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Blessing this thread.
About to get comfy and watch a film that I just downloaded desu
You mean Narutowicz
Wew, that pic was like 20 kg ago
no it was yesterday
I can't watch films.
Did she lose weight?
I dont watch anything made in he last 5 uears except the crown tbb
I am an incel. Very sleepy. Will sbed now.
I'm not sure if my data is up to date, but do westoids seem to be way more careless and thus more afflicted by corona?
It might be my central-centric jingoism speaking, but I think our cunts' reactions, while still pathetically late and insufficient, were faster and managed better than in most Western European cunts. (And, let's be honest, as a Visegradian, being better than Western Europe at literally anything is pretty much all I care about, even if we're just as fucked in the end)
I mean Bongistan's "dude herd immunity lmao" solution from which they're already backpedaling was so absurdly pants-on-head retarded that I can't even imagine what a clusterfuck their healthcare will become in a couple of weeks. I suspect they will have a more dire situation than Italy and BoJo will be remembered for all eternity as the dumbest fuck ever put in charge of Britain.
I'm not even mentioning Italy's usual fiesta-siesta attitude and caring more about muh football than their own fucking lives because that's a given.
Same with Spain.
France only now announced a lockdown, way too late.
Despite the low population and the culture of having 1 kilometer of personal space between each other, Sweden also somehow has a lot of cases, which by the way I don't understand (overcrowded Somali ghettos? idk), but whatever.
So I'm thinking this is similar to the terrorist attacks in the previous decade. We're (I mean both Visegrad and the CEE/post-gommie region in general) actually more considerate when it comes to dangers while westoids, despite being usually ahead of us in pretty much everything, are again proving to act like a bunch of stupid, spoiled manchildren with 0 common sense.
Then again maybe I'm just delusional and looking for excuses to feel better about V4, I dunno.
tommorow you wont be incel
Different camera lenses.
Whats that?
I am about to watch the last film from Clint Eastwood. Looks pretty okay
my life is no different after "social distancing" it just feels like i have an excuse now
Sitting on your ass and staring at a screen for 2 hours is a mind numbing brainlet activity. I always practice my playing at the same time.
>Whats that
The series about the brit royal family
It's okay, I just needed to vent some of my brain trash out.
Come to think of it that's what I ever do here, I post mostly for myself. You're all just background noise. Required, yet unimportant.
>westoids seem to be way more careless and thus more afflicted by corona?
Italians were beta testing corona and were not ready at all. Its all fun and games until 200-300 people start dying every day.
Johnson in UK just wants to do experiment with immunity for the lulz.
Merkel hates Germans and actually wants them to die.
My life would be so much better if I wasn't a potato-faced Slavic-looking ogre.
Today when I went to work I found out there were no crowded buses and not crowded downtown, very few pypo out, it was beautiful
Kek, luv ya too ;*
What kind of brainlet watches film while sitting? Get comfy and lie down
Oh. I would not enjoy that.
Read a book dummy >:3
Rich, western countries are in general more careless about their problems than poorer countries.
Well it's a number of factors:
1. Corona is still a meme disease. With mild symptoms for most normal people. It's just boomers want to live so hard that they would rather fuck the ecenomy than and our lives than die. So it goes unnoticed 80% the time.
2. We don't really test and we don't really go to the doctor. It's just a cultural thing imo. At least for Hungarians going to the doctor is the last resort.
3. The good goy (like hdi) indexes are being exposed by corona-chan. The epic Western healthcare system turned out be only existing on paper. Again number of factors here. Years of neglect and the draining of Central European doctors hid the problems. Fucking Germans come here to study medicine. They system stinks.
4. Illusion of grandeur and Western arrogance. Especially Brits they think that they are superior and they can do everything and "Thiis won't happen to me. This only happens to retards" mentality is really strong.
Years of watching YouTube videos killed my attention span. I can only watch like 10 minutes at the time at best.
>I would not enjoy that
Pleb, there's no gossip like royal gossip >:3
>Read a book
Im craving a noice book from walter smith desu, loved his novels when i was teen :3
Whats your fav author?
Of course they are. For example Macedonia has 120 respirators in the entire country, if it spreads too quickly they're fucked lmao.
Well, not that I'm excusing British retardation or something...
xMasterbladePwnUlol666x, author of the complete guide to Warhammer 3.
Are boomers the worst generation on the earth?
>Sexual revolution
>Hippy shit and the whole 68 faggotry
>The deregulation of the financial markets and the 2008 crash
>The deindustrialization of the West and despite this creating the climate catastrophe
>Pc culture
>The errodation of the welfare state
>The war against sandniggers and refugee crisis
>The 2020 crash and the Corona
Kek, kinda based desu
>Italians were beta testing corona and were not ready at all.
I think even if they were the last country on the planet to get it they'd still manage to completely ignore it and start reacting when it's far too late. That's the Med modus operandi. I imagine that's how Rome fell.
It's not even about deaths per se, but the sheer numbers of people requiring a hospital bed and even basic medical care is just too much to possibly handle.
>Johnson in UK just wants to do experiment with immunity for the lulz.
He's already backpedaling and called for a quarantine for seniors only. I wonder who's going to take care of them now and wipe their ass daily, if all the younger people are getting "herd immunity". I'm almost impressed with his irresponsibility.
>Merkel hates Germans and actually wants them to die.
Considering how much they rely on export, I wonder what will happen to their economy when the whole thing peaks. Bad times ahead.
i dont go into town often anyway
I genuinely meant it, no vitriol included.
one of my favourite songs
Tolkien :3
God I wish Warhammer 3 was out already
I'm so bored of this corona shit already that I had an irrational urge to punch my gf when she started talking about it.
Worst thing is all the midwits who think that they're insightful and feeling the need to share their midwit insights with others.
it'd be just as bad because you'd still have your potato-shaped soul and Slavic mentality of a permanent existential crisis
I didnt take any offence tho, I feel like that with most people desu
Wew what a meme, whats your second fav? J.K. Rowling? >:3
high quality taste
Sheldor pls
calm down you fucking idiot, you need to spend less time on the internet
>go to twitter
Corona schizophrenia
>go to tumblr
Corona schizophrenia
>go to IG, Yt, local tabloids
Corona schizophrenia
Fuck this gay earth
>Slavic mentality of a permanent existential crisis
Huge meme, actual Slavs are too bydloish, ignorant and/or low IQ to actually experience an existential crisis.
How can guy like Sloni get a gf?
Because of his magnetic personality
t. knower
And everybody's an expert on this shit all of a sudden, I'm like just STFU you low IQ retards, I don't wanna read or even see and thus acknowledge the existence of all the retarded bullshit that you spout.
All generations in history whined about kids these days and all kids whined about their cranky old parents being insufferable
It's a meme to the full extent of the term
He doesnt sperg out irl, he doesnt say what he thinks thats why he spergs here, its his outlet
>I had an irrational urge to punch my gf when she started talking about it.
Do you remember what I always say about your mental health?
Mah fuck rowling. Whats wrong with Tolkien? I like fantasy and he js like father of rantass.
Probably William King
You have a good taste too.
It's different this time, because boomers were the first generation with real global impact.
>magnetic personality
So this what foids call "annoying"?
I hope you do realize that he probably wasn't talking about my personality.
it's fine when the discussion about it is rational, but yeah people who try to spread panic and misinformation are pissing me off tbqh
thanks :)
I am talking about your personality. It's always "me me me!! My opinion!??", "Pay attention to me!!!", "Please say that I am ugly!!! Please saying anything just pay attention to me". You are a walking daddy issue.
Girls like alpha male behavior.
Im just teasing you, but he is kind of a meme desu, almost every fantasy reader seem to love him
I cant force myself to ad his books when I hated the movies desu
If he was annoying irl he wouldnt be so successful with grills, and he has friends too!
My theory is that he comes here to vent his feustrations desu
Thats another thing I noticed even before the chink flu, now everyone feels entitled to lecture you on anything! even worse now, my inner hermit gets triggered everytime
So having daddy issues as a guy makes you alpha...
Well we must observe him irl
You're more likely to die of boredom because of all the shit that you CAN'T DO NOW because hurr durr we have to protect pensioners and other vermin.
>You're more likely to die of boredom because of all the shit that you CAN'T DO NOW
lmao, big mood
You don't do anything beside posting here.
I feel oppressed.
Also that's not true, c'mon now.
Entry level safest choice for cheap nerd credo for basic bitch normies, literal primary school lecture.
Also in the hindsight it's a very typically english nordicist germanophilic selfwank. The old prick ronnie (small letter on purpose; I don't respect him) unknowingly used Slavic words in constructing his autismverse because he was 100% convinced they were of ANCIENT GERMANO-AENGLISH origins even though it's clearly provable they weren't. The only thing that makes less of an autistic asshole than Lovecraft is that he was slightly less open about it.
>Huge meme, actual Slavs are too bydloish, ignorant and/or low IQ to actually experience an existential crisis.
Suicide rates disagree with you
I would unironicaly meet him, I bet he's a chill and fun guy :3
Him and tramoski :3
Having hot choco
1. You go to uni
2. You go back to your flat
3. You chat with your gf
4. Your gf comes over
5. You post here
ofc he was, men dont really give a fuck about other men being ugly, and you are just painfully average instead, in the end what decides if we like people or not is how they behave, it just seems so silly to me when im sitting around with people who i know for years that i would decide upon their looks, and im quite sure its same with partner to a lesser degree of course, i cant imagine woman divorcing man for starting to bald or some shit
>It's different this time, because boomers were the first generation with real global impact.
Then it's not really their fault, is it? That's like blaming the wacky lizard-fish memeboy for learning how to breathe out of water.
>an existential crisis is the only possible reason why somebody would decide to suicide
Poolish monki.
almost everyone i know lives in perpetual existential crisis, depression and suicidal thoughts are unironically pretty widespread among zoomers
also being fat
>be slonoid
>have surface level of knowledge about everything because you are fucking autist that does nothing but read wikipedia and listens to nasheeds
>look down on average person because their values dont align with yours
Look at all these cute doggos :3
>Sloni does nothing but sperging 24/7
>teehee I bet he is chill and cool irl despite being zero evidence for that
Are you doing this because you want to make me mad or because your lizard brains makes you believe that Sloncho must very cool because he said you are going to die because of the cigs?
>It's always "me me me!! My opinion!??", "Pay attention to me!!!", "Please say that I am ugly!!! Please saying anything just pay attention to me". You are a walking daddy issue.
guys what if
Sloni is actually a girl????
gender dysphoria might be the issue here
No, I genuinely think hes a cool guy because I can see beyond the larp and shitposting, why would you get mad over that tho?
>he said you are going to die because of the cigs
He smokes too tho I think