shit Cuba & Nicaragua

Cuba is a terrible country filled with amazing people

>filled with amazing people
i recently met a cuban millennial girl who was a HUG obama fan and I was so sad to hear her talk. she thought he was jesus or something

>in their country
guantanamo is what is known as a legal black hole
we rent the place from cuba
but they have never accepted a single check from us, and refuse to
even though we control it we don't own it legally, and even though the cubans own it legally they dont control it
hard to hate a place that gave us justin trudeau

Fucking hate [Cu]ba

so our complete opposite? we can never be friends in that case.

el cubANO

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uh oh, Yankee!
ha ha, cranky!

The yearly lease on Guantanamo Bay is literally $4,085. We're basically just squatters lmao

Can't judge people by their politics alone
And name one country where Millennial girls aren't all Obama fans

i c wot u ded ther u cheeky basturd

cornbread will protect us all.
>Can't judge people by their politics alone
it depends on the politics. in some cases youre right tho

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>A jaw-dropping example of Ice Age architecture has been unearthed on Russia’s forest steppe: a huge, circular structure built with the bones of at least 60 woolly mammoths. But exactly why hunter-gatherers enduring the frigid realities of life 25,000 years ago would construct the 40-foot diameter building is a fascinating question.

>“Clearly a lot of time and effort went into building this structure so it was obviously important to the people that made it for some reason,” says Alexander Pryor, an archaeologist at the University of Exeter (U.K.). He is the lead author of a new study published this week in the journal Antiquity describing the find at Kostenki, a place where many important Paleolithic sites lie clustered around the Don River.

>The ancient builders did leave some clues. Fires once burned within the structure and food scraps, including vegetables, remain. Several pits containing mammoth bones lie just outside of the bone circle and may suggest food storage. “You obviously get a lot of meat from a mammoth,” Pryor said, “so the idea that there were food processing and food storage activities going on at the site is something that we want to investigate more.”

>To some, though, the grandeur of the structure suggests more than practical significance. “People have also speculated a lot about a likely ritual element to this and it’s really hard to say what that might have been,” Pryor adds. “Ritual is embedded in human lives in all sorts of ways. The fact they might have designed a structure of this type as part of both their ritual and their sustenance activities is very reasonable.”

>Ritual significance

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archeologists aren't creative and they assume anything they can't explain is religiously oriented

This joke has many layers

CUba --- Cu = 'Ass' in portuguese
Kuba --- 'Scam' in Swahili
Cuvva --- Expression used for 'Waste of power' in Uzbek
Cubva --- Dog, as in 'Disgusting animal', in ShoN
Kuua or Kuvua --- To kill, in Swahili

An many more...

>U r gay
See this joke has many layers

WOW it's like cuba was meant to be recognized as shit by every creed, color, and tongue around the world

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Yes, it's pretty much a meme at this point. They think people in the past were all 40 IQ dipshits, because they spent too much time learning about digging and not enough about history, so anything they find with an unexplainable level of complexity must have been built for some ooga booga caveman ritual shit. It drives me up the wall.

you posted sherman now fuck off to /jizz/ flaglette

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it's as likely to be a fucking gladiator arena as it is a temple


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Late night, good feels


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It's evidence of permanent or semi-permanent settlement at a time when people weren't supposed to be doing that, and they dislike it when people rock that boat too much. Therefore, in their minds, any structure that is complex, must be complex because they wanted to appease some deity with it; and not because they were intelligent people who wanted to settle down somewhere instead of being nomadic hunter-gatherers.

All people involved in history as a field will defy occam's razor in all manner of mindblowing ways just to justify their belief that civilization began with Sumeria. Partly because they don't want to have to go back and rewrite anything, and partly because they're scared of being associated with the ancient ayyliums people.

If you actually get these academic types into one-on-one off-the-record situations they'll often admit that a lot of the historical "conspiracy theories" out there have merit to them.

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Also Vintage videos

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hope he's ok out there

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Janny cant stop me im fighting my ban in court love you stay safe xo
Sent from McDonalds WiFi

Daily reminder to repent for your sins anons, you wont inherit God's Kingdom without his forgiveness.

I like cats

I will never repent this gains

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Some guy is honking and revving outside the mcdonanlds
I gotta get out of here

Today we play: Legitimate or illegitimate?

Pic related does not include glorious Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

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free it

Holy based, Virginia

Reminder to:
Free Palestine
Free Palpatine
Free Palantine
and of course
free shit

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I do ktf tho. I'm nowhere near as much of a history guy as you but even I get annoyed with these people.
Another good example of this kind of thing is the weird controversy around the Polynesian migration theory. Or like literally anything else to do with the Polynesians.

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Idk who that Dakota fella is but I've stated before I'll be the last poster in /dixie/ when Yas Forums is kill or everyone leaves and so it shall be

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it was always to be the last conwegian

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I am eternal

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the hell is this I'm looking at

I deny the existence of an American federal government

i deny existence

Google images calls it Russian Vedism
I don't actually know what it is, I just saw it on /tg/ and thought it looked cool

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slavic we wuzism

since when do you lurk fa/tg/uy threads

On and off for like a year and a bit
I don't even indulge in such neckbeardery so idk why I keep going back

luv me /tgesg/, nufin too fancy

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>Options on left
>hide quest threads
>hide drawthreads
>minimum score 20
>sort by highest score
all of the threads with a score that high are fucking god tier and worth a lurk
i personally submitted this one, Tyrone the Monk
>literally 10 years ago this month
fug why is the habbening
its a good thread weekends are enough to keep it stable but not shitty
the /vg/ elder scrolls thread is trash

I have the high ground tho

Also there is LITERALLY nothing wrong with Wikiwand

This is an ancient tome of knowledge

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it's the oldest continuous Yas Forums archive in existence
lord licorice is a national treasure