is it called “chinese virus” in your country?
Is it called “chinese virus” in your country?
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no, who wants to admit that the Chinese blew up your economy?
everyone wants to lick chinas ass so they can do business with them. once their social credit system is world wide, you will regret every insult!
yes, the chinese are a virus in my country
Social credits sounds based if they guarantee me a gf if I'm a goodboy.
You are not a country
coronavirus just rolls off the tongue so much better
also, can your schizo president stop changing his target from China to Europe every two minutes?
>muh China
Christ the anglosphere is obsessed.
My social credit score is already 750 faggot. Pic mildly related.
ching chong virus
Reminder that Trump intentionally limited the number of test kits to keep the number of infected from getting too high.
>what is wrong with you
>coronavirus just rolls off the tongue so much better
Haha wow chinese people are just like us! Thanks for opening my eyes to this DAILYMAIL UK!
>just like us
Except I'm not a femcel like you freak.
Reminder that Guatemala sold out to the US on the jewish question for more gibs and is run by a leftist tyrant.
Trump is a retard, Italy's main life support through this has been China. (EU pretty much giving scraps in comparison).
If shit hits the fan here China's gonna remember all Trump's bullshit tweets and dumb meme trade wars.
This. This reminds me of the Hong Kong virus and the Zaire virus. Fortunately it's not going to be as bad as the Kansas virus that sparked a massive pandemic in the 1900s. That made the american flu look like child's play.
>the Chinese Virus
It's not racism, it's just Trump cucking out because he knows he fucked up and is going to kill tons of white people as a result.
Everything except that last part is true, yes. That said at least we still only recognize taiwan. No one on Yas Forums dabs on china more than us.
>That said at least we still only recognize taiwan.
Because you are a third world zionist anti-white country that is easy to sway with gibs. It's not really something to brag about.
>Live in a country with literally 10 men for every 7 women
>"Please assign me a boyfriend, I'm 30 and lonely :). Ewww, not him, I meant a tall and rich boyfriend"
Whenever I think I'm beginning to stop hating women, it flares up again. They always find new and fresh ways to piss me off.
the US gave them syphilis
>Italy's main life support through this has been China
Imagine believing this
God forbid a woman have some kind of hope for a handsome and tall bf....
Silence, simp!
To be fair, if all my options were Chinese “men”, I’d want an out too.
don't be racist! No other virus is called after a country or people! call it COVID-19
Spanish Flu? Black Plague?
>>what is wrong with you
Black isn't a country and the Spanish Flu pandemic originated in Kansas.
I was joking.
>and the Spanish Flu pandemic originated in Kansas.
How is this relevant to it being named after a country/people?
>Italy is accepting gibs from China
I personally prefer the term "wuhan virus".
>not wuflu
>not kung flu
I think a lot of left wing people here have gone full circle and are willing to defend totalitarian regimes for the sake of not appearing racist.
I prefer the "Trump virus" (but only when it is in North America.)
Wuflu is obnoxious its not even a flu, flu is short for InFLUenza virus
>not winnie the flu
So that's why the commies over on reddit hate china so much then? Also whining about "totalitarianism" makes you sound pretty jewish and small ngl.
Right wingers love totalitarianism though.
Reminder that Xi called it a "democratic hoax" and told americans to go to work even if they were sick with it. He also made sure that the US didn't have enough testing kits so that his administration would look better since it would have low confirmed infection numbers. He has also refused to help American states bolster their heatlhcare systems. China is truly evil.
WHO tried to push that politically correct covid 19 bullshit, but we know who was really behind that decision
plus, we aren't even in the WHO, so fuck em,
we're sticking with Wuhan Virus/Pneumonia all the way to avoid confusing the laypeople
This. I love how leftist and based Taiwan is. I plan on moving there once I complete my asian studies degree.
Taiwan has everything. Did you know we have faggots?
After MERS, WHO issued naming guidelines in 2015 that say new human infectious diseases should no longer be named after people, places, or foods among other things.
That's only because China started MERS brainlet. The CCP has been creating plagues since the Spanish flu.
Well since nobody from Wuhan is going to have it but absolutely everyone from the EU and the US who comes to Taiwan will, people should change it's name. You aren't still discriminating against mainlanders, are you? You know none of them have the virus right? The white people do.
LOL nice one. Triggered those incels.
We call it ching chong flu
No it's called coronavirus. Everyone with two brain-cells can see that he's trying to pin the blame on China for his world-historical fuck-up. Everyone with three-brain cells can tell that everyone else using it is trying to gin up anti-Chinese racism to make the Cold War 2 easier to sell.