Do you find White women attractive?

I'm not sure if I like pale skin. Brown and tanned tones always seem hotter. Especially in the legs and private regions

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Dominican guy here, light brown with straight hair so allot of people mistake me for a mexican. anyways ever since i was a kid i was always attracted to German and Swedish women :)

brown guy here, pale skin is what gets me hard

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Yes very

For me it's the thought of making them suffer during sex

But their pussies are the same color as their skin. Very plain. I like it when the pussy is browner than the rest of the body. Yummy


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Dominican guy here, Yes. White women, best women.

look man it''s just what i'm attracted too, i fucking despise my own women so when ever a white girl finds me cute, i feel like i'm in heaven

no, i would only fuck white guys exclusively.

White women are looks too manly,old.
Not my type.

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t. pvt Garcia

I'm Japs.
and I love cutie jap girl.
jap girls are best.

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i wish i had a Japanese goddess as my wife. do japanese girls like Latinos?

Japs look like aliens.

I look Latinos and had a bunch of jap girls.

Better if you are mestizo and not those short Indios

>Japs look like aliens.
fuck off they are goddesses!

>I look Latinos and had a bunch of jap girls.

>Better if you are mestizo and not those short Indios

trust me i'm dominican, but i do look mexican so will it fuck with my dating game?

Japanese women are cute

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I like pale feet and armpits and pink nipples. But Latinas can offer me that anyways so I’d say I like them but not as much as my fellow spics

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do they like Latino men? i want a Japanese goddess as my wife so fucking badly bros

>white women thread
>flooded by self hating Latinos
everytiem. Why?

No, white women are fisgusting. I don't know how anyone can unironically worship cumskins.

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Nonsuch thing as Latins with pink nipples


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what? i'm dominican and i don't hate myself at all. white women are my favorite race

No, they scare me.

I find all women attractive except aboriginals and asians.

No they are ugly fat and look like men

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Japanese women are better than white women.

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you like brown arab girls?

There is such a thing as that, first and third gfs had pink nipples

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Hurr durr models represent the entire race of ugly insects

white women looks men.
looks too old.

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>you like brown arab girls?
Sure. As long as the nose stays in check, they can be stunners. I dated an Iranian, tightest girl i've ever had and the most expressive eyes.

this, Japanese women are literally better in looks compared to the most aryan of all women. i would go far as to say they are the true aryan goddesses of the planet and i will marry one and turn her into my spanish queen

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wh*te "women" BTFO: the thread

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yes wh*te women are disgusting Japanese girls are much prettier

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damn white boys pretty based, how about Latinas?

>Brown eyes
Soulless desu

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No, I have a weird preference for "brown" women. Latinas, darker MENA girls, SEA girls, Polynesians, even some of the mystery meat mutt chicks I run into sometimes. Anything else just seems unattractive.

Japanese women are so much better than stinky manly white "women"

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based white boy

i want to have so many Spanish off spring with a Japanese goddess

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Is she hapa?
She looks feminine.
but Japanese women are better.

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I'm a spic m8.

It's like you want people to want japanese women.

She is not Hapa, she is Kazakh

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this is why i don't date my own people, spics are moer likely to date blackies. sometimes i feel like the only spic in america that's solely attracted to Asian and white women

Every men obsessed with Japanese women.
very cute

are you really japanese? or are you some faggot western boy using a proxy?

Japanese girls are also nice as long as they have the right amount of T H I C C

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Now i now that you're trolling.

>Every men obsessed with Japanese women.

gosh bro she's making my taco cream right now

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hell yeah

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If you're a spic then you're a "blackie" too, which doesn't make sense because unless you're a Colombian or from Cuba you're probably not even part black. Not to mention I never said I'd date a black woman anyways, they're as unattractive to me as whites. Besides, if you're a spic you probably have tanned or brown skin, which means the Jap and white girls who will date you are willing to date men with darker skin, which is a little hypocritical.

White, yellow, brown, black I like them all

Japanese women are best

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butterface :/

i'm paler than my asian teacher tho, besides every spic woman i'ved encountered
act like black women so i never find them attractive, wop women are a bit different tho

God have mercy on your souls.

do korean women like Hispanic men?
i want a korean goddess as my wife so fucking badly

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Fair enough. I think it's because they grew up in America, for some reason every ethnic group that moves here chooses to act like either whites or blacks.

i need to breed

I think they're severely overrated.

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I've never had that with Asian women so i guess that's why it explains why i'm more attracted to them.


Yeah man. They have nice cheekbones, full lips and are fiesty, you never get bored. Good food too, and they'll make it for you.

If I had to place girls into tiers I'd go like:
1. Meds and latinas: got the looks and the soul
2. Blacks: got the soul, got the bodies, face is a gamble
3. Whites (northeuropean): can have the looks when they don't have manfaces (like Germans, Dutch), very rarely the soul. If they have both, they get to tier 1
4. Pajeetas
5. Chinese (but there are so many of them, some are stunners, I've seen some great looking escorts)
6. Southeast asians (thai, pinay, malay, etc.): soulless, dead eyes, fucked teeth, selfish personality
7. Rest of asians (Japanese, Koreans, etc.): fridge-like bodies, with weird prepubescent distribution of fat, bowed legs, fucked teeth, autistic personality
8. Aboriginals. No explanation needed.

i'm starting to think you're not actually Japanese

>every ethnic group that moves here chooses to act like either whites or blacks
unless they're 0th gen adults

>hey user do you help me pick a yukata for next tanabata fesitval?

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ok based much?

women tier


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Why did you move there if you hate Japanese women so much.

They're still used to their own culture. After one or two generations the Americanization kicks in and they drop their native tongue and either start blending in like the well-dressed minorities you see in clip art or shitting up their crumbling neighborhood while dressing like niggers. Weird thing is I've seen Mexicans and Filipinos go either way, but most groups usually pick one or the other.

Japanese women are for Brazilian cock only

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You're such a yellow fever aren't you?

Sexiest East Asian Language

the Korean chick in there is the best looking one tho

I like White and Black women and im caucasian

Most people are predisposed towards attractive people in selecting what one finds as appealing. Fetishization of characteristics, especially physical characteristics, is typically perverse and, ultimately, leads to some form of obsession towards the object which is tantamount to delusion. Thus, I find attractive women, regardless of their ethnicity, as appealing to my sensibility, rather than those whose defining characteristic can be defined as merely whiteness. Albeit, I admit that the term "white women" does carry a connotation of certain physical features that may induce feelings of attraction towards a person i.e, finer noses and such, but this itself is not enough for one's criterion to distinguish them as being attractive, for many of different ethnic backgrounds can share such characteristics with them. Thus, while one can indeed measure attraction through physical features, this, due to the similarity of physical features, is merely a partial observation, and thus, not worthy of actual consideration. As far as cultural values are concerned, many, especially those from different cultures not completely inundated in western belief, it is difficult for one to indeed prefer them over, say, someone similar to the person.

In a nutshell, some are attractive, and some are not. Whiteness as a physical feature, as well as cultural beliefs do not in any way contrive attraction unless one wishes to fetishize the aforementioned objects.

Asian women try too hard to look feminine. They even mutilate their natural calves.

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>You're such a yellow fever aren't you?
i'm pretty based, i guess watching so much anime as a kid really got me into asian women. Korean women are my absolute favorites, next to them Japanese and Chinese :)

I made a mistake tier.
Japanese>>>>>>other trash women

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