Brazil why

Brazil why

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lots of cities in America and Canada had the same thing happen

in some cases it's pretty easy to explain, like due to big fires

top is dangerous, in ruin, hard to maintain, bad isolation, leaky roofs, no space for upgrade, and prone to disaster.
bottom is spacious, heated, good isolation, clean, sturd, space for upgrade, easy to maintain and have evacuation system and security features.
shut the fuck up

we unironically demand 850 billion euros from Germany for turning our cities from 1 to 2

these are all lies lmao
even the most basic architecture classes contradict everything you said

Just because it is old doesn't mean it is beautiful. Those are standard old buildings, not worth saving at all.

idk man, things change

Don't worry bro we still have many historical buildings intact and in very good condition

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Wey, have you been to Ciudad Juarez? Those motherfuckers like to intentioanally DESTROY 100+ year old buildings to build new "modern" shit buildings based on US american "architecture."


bottom: soulLESS

desu I must say the 'modern' street is very impressive and quite distinct, you won't see a city that looks like that anywhere in the world, while the first photo could be a generic European city

Norteños gonna Norteñear

I see this one every day

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No mames. Have you been to Mexico City? Those motherfuckers intentionally destroyed 1000+ year old pyramids for shitty european buildings that were later demolished for more modern and even shittier buildings.

They also dont put cheese to their cheesebreads.

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>mfw I'm working on a web app for an architecture firm that uses neural networks to design new buildings
Stay mad fagboys. Y'all have shit taste, the architecture in the top pic is bland as fuck.

Get ready for computer generated architecture. Lmao be sure to aim ypur tears directly into my mug.

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I know that feel

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Ok, but there's no need to destroy the old buildings in the process. Better get rid of those 80s and 90s staple skyscrapers

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Everything ought to be destroyed. If I had my way every building would be a pristine, featureless pyramid.

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Well at least that kind of destruction wasnt intentional.
I mean, it wasnt with aims of demolishing it build something shittier.
ok wait... you get my point.


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please stop using based steve for your shit opinions

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Top one is just an average Czech street

It's not as bad as it seems, Av. Paulista was once filled with "casarões" but they were private property and were slowly being demolished with time, many still stand though

Attached: casaraodapaulista08.jpg (528x377, 88.37K)

Brazil is ug-... Woah!

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>old good new bad

what is life like as a young, white professional in a gentrified neighborhood in Sao Paulo?

Before the war...

Attached: fb0f5680-3171-4905-af2d-cf554e04c2d1_thumb840.jpg (840x495, 140.04K)

...after the war. Hard to imagine this is the same street.

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são paulo is fucking shit, i hate it here

Rotterdam before after

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But argentina its white

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but it must be really great to make a lot of money and work on the top of a skyscraper in Avenida Paulista

That's true, to be fair

Not really. Everything is expensive there.
If you live with your parents things can be better

part 2

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WW2 bad, no shit. The western hemisphere is especially retarded because we did it to ourselves

It is, heaven on Earth. Just imagine being a chad executive working in place like this, driving a sports car. Damn life is unfair

Beauty is objective. Ask anyone who hasn't had their mind corrupted by (((academia))) which one is the most beautiful and 99% of the time they'll pick the top pic.

How did we fuck up the world so badly?

Yet another person that is not from São Paulo speaking for us.

It's okayish.

Hmm wonder who's behind this post

You know when there's a earthquake or any type of distaster, specially in Italy and then entire cities starts to crumble?

That's why.

Someone with taste. There's a reason why Italy and spain are the most visited countries on earth. Why all the most famous tourist cities have parts of their old cores or styles preserved. Also, studies confirmed people objectively like old styles and that brutalism, especially, gave people mental health problems

Funny, we have entire cities with historical buildings and yet shitholes like Rio de Janeiro are the most visited places in Brazil.

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sure buddy

The bombing of Rotterdam was a blessing in disguise for modern architects. They almost all destroyed the remaining old buildings after the bombing so they could build their own shitty 50/60/70s blocks.
They destroyed a big portion of the old medieval city centre of Utrecht to make place for the ugliest shopping mall ever.
They wanted to destroy the old city centre of Amsterdam to build highways where the old canals are now.

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I'm sure Rome, Florence, Venice, Genoa, Naples, etc are all in in ruins. 2000 year old Pantheon? Destroyed by an earthquake within a decade. Ruins pic related

Attached: Pantheon-day-rome-on-segway-26234d1acc.jpg (580x350, 76.43K)

Oh please, only sexpats and beach vacation plebs go to Rio. No one ever comes to see the city. It's a damn shame Brazil does not further restore old towns like that and put in a genuine tourism effort

Is that Ouro Preto?

The post WW2 building boom is proof modernists don't know how to construct cities and have 0 taste. Let us learn from their failures.

Stop being a faggot. Argentina is a nice place too

>It's a damn shame Brazil does not further restore old towns like that and put in a genuine tourism effort

Except they do, last time i went there they were reforming some of the buildings and the church.

No, it's Serro

I don't understand why keeping old buildings intact, other than nostalgia.
They were useful when they were first built and they served their purpose, why not replacing them with newer, more modern and safe buildings better suited for the XXI century?
Embracing the past accomplishes nothing, look at Niggertina, everybody just talks about how great this shithole was 100 years ago while we are defaulting for the 10th time in 10 years.

why the self hate bro? Buenos Aires is a beautiful place exactly because its old buildings

It's a disgusting shithole, if you were here what you saw was the same 10 blocks in the center of the city. The rest is a slum.

No we don't. 95% of them were torn down. Even some of the most important.

Zona sul and Pinheiros district is where the money's at. Pretty good services and pretty safe overall. I'm from SP so I'm not complaining. Generally the rich live in Jardins and Jardim Europa. Just google it, it's pretty awesome. I'm high middle class, but wish I was rich. The rich have it nice here.

Not all of us have made a retarded connection between enjoying beautiful architecture and national failures. Once you have lived surrounded by 30-40 story glass buildings that all look the same, block the sun, and cause wind tunnels you will understand how dehumanizing the experience really is.

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We do though, BH is filled with them, not all in good condition of course

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>more modern and safe buildings better suited for the XXI century?
Classical buildings are perfectly maintainable. A civilization must define itself in its urban environment. Anything else is globohomo.

>old good new bad

yes alien

That's not the real city. Belo Horizonte is an ugly agglomeration of buildings like most of Brazilian metropolis. Examples of traditional architecture are just islands in the sea of nude concrete.

Attached: Belo-Horizonte.jpg (640x477, 114.8K)

Even average cities in the countryside like mine had their heritage destroyed. Very little remains.

That's because Brazilians are unruly monkeys with history.

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