I wish i spent more time with my dad

i wish i spent more time with my dad
does Yas Forums love their dads?

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Is this a closet gay thread? I can't even tell anymore.

No, i beat my dad

Ofc, I'm not black

I've got a great dad.

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my dad doesn't smile that much

15 days ago I had an argument with him and haven't talked to him ever since. He got in my face with chest puffed acting all tuff. When he gets mad he sees red and thinks he can kick anyone's ass. It's depressing to see him coping that way while he's 65 years old, diabetic and underweight.
I lost most of the respect I had for him when he allowed my sister to convert to dogtestantism, raise a knife against him, kicking her outta the house and then allowing her to stay back after just 3 days. He looked like a weak ass cuck.
I'm 26, I weight way more than him and could lift him over my shoulders and tell him to fuck off. We both know I'd never raise my fist against him.
I suppose that as you grow old your heroes die and you have to learn to be your own hero, however nobody told me I'd be that difficult.

Yeah, I do.
I know if i get infected with this virus, my 28 year old.immune system stands a good chance.
But his...
I can't even spend time with him now because of social distancing.

ive had 3 failed fathers. no, im not black

Maybe when you have kids and love them more than anything in existence, you might understand why he puts up with you and your sister and gets so worked up.

Sure thing pal. Ever since I can remember I've been the rolemodel they wanted me to be. The thing is they have always had two measuring sticks for me and her.
Since kindergarden they allowed her to miss class, to oversleep, to fail assignments and shit. She always screams at them and acts like a bitch.
Once she tried to pull that shit on me and I smacked her. They punished me instead of her.

They expect you to be a man. Women are lesser beings, they are physically, intellectually, and emotionally weaker than men. That is why your parents hold you to a higher standard.

i have noticed that when they get old the faces of polish men turn into the polish flag: white at the top, red at the bottom.
why is this?

Yes, he doesn't love me tho, so

my parents have lived on the other side of the world from me for the past 10 years of my life. i'm either moving or they are.

they're good people. they get on my nerves a lot, but they're good people. i wish i got to see my dad more often, considering how i see him maybe 1-2 a year.

Not exactly, I tried getting close to him when I was young, but he doesn't interact a lot and sometimes is just irritating. I'll just try to have more of a role in my children's lives if I get to be a parent.

idk, had a """single""" mother and never met my dad

I never spent much time with my father and sometimes I'd go weeks without speaking a word to him. He was always very busy and worked long hours. He did raise me on his own and I appreciate everything he did for me.

yes. but my mother hates my dad. impossible to reunite them again.

yeah i love my dad. i feel sorry every day that i'm such a disappointment to him

I do, but both of us are the type of people that don’t like to show that much their emotions so I just hope he knows that I love him very much

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When it comes down to it, he's just happy your alive and well.
That's what any father really wants.

that's kinda gay

That piece of shit kicked the bucket in 04 and I honestly don't miss it. One less retard doing retarded shit.

Love is gay

I hate my father and blocked all contact.
He abused me for 20 years

He's kinda crippled right now, not fun to be around

Are you the gay German?

I didn't see him much growing up but last year had a really nice week with him. Got along with him better than I have anyone in my life. Was super wholesome and felt really nice. Feel bad for you anons who aren't close with your dads.

I occasionally chase him around with a butterknife and tell how I'll roast the fat fuck on a pole if we get quarantined.

Blessed image
Everyone itt will have good luck now

Patriotyzm becomes too strong to contain


>tfw you'll never have a red polish father who cares for you

i'd take out a whole town for my dad

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I am a dad and I spend a lot of time with my baby daughter.

I've never seen my dad

cute and based

i don't know. what i feel towards him isn't exactly love. nor hate. it's weird.

I suspect my dad's some kind of vampire, he's 55 now but hasn't aged a day in the last 10 years.

my dad went full schizo but he was a good man. I wish I could have a normal father though

I wish I spent more time with my father too, I spent a lot of time playing vidya, reading, fishing and such with my father, but he passed away during my teenage years and before we could do something truly meaningful together. He was a great father though, I loved him and miss him greatly.

My dad died 16 years ago, I was 16, he was 49

no i do not
until he was married to mom he spent more time in the pub or being pissed drunk
he cheated, he spent the family money on alcohol, he wasted the inheritence of my grandparents, got togather with 2 women after he divorced, didnt help us much, barely visited, and now that the last woman left him, he is trying to get back in the family because he is getting old

no, fuck off, try to get help from your "son" that isnt even yours, stupid asshat

He's terrible at raising kids (all 4 of us are failures) but I still love him. He's a great guy if not a bit of a doormat.

Yeah my dad is great. Funny working guy who always means well.

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im sorry user

Thanks bro. It still hurts sometimes, I cared for him very much.
Value your fathers if they are good people or at least they are trying to be

yes my dad is a good man. this corona meme really made me remember how lucky i am to have him still. hard to imagine he will be gone one day

My dad is based
>NEET for 30 years
>had 9 kids
>married a woman 9 years younger than him
>doesn't like living in the town, moved out to the countryside
>spends his time gardening, sitting on the internet and watching TV
>used Linux for a while


It is crazy how much it changes you. I really could spend every minute of every day with my son. I can’t help panic and worry every time he’s out of my sight

My retarded boomer Father cheated on my mom with some girl he met online and we found out because he accidentally sent pictures of her to my siblings in a group text, and he added her on his social media. When he found out that we knew he started threatening us for "hacking" him and now my parents are divorcing. So no.

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why do all americans and australians have divorced parents?

no, when o was young, we were all living in this big ass family house that belongs to my grandmother (his mom), we were living there for a very long time, suddenly when i was 18 he decided to cheat on my mother and make make his mother kick us all out of the house, so he can bring his new bitch in since it was pregnant. my mother, older brother and i had to move to a tiny bedroom at my grandma house (mom side) and lived there for 3 years, i had a 10 year old dog that i have to give it away when we move because of it, during my whole growing that dog was my best friend.... before shit hit the fan i told him to think clearly what he was doing otherwise he will be dying alone, just like his father did, and he didn't listen.. ill never forgive what he did to us.

its the eternal anglos deepest desire to tear things apart

No, I don't
He did hardcore drugs and beat me regularly
The cunt dropped dead a few years ago, good riddance

I wish I did, but he's very angry impossible to reason with. I juts had an argument over the virus with him. he still thinks its bullshit and doesn't care about catching it.

The girl as the same hairline as me

I do Love him. He is just a little narccicistic and we are both hot heads so we argue regularly. In the end we Love each other

I don't think there's such thing as "a little narcissistic"

yeah i visit him twice a week, usually stay afternoon and dinner. We watch tv shows, we talk politics, sometimes go for a drink. I love my dad, won't be able to see him for a few weeks because of the quarantine

Maybe he has narcissistic traits but he isnt narcissistic? Idk, its just that i take Zero bullshit and Call out every manipulating attempt when he does it so he gets pissed if that happens and im pissed because he is doing it.

Shouldn't he feel bad for manipulating and then stop doing that from now on?