Lads, i just realized that finland is the whitest country in the world

Lads, i just realized that finland is the whitest country in the world

>most blondes
>most blue eyed people
>average male height 181cm
>drink the most milk in the world
>after balts, the highest amount of indo-european (Yamnaya) admixture in EU
>highest IQ in europe
>best education, pisa etc. in europe
>and the list goes on and on

How does this make you feel? i must admit that it feels good to be a literal blond god in this brown world

inb4 assblasted euromutts cry about:
>muh ancient history!!
i don't care and i won't reply to you
>b-but muh mongol meme!!! N1c and siberian admixture!!!!!!!
haplogroups don't determine your race or ethnicity and all northern europeans have that same east asian admixture. finns might have few% more, but on the other hand, scandis have way more southron and middle-eastern admixture. and if you're so obsessed with haplogroups, then you should know that western finland has the highest amount of I1 carriers in the world
>b-b-b-bb-b-bbut i've seen like 30 pics of asiatic looking finns!! finns are MONGOLS!!!!!!
yes, there are those hapa looking people in finland, i'll admit that at least. but how many are there? nobody knows. perhaps around 5-10% of finnish population. in my defense, you'll find those same mongoloids in scandinavia too.

Attached: finnish hockey players2.jpg (2364x2836, 1.74M)

Other urls found in this thread:

This guy is the most popular and famous Fenno-Swede in Finland
>b-but what Nalle? isn't he well-liked?
No, he is of Finnish descent(not Swedish) and opinions are deeply divided. Tim Sparv is actually of Swedish descent.

Attached: TimSparv.jpg (1008x719, 269.34K)

Why only pictures of men? Are you gay? Lmao

i can't name a single female hockey player

>That's White in Finland
I looked at everyone and all I can find is this guy who might look a little white depending on the profile

Attached: Namnlös.jpg (431x398, 58.9K)

>Why yes I am finn, the whitest phenotype in the world

Attached: images (47).jpg (600x338, 17.66K)

Half the guys don't even look good

I'm sure you know a lot about guys

here's your average swedish hockey player

Attached: 57340489353f4e99baa4f31f57b66daf.jpg (1200x630, 271.92K)

Their eyes are super close together, you need to switch some up to some black and white pictures.
Also you need to have a better eye in catching real whites.

Attached: Antti.png (465x570, 472.8K)

We have more blondes

Not really

I'm finnish, I just wanted to see clockwork replies

looking a bit off-white is what makes Finnish guys so sexyexotic for Swedish women

And I'm a bIg blÄck bVll who only fucks little swedish girls but who cares

>5 mil. population

I grew up with a finnish woman who looks like Aya, you can't fool me

Attached: 18298570_1715986742032873_8327323468135661568_n.jpg (1080x1350, 180.59K)

We are the second blondest country then

You don't. Norwegians are dark as fuck, thanks to celtic thralls and and those Spaniards who shipwrecked in 18th century or somethig

Obsessed with black people I see, you exposed your multiracial self.. mutts law
So much for ethnic solidarity Pekka :)

finnish men fuck swedish hoes on daily basis

Attached: petteri.jpg (462x594, 103.11K)


Attached: finne.jpg (1204x1300, 218.64K)

nobody cares stop doing these cringe threads you insecure faggot

why are swedes so brown?

Attached: 1566741187175.jpg (1280x718, 96.56K)

"Dark as fuck" lol. Thats sweden :^)

Celtic thralls and shipwrecked spaniards? Lmao, maybe 1% of the total population

thanks for the reply fellow master race representative we need all the replies we can get to keep this informative thread on the front page

>they're still butthurt


Why are they representing sweden when they are not swedish?. You are one that should be butthurt

No because we know its just banter my friend. We love you but we have little concerns about you storebror :)

Attached: kamerus.jpg (295x171, 7.81K)

Looks hapa or is it just me. Very good looking

I'm just helping the boy that's all

but why are swedes so brown

Attached: learnthedifference2.jpg (1350x800, 181.23K)

It's usually the opposite
I heard of many Swedes who have finish mothers


Attached: Finne.jpg (1226x1300, 185.66K)


He does look hapa yes. I have no idea if that's common or not up there(he's not exactly from southern Finland by my definition). He has a very sexy Czech girlfriend too. Slavic women dig the Asian look a lot I think.

You will never attain swedens revelance, contributions or fame deal with it finn. And you will always be the country next to Sweden and Russia forever.

Yes, finns post gay insecure shit about their cunt 24/7. This faggot is clearly projecting his own fantasies on everyone else. Literally nobody thinks of Finn males, here Swedish males are more talked about. I thought swedes and everyone else were exagerrating about finn mental illness until I seen it for myself.

You can meet swedes that have Finnish last names. Rarely they come from mothers.

Thanks for the concern my fren

Sadly it's probably beyond saving at this point, I hope you'll take the chance to join in now when it's our turn to do the civil war thingy

Attached: Finlands sak är vår.jpg (285x400, 34.63K)

i'd rather be a pimple than swede

Attached: fuck this flag.jpg (1280x720, 113.16K)

Why do you pretend to be Swedish?


Shut up, retard

Attached: giga.jpg (1673x2160, 328.11K)


You will never be Swedish you ugly mongol neaderthal

nah you're right i agree. if i could be reborn to any country in this world it would be finland

i've had a raging boner for finland since i was about 14


Attached: 1551119768008.jpg (2272x6676, 4M)

You need to go back, danskdjävel

Attached: Finlands sak är vår collage.jpg (640x912, 95.76K)

>mfw homo finns tried to cherrypick a collage of mostly ugly men, and none of which compete with 1 swedish man

Fuck off from my country parasite

Attached: .png (1365x794, 292.59K)

Kläm finnen

What's up nordmann

>1 swedish man

>does an ancestry test
LMAO have a look at this insecure cuck.

>31% norrbagge
Not too bad I guess

>6% Finland and Baltikum
Top kek, have a look at this hypocrite

2% jewish
Of course.

Hörru damp-autisten, jag är inte ens finne. Lugna dig.

This one. He writes books about masculine Finnish cops who have sex with Swedish women.
It could be a fetish.

Attached: Alexander_Ahndoril.jpg (621x840, 72.93K)

Bevisa det Ingen riktig svensk beter sig som dig

Inte jag ditt korkade kukhuvud
Men hur skulle jag ens kunna bevisa det?

And you look more normal, more western, less asiatic and weird like finn phenos.

such posts only humiliate us finns because we start to annoy everyone on Yas Forums

If scandi doesnt have finnic dna he isnt true scandi

It's quite easy to do.

First time visiting here after a year. Times are clearly too easy when a group of virgins around the world still discuss that is some irrelevant country white or not. Its the same circle jerk that i remember. Bunch of NEETs claiming national superiority over others.

Attached: precis.jpg (846x1058, 169.68K)

Other way around you retard.
A finn without Scandi DNA is just a swarthy Sami mongoloid or a short and unlikeable savolaiset subhuman.


Sluta breva och fokusera på att spruta ut lite fler ungar. Ni är för fan utdöende.

Ta en spruta och bli steril istället

Thats where you are wrong my Finnic brother.


Attached: 1444313339497.png (1226x1434, 1.05M)

That might be the case if Baltic Finns didn't exist, but they did and do.

>payinh 100 Euros to Rotschild just to see some retarded percenteages that don't mean anything.

Holy fuck, the retardation. You know that I could also just steal a pic online and show you? I know that all of my great grandparents were Swedish, I don't need a fucking DNA test to figure out my ancestry.

Morsomt. Det er svensker i sitt eget hjemland som kommer til å bli utryddet :^)

Just like I told you, Sami are swarthy.

just like you

Yeah everyone has their family tree and it's usually fully Swedish, but this tells you things on a deeper level than just names and dates. Like I said, it's easy and you could always post a timestamp if you're that paranoid of fakes.

Mm, väldigt komiskt, verkligen.


See Germans and everyone else on this list (cept you) CAN go around huffing and puffing and call themselves master race without it seeming like a complete joke. You can't. It is adorable though. You a cute.

Attached: Anglo BVLL.jpg (1200x800, 74.04K)

Im not a fennoswede but i can speak swedish though

>Slavic women dig the Asian look a lot I think
Lol no, unless by "Asian" you mean West Asian/Mediterranean look (which that guy does have).

>Like I said, it's easy and you could always post a timestamp if you're that paranoid of fakes.
How fucking low IQ are you?

Not on a Sami level. Doesn't matter anyway. I have brown hair and I feel zero insecurities about that. Brown haired blue eyed people are the fucking basis of European civilization.

Klovneverden har ingen grenser

Attached: 1584391093775.png (1856x1402, 2.46M)

His name means sparrow btw.

I have dark brown hair and I'm glad as fuck about it since blonde hair is feminine. I don't give a fuck about any of this I'm just trying to trigger you

Jo det har den. Det är Sverige som saknar gränser.

Cool. Never knew that. Maybe his ancestors liked birds.

are you that mad canadian who post shit about finnish cheekbones everyday?

>I don't need a fucking DNA test to figure out my ancestry.

You need to prove it because you're a Finn in denial

He doesn't look Mediterranean at all you're deliring

>I don't give a fuck about any of this I'm just trying to trigger you
I know.

>I have dark brown hair and I'm glad as fuck about it

I thought finns digged the "asian" look isn't that why their marriages with arabs is so high?

I wouldn't be able to prove it anyway you fucking retard. I could still fabricate a result and add timestamp.

>You need to prove it because you're a Finn in denial
Oh for fucks sake. My aunt did one of those retarded tests and she was maybe 80% Scandinavian, rest Northern European. Is this "proof" enough for you?

I've been away from Yas Forums for 1.5 years and living my life, fell in love and got a gf and everything. Sad that to see that he's actually still here spamming, and the sadder part is that he doesn't even realize what he's missing.

>My aunt
Absolutely not

What's up with delirious trannies in this thread

Perhaps, who knows.

This. We're just wasting the best years of our life on this retarded site.

I'm not giving away my dna to (((corporations))) you stupid stormfag


and such people call you autistic ...