/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /belarus/

One of those nights editione

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fuck all of you and your mothers

that's not nice

I want to kill myself due to this pandemic and the future that'll follow

I just can't bring myself to cause my mom would get sad

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yeah im fuckin retarded

>corona virus? chill out bro and stay unprotected

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I never managed to travel abroad. Now probably won't ever have a chance


Was planning on going to finland next week.
Corona is not based.



my commieblock neighborhood a week or so from now

Situation as of now

Countries in the left will have their economy in shambles
Countries on the right will have hundreds of thousands of deaths
Countries in the middle will be fucked both ways

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bunch of whiny extroverts

>double penetration
where is estonia though?

are you the ftm tranny

on the left
not mine pic


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why do you lie

you want to see his (her) pussy again or something?

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Everyones economy will be fucked. Thats the "good" outcome for your cunt.
Might have to go and work in Selver or just commit a lithuanian.


What's the bad outcome?

dead and denbts

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But if everyone's economy will be fucked, does that really mean we will be poor? Maybe baltic countries will become western and rich in the meantime along with recovering west.
That would be based.

The Baltics will be the globohomo of tomorrow.

who wants to buy my baltic stonks. Need to help the poor west as I can

as long as your countries are self-sufficient in food production you should be able to mostly survive a great happening
the elderly could get fucked hard as no one but china is self-sufficient in medication production

farming and forestry game is still pretty strong here. also less pensions to pay out
win win situation desu

Lithuania is food exporter

>farming and forestry game is still pretty strong
EU killed our farming, what strong lmao
Our local farmers are out of competition, when big food export countries like Netherlands get hundreds of millions EU support and ours get barely a million. Go check local and import food prices. It's dead. Even our bread is being baked in Finland, chicken everything is import.

Dont be a stereotype you dumbdumb. Live a full and happy life and make meny children. It is never too late to turn your life around.

>forestry game
Yeah cutting down whole forests with nature protected areas heavily. Most of our forest land is owned by Ikea, retard

so you guys have western EU prices, eastern EU wages, and still import basic shit like bread from wealthier countries?
how does that even work?

They have managed to make it work. This country is sold out dont worry about it leaf, everything is sold out that you can think of, banks, forest, food etc etc literally everything is foreign owned

Thats a chuckle out of me bro.

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I meant it as, when the imports get cut off we still have farm land and local farmers to pick shit up.
Stay retarded.

sounds like you need a little national socialism

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Oh yeah, sure.
It's not like we're fucked enough as it is. Oh no, we need to chimp out and flex our non-existing military power projection and get our dear spot of soil on this God's Green Earth fucking raped by the internationals for real.
Based fucking leaf, I salute you.
Į sveikatą.

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happenings create opportunities and we're finally have a happening that could be really huge so you never know

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>one month of reduced economic activity
>in ruins
based retard
probably like 2 weeks max before everyone adapts

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Why does Belarus get TWO generals?

lot's of businesses can't be done from home, require constant income and is biologically hazardous, and they were shut down because of that.

Even bar/service industry is or tourism is both 5% of generated national bvp. Both are dying. Not to mention numerous other industries which were foreclosed or will be in a few weeks.

Also quarantine can be up to three months. What then?

in a month or two, countries on the right will be quarantined by the countries on the left
being on the right is the most retarded thing you can do

just means we will be thrown back to the shitter with the rest of them and still recover slower due to being less advanced

probably most realistic scenario

i am awake AT NO COST

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>Estonia whole day at 205
You did it! You stopped the spread! How did you do it?

Stopped testing

As far as I care we should just let the Virus kill all the old people.

Had same idea this morning, I'm 25 so virus is not deadly to me, need to get infected and visit every nursing home in this hellhole

I know people are being a bunch of pussies, but it's still jarring to see streets and parks mostly empty.

>asked to come into work
>everything locked down and no one to let me in
nu pizdėc :D

Hysteria hasn't really caught on here yet. Only thing I've noticed is that local stores have empty shelves, big supermarkets are still stocked.

My uni is closed for two weeks, hope they'll extend it for longer, I was a bit behind on work.


Ooh, first serious case in Lithuania. Guy had to be put on breathing support.


watch it suddenly climb to 200 cases in days

Not yet, that should start happening in about a week.