Who do you play as?

who do you play as?

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The dutch and the americans are the comfiest, greece and russia are also fun


>yes i only play with romes and greeks how could you tell

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anime girls from mods

i always played as barbarians on the first civ. are there new versions of it? i need that in my life, now. its the only game i really miss.

Austria, Egypt or Indon

they are especially good because of a possible bug that lets you purchase newly placed cities from AIs, but only on your first turn after the build it and no other turns. You end up with full control of the city instead of it being a puppet.

Venice is probably the worst civ by far. Even a "blank" civ with no bonuses or modifiers would be stronger than Venice

>t. played it once and couldn't figure out how to win with it

I don't play mobile games.
Currently going through Homeworld, not remastered.

babylon for maximum big brains

nigger I've won games with almost every civ at deity
venice is just shit, if you think it's good then you clearly suck at a game and don't know how to expand properly

I just stick with 3-4 cities total (purchased ones so I control them) and that's usually enough to take advantage of all the trade routes they have. Focus on building for whatever type of victory you are going for and just buy military units with your huge gold fund (from your trade routes) if you get attacked. Works for me.

Does it work for you reliably on Deity difficulty?

Yeah I'm the one who sucks for winning with the worst civ in the game.
Smart logic.

Byzantium, Persia, Spain and Russia were my favs.

>t. too poor to afford it


well, if you can win reliably with Venice on deity difficulty then you must indeed be a great player, although it's confusing to me how a good player could have such a poor insight on this game mechanics to consider this shit civ to be any good

Who else here uses the no quitters mod?

Honestly so much more fun. But I have a feeling the Freedom ideology is WAY overpowered in this mod.

Also Sweden, Korea, Brazil (for tourism victory) all seem too overpowered in this mod

if playing with lots of islands for muh spies and ships


if playing normally india for muh workers

>although it's confusing to me how a good player could have such a poor insight on this game mechanics to consider this shit civ to be any good
I don't remember saying it was one of the greater civs. It's also the most enjoyable civ to play.

For me, it's the aztecs. So comfy to sit at home painting the map with blood and wait for all this nonsense to pass.

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I like more of them than I dislike but the Chinese are pretty great iirc. Can't remember my other favs. You're my nigga no matter who you play, for posting about this and not 6.

Polynesia is really fun to play as

Mongólia and germany

I've never played any Civ game.

The Aztecs winning culture by killing you enemies it's pretty dank

i kind of want to download civ 4 again.

Alberto Barbossa

Nobunaga is overpowered as fuck in civ v

I like civ vi better where Suleiman is extremely overpowered

I love Japan but I didn't think he was overpowered.

incas are fun, chillin in the mountains

russia, poland, and rome

as a military civ, yeah

having all of your units trounce anything because they always act as 10/10 damage is pretty OP

>trying to have a peaceful civ 5 game (going for science/culture victory)
>end up conquering the entire world anyway
Anyone else has this problem?

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Do you play as NebuCHADnezzar or Sejong the Great? Those are my two favorite


I don't play C*v V, too easy
I usually play as Japan/Austria in Vic 2

Yea Korea is arguably the best civ. But I like Brazil too


Spain or China

In Civ5 I like to play as the Dutch, Russians, and Japanese. In Civ2 i like the English Americans and Chinese.

Yes I'm not very patient so no matter who I play as I usually take out a nation or 6.

nah.. mp maybe but single player venice is a great civ to play.
i roll random most times since i go deity every time and its too easy and samey wit science civs

CK2 or GTFO.

really? its not that big an advantage as you think. if you properly build up your empire and have enough units the small up that japanese units have really isnt much in the big scheme of things imo

Vic 2 is based, especially with the HDM mod.
Haven't played CKII yet

GB, Rome, Dutch, Russians, lately as Nazi Germany (mod).

Then you definitely should try it :^)
But forget about real life. You take a seat to play for a few hours and then you're gone for a few day.

Russia and get that culture victory

Egypt because workers and wonders

Korea if trying to win. Random if for fun.

Patrician choice.

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this, the wonders are op

It doesn't matter, you win by rushing science