تي خر زكمكانت شن ناقصك زب ف تينتك ولا كيف
ادوي باهي
والمره الجايه وجه الكلام لمن ومني
راك براني يا فرخ القحبه
حتي سبانك بايخ للللرف general
/MENA/ + /IL/
Other urls found in this thread:
umm yea, cringe department? yeah i'd like to report a thread, on the Yas Forums board, israeli flag, alright thanks.
Delete the image of that roastie immediately, next time post a anime girl you idiot.
>look at the traitors that will fill this general now
why so anti semitic bro?
no she cute
Anime is not allowed on /mena/
Actually you're based, as long as you make weebtards seethe you're based.
Ok /mena/
This is my last post
janny gonna delete it
If you come back your mother will instantly die
she looks way better without makeup
Brooos my cat sick, could it be Corona?
thanks. you hated the /il/ part i know that
My pregnant cat coofed while i was sitting next to her smoking and i kicked her pretty on her ass pretty fucking hard she went flying into the wall.
Hoe did your thread go? Also based animal abuse.
Bost some songs guys, i'm bored asf
what does /il/ stand for?
Man I want to go back to college, my search for my future twink husband shall not be ended.
Who's that bitch's father anyway? Also did they found out who the whore who said "احا" was?
heard that.
Probably some random rich faggot, all these bourgeoisie roasties think they are entitled.
يا رب يغتصبوها و يقطعو راصها و يشخو في.رقبتها
Internalized lesbianism
i was browsing Yas Forums and came across this, turns out baljeeki was a liar and never actually posted his body here.
Imagine refusing to enter quarantine because muh daddy.
The rich should be hanged. This country needs a revolution and all with an income of more than 2k JDs should be publicly displayed in the streets (after decapitation)
post more Islamic women
do i have to convert to go balls deep in poki bros?
Imagine her a muslima crushing your head with her thighs for being a dirty American kafir
why the fuck do nafris have that slight chinky eye and yellow skin
Pls give me hug
fuck off hes mine
I thought for the longest time she was a hapa of some sort.
yudenfrei :)))
she larps as asian alot and try to distence herself from being nafri
you're just using me as a statues symbol
you should be ashamed
this thread is good we don't need your shit
I just want a hug
t.butthurt shia
stfu you cancerous dias-poo-ra
does this happen in your country?
Irak.....my wife.
i'm hairy, muscly, and my dick is 23 cm
But irak is my wife.
>picks up a yellow apple
why are rosties so dumb ?
This song is actually about Jews: youtube.com
Im quarantined from work god damn this ultra brainlet hysteria.
>jannies deletes thread
get rekt sunnigger
not him but i can be your bf if you cuddle with me and hear me when i talk and pretend to care about it
Who knew MLP could be so based and redpilled?
Where can I sweep my shitposting sins to the hole of the ever nothing and get the time I've wasted fucking back?
Sounds nice.
start by leaving this site
amazing.... bros..
>get rekt sunnigger