Insult Germany

>insult Germany
>this flag angrily responds

What gives? Are these Germans in Hungary? Why do they get so buttblasted?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Hungary.svg.png (1200x600, 824)

Insult mohammad, then the german flags will respond

>Nooo you can't like the only people in Europe who didn't try to genocide your people

Was in that thread, hun just replied to some burger stupidity

Spain, Portugal, Sweden? There's probably more desu, but I can't bring myself to care about Hungarian history.
Youse just look like an EU bootlicker.

>Spain, Portugal,
too far away to be relevant, but they are based.
Protestant scum, ally of the Ottomans.

Hungapians should be banned from the internet and the country should go back to its roots - being under water as it always was

>not Protestant
The mystery continues while the steppenigger tries to place why he so vehemently defends his EU masters.

Hungayrians were, are and always will be German cocksuckers
Same with Czechs, Lithuanians, Bulgarians and other traitors of Slavedom
They literally build their border wall because Merkel told was afraid of revolt in Germany and she told her doggy doggy pussylicker Orban to do that
Then they proudly took all the shit from libtards for themselves to save Germany face
Fucking pathetic ladies and gentlemen fucking pathetic

It's a well know Serbo-Hungarian mutt who's mentally ill and hates Poles too.

I am not Sloni and every Hungarian despises Slavs.

They can’t help it, they just love that kraut dick, even if it means losing every world war

White hungarians are germanboos while gypsies are italyboos
Its an identity thing

>I am not Sloni
Things Sloni would say.

I don't think it's just one, they show up to defend Germany at all hours of American posting time too

>the country should go back to its roots - being under water as it always was

>Don't even know that Pannonia was a sea not long time ago

They're basically Austrians who happen to speak a funny language, so yes, they're defending their own.

They just want us their senpai to notice them. Dont bully our kouhai.

Doesnt make sense. I have never seen austrians defend us here, the austrians outside of /deutsch/ despise us, its always us defending them if austria is insulted.

It's a joke, user. Hungarians are very German influenced, so I'm trying to imply they are almost German.

Rude. Whatever happened to "Pole and Hungarian brothers be?"

died with the boomers

that was bullshit invented by our butthurt nobility
No one cares about that today

Poles are incapable of being friends with other countries, they hate the germans, czechs, hungarians, russians basically everyone.

same with your shiteating welfare sponsors Muhammad

The only reason Germany isn't at a constant state of war is because all of relevant Europe united to put you down.

you got a problem we like germany?

Not muhammad. And we are quite capable of being friends with other nations. We are very friendly with the dutch and even frogs now.

Mutt logic. We were a bastion of stability and peace in europe for almost a Millennium. The hre was large and strong enough to defend itself but too unorganized for huge conquests. Even in the 30 years war, war was brought to us not vice versa. Napoleon upset the order in europe creating a power vacuum resulting in many wars as we reasserted ourselves. Now that we did, despite loosing, peace has returned to europe as it was meant to be.

le 4% hunnic face

t. Evraim Goldstein-Lieberman

>And we are quite capable of being friends with other nations
Are people here serious? Serious economic and national issues tend to determine relationships not muh friends

We have never benefited from propping the UK up, but we have because we see them as bros, too bad the feeling is not mutual

Attached: 1524759272327.jpg (511x340, 35.63K)

>Serious economic and national issues tend to determine relationships

Usually yes. But poles are focused purely on ancient grudges rather than political reality.

>insult britain
>this flag angrily responds despite being proud american rebels who defeated the oppressive rule

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (1280x674, 29.11K)

>peace has returned to europe
After your country was carved up and was occupied entirely by foreign powers

More like after the US fucked off

The only aggressor in Europe are Slavs and Anglos.

Lmao butthurt belt at it again. Still mad we ignored your calls for help, Hungary? lol

I am more mad because you allied with the Soviets and then your people dared to parade as the antisocialists forces that defeated the soviets

Germany saved Finnish independence twice. I'll be eternally grateful for them.
British PM and and French president were shitting bricks in -90 when German unification was happening. They irrationally feared that Germany would start conquering Europe again. But they didn't because Germans are the most civilized and peaceful people on the planet.

They're our best frens. All our neighbors hate us but the majority of Magyars are chill.

Attached: 656456.png (512x351, 57.77K)

>Sells Finland to the USSR to have Warsaw
>Finland survives due to Soviet incompetence
Bear in mind, when the first invasion happened, Krauts were still acting as military advisers to the Soviets

amerikkkans take your hands off europe

But they helped us in -18 and -44. Based detachment Kuhlmey rekt'd soviet armour in battle of Tali-Ihantala.

>insult muslims, arabs or allah
>european flags (You)s

Attached: 1480690515251.jpg (2544x4000, 905.51K)

>publish evidence on judaism's relation with communism and libertarianism
>go to jail for antisemitism

always France, Germany, or Holland

Attached: 237.jpg (640x633, 39.43K)

Attached: cb7.jpg (1200x625, 55.39K)

Hungarian people are extremely overly dramatic and depressing overall desu

Half of Germany is protestant, the other half is catholic, you stupid stinknigger. BOTH variants of christianity are pozzed nowadays. Don't act like the current pope is any better than some degen protestant stinkslit priest.

Short answer:
Germany is Europe.
Europe is Germany.
Idealism over materialism.
Order over liberalism.
Socialism over capitalism.

I'm a 33 year old adult but i know most of you are half my age so you cant really understand the world yet.
So its okay to be butthurt.

Attached: hello greatest ally.jpg (1024x769, 400.94K)

And you're still a loser NEET who rages when we call out the Krauts, yikes

its 8pm we are at home after working

I'm 29 and you are full of shit, Lázslo

I thought germany was pretty much atheist nowadays (outside of the muslims of course)

he is right, incel


Islam is the only sensible abrahamic religion.

>Not an incel

>Protestant scum, ally of the Ottomans
exceedingly based and swede pilled

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