/balk/ We thank China edition

And president Xi Jinping

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first for sit at home and watch anime

first for qt government mandated party waifus

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Amerikkkans created the virus

Sell the ideia of chinese as the "sick man of Asia".
Destroy the iranian regime.
Install the ID2020 agenda.
Kill old european pensioners.
Justify the economic crisis.
Avoid riots on the streets

August 2019: Fort Detrick bioweapon facility is closed because of protocol violations.
October 2019: Wuhan military games with 200 amerikan soldiers.
October 2019: Event 201 sponsored by Bill Gates.
November 2019: western media creates the narrative about contamined bats inspired by the movie Contagion (2011)

Take your meds

Cѐ штo тpeбa дa знaeтe зa SARS – CoV - 2

SARS-CoV-2 e нoвиoт виpyc oд фaмилијaтa нa кopoнaвиpycи пopaди кoј штo CЗO пpoглacи пaндeмијa нa 11.03.2020. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) – CoV (Corona Virus) – 2 (тип нa виpyc). COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease - 19) e имeтo нa зaбoлyвaњeтo кoe штo oвoј виpyc гo пpeдизвикyвa. Знaчи SARS - CoV-2 e виpycoт, a COVID-19 e зaбoлyвaњeтo пpeдизвикaнo oд oвoј виpyc.

Гoлeминaтa нa eдeн виpиoн oд oвoј виpyc e oд 50-200 нaнoмeтpи вo дијaмeтap. Cпaѓa вo гpyпaтa нa eднoвepижни PHA виpycи и вo нeгoвaтa фaмилијa coronaviridae ocвeн нeгo, члeнoви ce yштe 6 дpyги виpycи oд кoи 4 oд нив ce пpeдизвикyвaчи oбичнa нacтинкa, кaкo и MERS(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) и SARS.

Bиpycoт ce шиpи пo aepo-кaпкoв пaт oднocнo co вдишyвaњe нa флигeoвитe кaпки кoи штo ce paceвaaт кoгa зaбoлeниoт ќe кaшлa или кивнe. Иcтo тaкa, мoжнa e индиpeктнa тpaнcмиcијa, oднocнo, мoжe дa ce зapaзимe и дoкoлкy co paкaтa дoпиpaмe пoвpшини нa кoи штo ce нaoѓa виpycoт и пoтoa co иcтaтa paкa ce дoпиpaмe нa ycтaтa, нocoт или oчитe.

Fuck ching chong atheists and their false "gods"

Пaциeнтитe имaaт нaјгoлeмa шaнca дa гo пpeнecaт виpycoт нa дpyги вo пepиoдoт кoгa нивнитe cимптoми ce нaјизpaзeни. Ce cмeтa дeкa e мoжнo виpycoт дa ce пpeнece oд чoвeк нa чoвeк и вo пepиoдoт нa инкyбaцијa (пepиoд вo кoј штo пaциeнтoт нeмa cимптoми a e инфициpaн) мeѓyтoa oвa нe e глaвeн нaчин нa пpeнoc нa виpycoт.

Пepиoдoт нa инкyбaцијa кaј 50% oд cлyчaитe e 5 дeнa, 75% oд инфициpaнитe ќe paзвијaт cимптoми дo 7-миoт дeн дoдeкa пaк 99% oд инфициpaнитe ќe paзвијaт cимптoми дo 14-тиoт дeн. Глaвни cимптoми нa виpycoт ce пoкaчeнa тeлecнa тeмпepaтypa нaд 38.5 cтeпeни цeлзиycoви, тpecкa, cyвo гpлo и cyвa кaшлицa.

Cпeцифичнa тepaпијa зa oвoј виpyc нe пocтoи. Пaциeнтитe ce лeкyвaaт cимптoмaтcки и co paзни aнтивиpycни лeкoви кaкo pитoнaвиp (ХИB пpoтeaзa инхибитop), peмдecивиp, гaлидecивиp, pибaвиpин и eмтpицитaбин. Oвa ce иcтитe aнтивиpycни лeкoви кoи штo ce кopиcтaт вo тpeтмaн нa ХИB, Eбoлa, Mapбypг, Зикa и Жoлтa тpecкa.

Now transkate it into our second official wide country implemented second language

Learn the ONE AND ONLY, shiptaroid scum.

apete4ka is gone but the new janny is even worse holy shit

>cairshqip is the butthurt "monkeydonian" that reports every post
And now it all makes sense.

i am sexually repressed. wat do?

lol really, why'd they fire him?

1. Bulgarians
172. Dogshit
173. Macedonians
248. Getting tooth paste on your shirt just before going outside
249. 3 flying cockroaches in your room
250. Chinese

fuck a girl

Now that the depression has officially started, how long will it take?

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This idiots been posting this several times.
Just makes u look stupid tbqh.

Just imagine that world after the virus will never be the same, there will be no mass tourism anymore, countries with economy based on tourism industry will get hit the most.

>countries with economy based on tourism industry will get hit the most.
great, now we'll see more ohrid subhumans in skopje

not possible

People wont stop travelling once this is gone. But I'm sure all trust in China has been lost and their industry will go to shit.

I don't get how so many of the corona patients here got the virus abroad, especially in Italy and now Netherlands.
Is everyone fucking infected there?

>This idiots been posting this several times.
>Just makes u look stupid tbqh.

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Fuck a cute boy.

>People wont stop travelling once this is gone.

not completely but additional precautions will be taken and tourism will become more expensive, hence less people will travel, we can also expect countries to resign from the open borders policy, maybe Schengen will be suspended or dramatically changed

>But I'm sure all trust in China has been lost and their industry will go to shit.

they're already returning to the previous state, maybe some key industries important for public safety will be moved back to Europe but that's not much

i hope at least the pharmaceutical industry will return to Europe

Get a vasectomy, it permanently kills your sex drive

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I wonder how is it to live in a city without tourists, foreign languages and AirBNB, must be a paradise with low rents and little traffic



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hello retarded austria flag

you are so dumb that you can't even bait
go watch anime

What posts, i never report

>go watch anime

im unironically doing it right now lmaooo



you got no dick or something?

might as well

a beautiful world

Why do Poles hate Russians but love Germans? Didnt Germans fuck Poland over historically far more often?



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stockholm syndrome

>but love Germans?

who told you that

we still demand war reparations from them

but at least they (gradually and slowly) return stolen art to us, unlike Russians


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If you want to take a jab at Finnshits you can do it there I set the stage.

we are watching history unfolding


EU turned their backs away but China didn't.
New world order.


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Lmao. Russians to this day dont return the stolen art from us either.

>references part longer than the actual article

My feeling says tomorrow it will come back hard, screencap this.

>kills boomers
>btfo yuropoor economies
>repels obnoxious tourists
Can this virus get more based?

prepare for -20% GDP this year, Greece will get hit the most with corona+refugee crisis+aggressive Turkish activities+debts

DEATH TO THE e""""u"""'

Without EU and tourists Greece would be Venezuela 2.0. You guys can't run countries without crashing it to the ground.


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>1 month ago
>perfectly normal
>fast forward
>the world is crashing with no signs of regressing

DESU, death to g*rms and n*rds. Med countries unite again.

Corona will bring more major corporations to Sofia

Tourism will fall globally so it evens out. Migrants have been checked at the border. If Germany tries some shit we can always send them some peace loving refugees

>said the soultanate with the meme currency

>spread corona virus among migrants
>oh, we have to get rid of them because they're not cooperating and are a danger to us
300IQ plan

Should I go buy a monitor tommorow before quarantine gets too huge. My current one isnt working and I will be probably need one.

doubt covid is not spreading among them as we speak.

what if theyre telling us to stay inside so they refugees pass through bulgaria safely on their way to germany

Shops are closing down in Wednesday here so hurry up i guess

Am I wrong, though? Didn't EU had to wipe your ass as if it were there to babysit Greece every time your government shitted itself in 2010's? I'm not even talking about their adamant support of Greece in Cyprus issue too. Without EU I have my doubts that Greece would exist at all.

very insightful
>if other people lose money it's like we didn't lose money

>Tourism will fall globally so it evens out.

still obviously countries whose GDP is based mostly on tourism will be more affected

>Migrants have been checked at the border.

for now. And the situation has been presented very negatively and demonised in the world media, like you had a real invasion and your army has to shoot to fend these people off, it doesn't look good seriously


why are Turks so obsessed with Greece? it's 8 times less populous than Turkey, not a real threat but Turks are fixed on Greece and Greeks and love arguing with them

Turks shut the gate days ago in case you haven't followed anything but Corona

Who the fuck buys tech in a store, boomer
Just order it

>Waiting 15 days for a toy

I ordered and it came broken why would I do that again gypsy faggot they will show me that its working first


>no test option

Who the fuck lets these kids hang out outside at these times. Man people are fucking retarded for still not taking the situation seriously

our Minister of Environment is infected


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It's literally the other way around. Wherever you go on the internet you'll see a cohort of Armenians and Greeks obsessively talking about Turkey as if it's the only thing they can think about meanwhile Turks barely recognize their existence at all and when we recognize their pitiful existence and take a piss out of them they intensify their spam even more. They are so obsessed with Turkey that they even know nicknames for TAF soldiers like "Mehmetçik".

Literally all the bigger stores have 1 day delivery
No idea from what ghetto-ass places you buy you poorfag shit but literally every non-garbage company has the "inspect and pay" option or return in 10-30 days option

Considering that the debt rose from 120% ,when in theory we went bankrupt, to 180% under the so called bail out i would say no. Instead, we bailed out western euro banks.
As for the Cyprus issue the eu did nothing other than some statements about what a meanie you are. You're drilling, and you kicked the Italians out of the contested area. Did you see any sanctions or military intervention? The French mobilised a bit since their interests are being hurt by you.

if shit really goes down hill our neet ass is gonna have to go out of the house and we know how that's gonna end

god bless anons who make these memes

>you'll see a cohort of Armenians and Greeks obsessively talking about Turkey

that's understandable, Turkey is a big, very important country

>They are so obsessed with Turkey that they even know nicknames for TAF soldiers like "Mehmetçik".

why wouldn't they if the history of the Ottoman Empire is also their history

Imagine being some big ass store and sending me a broken monitor in shitfia during quarantine. Yeah I am thinking you are some lazy tech faggot who is also too lazy to check if a product works before sending it to a client

this is the best one to come out of all this, haven't laughed at a wojack in a while


it's like you don't know the delivery guys are literal downies

>Literally all the bigger stores have 1 day delivery
I fucking can't stand waiting any more than what it takes to get my ass to the store which is 20 minutes with taxi

Federal reserve is preparing to print $75 trillion dollars, not even kidding look it up. They're desperate

Tourism is a burden and causes backwardness in the longrun. Raises rents, causes squalor, worsens labor conditions.
>And the situation has been presented very negatively
not really. The Guardian reported about that ambiguous dead migrant video, Erdogan called us nazi and Europe was completely silent about since they don't want any more migrants arriving. Didn't you send 100 border guards btw?