/dixie/ - Southern US + friends

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you all posting in a gas hick thread

oh looooook everyone it's that picture again HE POSTED THE PICTURE AGAIN HAHAHAHAHA SO HILARIOUS

inb4 eurotang
container zone

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>container zone



Does Cobb live out of his truck?

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this shit was the bomb when I was a kid

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how did you smuggle this capitalist product into Soviet Austroafghanistan?

grandpa was a gong farmer of the local collective farming community and had contacts in kremlin

Repostin' for use of dead thread as usual

so you are staying in a foreign country during a worldwide pandemic
and you live in a hostel
harold, your future does not look good

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I think my parents had that when they were kids. I never saw it

he does manual work and eats apples and is young, he`ll be fine

when you get the virus, demons start nibbling on your soul

oh no he might catch an illness with a .2% chance of killing him


my soul has already been nibbled on by ex`s i fear no daemon

i think the ctezh might a 20 year old panicker

they will stick their tail up your butthole and tickle your clavicles

He'll be fine. He's young and healthy

I have been doing nothing but reading and watching coronavirus news for the past 3 days

based coronatard

I do sit in my truck to smoke

I got a 2 month supply of food under my bed, 3 hand sanitizer bottles, a box full of latex gloves, 5 masks, a year worth of vitamins and essential supplements and now I don't even have to leave my house for the next 3 months

Masks don't accomplish anything, but otherwise good.

starting tomorrow, you cannot take the subway or bus or tram in Prague unless you are wearing a mask

they do stop you spreading the disease, but thats about it

I have never read a news article nor bought food in my life.

based Silesian

not like the coronavirus can penetrate your coal encrusted lungs anyway

If you cough in them, the air you cough out just puffs up the mask and goes out of the sides

but the spit (which carries the virus) gets on the mask and not on your hands
how does the the air matter

also the mask does not move anywhere, just tried it

the virus is in the water droplets that hang in the air after you cough
so if someone coughs in a closed room and you walk in after 5 minutes, you can get it

based finnoid practice coofing

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particles in the air can carry it. yes, spit can carry it too.
I saw someone coughing wearing a mask this weekend. they did cough. the mask did move. which mask do you have?

general white surgical mask, its not that thick

this one is the one most people are wearing outside and its booboo if you are coughing up a lung in one. I mean REALLY coughing. maybe some of the 3m's move less

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my coronagear

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my coronagear

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you look like that swedish school shooter that stabbed people with a katana

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Think it needs to be 60% to be sanitizer

>swedish school shooter
>that stabbed
>that stabbed

It's the thought that counts

school stabber just doesn't have the same weight as school shooter
I stabbed my friends hand with scissors when I was a kid, but that doesn't put me on the same level as school shooter

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I have never played laser tag

Last time I went laser tagging was for a friend's birthday when we were like 15
I got a broken vest that would only register hits like 10% of the time so I just ran around destroying everybody with 0 consequences

is that when you peaked

>these are the people that shit on the US for the "mass shooting pandemic"

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fuck off flaglet

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Uh yes

let's have a rematch