I like them

I like them

Attached: 608px-Flag-map_of_Finland.svg.png (608x1202, 92.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I like me

i don't



Attached: a773e654.jpg (240x240, 8.42K)




Ei saa peittää

hurri perkele maska vahinkorvauksia seitsemästä sorron vuosisadasta

I am from Finland (Suomi)

i hate swarthalians


Is Swedish butter some kind of meme in Finland?


meikämandoliini nauraa näille vitun hurreille ja homoille jotka hokee jotain maan_nimiä

Probably because you are gay


Finns are the most unfunny and attention seeking losers I've seen online. They are also ugly as fuck. I loathe them.

Attached: 1489072793940.jpg (800x1200, 216.68K)

There's one fag poster on this flag and he's Hungarian

not really, that even more retarded looking frog is called "lättä" ie. "squashed" and the word happens to come close to "lätta". Nothing really to do with the actual product other than the name. That's one bad tasting margarine by the way:D

enjoy your ban :)

He is not normal Finn you idiot. This is.

Attached: Ristolainen.jpg (413x594, 70.88K)

Finns are bad people and bad Yas Forums posters.

No one in Uganda looks like this

Newfags don't remember

Attached: UncleSamPatriot on int.jpg (4000x3000, 2.54M)

>this is considered attractive in Finland

Ask your sister if he's attractive you gayman bbcslut

There's something about the Finnish phenotype that makes me wanna puke.

Attached: 1496774003845.jpg (1439x1440, 206.84K)

This is a hangover pic nobody looks like that normally

>That's one bad tasting margarine by the way:D
Yeah I'm pretty sure it's not even real butter.

Why are germans and swedes so rude to suomi?

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There's an event called kotkan meripäivät(eagles seadays) and after it we all look like this

Most Finns I've seen so far looked like that or similar. I guess you're really something special, but not in a good way as you think

Attached: 1444230376037.png (621x349, 410.45K)

Himmler carried a copy of the Kalevala and a kantele everywhere he goed

But anime taught me that they're pretty and funny.

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Maooo this German is fumigating

under finnish flags found follownjg freakshows
>romania beggear
>homo in mental asylym

Corona is frying his vatnik brains

That german flag is a butthurt Russian diaspora and got btfod in another thread so he came seethe here even more

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I prefer their nextdoor neighbors but they're ok

Attached: Russian bf.webm (480x480, 2.51M)

Get a real life downie

Attached: Down Syndrome.png (2000x882, 225.26K)

i love italy :3

This explains a lot of finn posters

WHO source associated with the picture on Wikipedia says zero Finns died of Downs syndrome in 2012


Attached: downie deaths.jpg (1468x571, 330.84K)

...and in fact, in Finland, downs are born below the European average

God I love destroying you with facts, seethe more russhit.

Attached: 1551891412854.png (1280x544, 51.88K)

>He actually looked that up
lmao seething. Don't you have anything better to do in your life than defend your down syndrome-ridden country 24/7?

Get a life, seething Finnshit.

Attached: PKN.jpg (776x485, 94.29K)

Says the one seething here about us 24/7 and posting fake statistics :D

>I love destroying you with facts

Attached: DESTROYED WITH FACTS.jpg (1080x1180, 106.92K)

>Wikipedia is fake nooo

>says the guy making anti-finn threads


Attached: finne.jpg (1204x1300, 218.64K)

Finns are absolute cringe lords. They think they have weaponized autism but in reality it's just autism (plus down syndrome)

>muh ryssä


Finland for the Finns.
Close the fucking borders.
This is not what the Veterans fought for.

Attached: perus.png (1337x1063, 1.86M)

Can't tell which is more cringe shirt ässät or RAC

be nice to my finnish brothers

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This schizo thinks I'm a Russian for some reason. Finland is part of the butthurt belt so I guess that's why

Shut the fuck up ryssdjävel.

Wasn't the guy in the middle banned from PeruS because he turned out to be an ethnonationalist and a fascist? What a madlad

Attached: Toni Jalonen.jpg (770x770, 32.42K)

Damn you use swearwords in your own language that I don't understand. Why are you so cool

He's a boat-rocking doofus, that's what he is. What he and his pals are up to will lead to nothing except some cringelords refusing to vote PS.

Attached: VIctory at Narva.jpg (2000x1471, 899.74K)

the absolute truth and nothing but the truth

He's a madlad. What will he do now?

Cringe and autistic


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>Cringe and autistic

Attached: eat shit.png (678x718, 466.2K)

Totally proved me wrong there

Nice fetish you disgusting pervert

That's rich coming from a German.

what is tihs thread:DD

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