
Attached: the ol spicy keychain.jpg (845x1036, 242.14K)

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On this day in British History

>1190 – A massacre of the local Jews takes places at Clifford's Tower, York. Many Jews committed suicide so that they wouldn't fall into the hands of the mod.
>1322 – The Battle of Boroughbridge takes place in the Despenser Wars.
>1660 – The Long Parliament of England is dissolved so as to prepare for the new Convention Parliament.
>1782 – American Revolutionary War: Spanish troops capture the British-held island of Roatán.
>1812 – The Siege of Badajoz begins: British and Portuguese forces besiege and defeat the French garrison during the Peninsular War.
>1872 – The Wanderers F.C. won the first FA Cup, the oldest football competition in the world, beating Royal Engineers A.F.C. 1–0 at The Oval in Kennington, London.
>1900 – Sir Arthur Evans purchased the land around the ruins of Knossos, the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete.
>1940 – First person killed (James Isbister) in a German bombing raid on the UK in World War II during a raid on Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands.
>1945 – Ninety percent of Würzburg, Germany is destroyed in only 20 minutes by British bombers, resulting in around 5,000 deaths.
>1976 – British Prime Minister Harold Wilson resigns, citing personal reasons.
>1988 – The Troubles: Ulster loyalist militant Michael Stone attacks a Provisional IRA funeral in Belfast with pistols and grenades. A PIRA volunteer and two civilians are killed, and more than 60 others are wounded.

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what movie

so, here we all are then, the boys


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Cant find my fucking fags REEEEEEEEEEEEE


oops was late response




keep calm and herd immunity

british tax money hard at work

here we are

all the lads

Why are brunettes with blue eyes always such raging sex addict nymphs?

>caring about what jf’s think

love that episode

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business idea: a recovery program for Yas Forums addicts

more youtube videos of tits nudity ass pusy please

/ucm/ is thataway pal

i thought we made it clear that we don't give a shit what they think when we voted leave

that's ITV which is funded by advertisers
hence they're obliged to show something people might want to watch

a toast, a toast to /brit/ and our guests

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High rise jeans were a mistake

blast! foiled again!
*attempts to escape on a rather slow locomotive*

we're immune to janman's ctrl+f


Reminder the govt has said you're allowed to kill scalpers

Thought ITV was a mix of ads and govt money like SBS here

actually might be i dunno

that's channel 4

>tfw have a bunch of snake juice ingredients so worst come to worst I'll just do an impromptu fast for a couple of weeks

REAL /brit/

Funny how a virus that's killed 20 people is taken more seriously than refugees that kill millions

fuck off

shan’t I’m happy in /birt/

we're doing a daily conference and you have to be at home to watch it



Stay in your lane white boys, drill isn’t for you

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real new

should get food from tesco have in room ?

do they feel like they're required to put an nword in all of these videos?

>ambulance showed up a few streets away from me wearing hazmat suits to move an old woman to hospital
It was nice shitposting with you lads. The end is coming for me and I fear I cannot hide from it forever.

aah yes some mongs painting cars can just start knocking out extremely complex medical-grade ventilators at the drop of a hat

go straight home and tell mum you're not coming out for 14 days


I just hope you get nuked for the sake of everyone

he cute

Honestly I was a remainer until this latest showing by the UK govt on COVID-19.

They are the only ones doing the exact right thing. Quarantine is asinine and dishonest. UK will come out laughing at the end of this when Shitaly breaks quarantine and 200k are infected again.

Just when I think the UK is finally done, the clowns of the first world, they prove why they became the global hegemony they are today. Brilliant.

I love Emma Watson’s stinky anus.

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This a paper bag.

Why is it always eastern euros saying stuff like this, its sad

might clean my room


not drill though

Nice bait

What would you do if this was your daughter?

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That's what you deserve for going outside and wage slaving.

they're usually built in china by mongs anyway. at times like these they only have to be good-enough-grade

People can’t isolate for months
Business can’t close for months
Schools can’t close for months
Keep calm and carry on really is the best approach

Is it fair to say that we're the most casual country in the world relative to cases in response to this virus?

We're in the top 10 of cases and we're #8 for deaths but contrast us with the rest of the top 10. We're being chill af.

Fascinating init.

i did have corona this morning yes, but its cured now


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people say bad things about the person who used to pay them when they get made redundant too

Blitz spirit

You're literally just an England with a gay paki PM

I'm at home.

>Yas Forums says


mutts law

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alri richard

Why aren't brits testing for the virus..?

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lets not start this again, already had this argument two threads ago

suck my bonerballs

Previously, you mong


the thing about muslims is that they believe in charity and emapthising with the poor.

one reason romanian beggars tend to target muslim areas.

I quit my job in January.

Subjecting me to the spotify top 40 should be considered assault.

waste of resources. people are getting this virus regardless of testing.

>2 white girls in the pic
>they're both with the only 2 black lads in the pic


*if this were your daughter
Hypothetical. Subjunctive mood

dont know, dont care, NEXT

don't need to
you feel a bit off, stay home and fucking well get over it
job done

>herd immunity for a virus you get reinfected by

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They tested 100k's but only 1% had the virus.

they're bunch of retards who elected a literal retard

haha only 6 more kb and this would be 666kb

maybe freshies

Yas Forums says the real death rate is far higher and that reinfection is real and that it destroys your bollocks and lungs even if you do live through it and they have scientific journal studies to back all that up

we’re fucked

This. Only worth testing the people who actually need medical care

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I had to go out to get some food and now I am looking to reignite

care to tell is what is so wrong with having a gay pakistani pm, rorkre?

shut the fuck up
shut the FUCK up

was fucking a girl and she literally said out loud "clap my fucking cheeks"

zoomers are an odd bunch

Tune that

We've tested the most out of every European country besides Italy, the fuck are you talking about.

all doctors can do is treat the symptoms while you recover
I can do that at home if need be, so what's the point

if it's heat that damages your testicles what if I just put an ice pack on them were I to get a fever?

maybe, but consider that they are religiously obliged to give some income to charity and also obliged to fast for a month in order to show some sort of solidarity with the less fortunate..

Destroys bollocks you say?

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Imagine being such a classist shithole so servile to transnational globalists that you will let your own people die just so some rich (((investors))) don't lose as much money in the stock market

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They dont have the facilities to care for all the sick people so they're just burying their head in the sand about it

What’s Germany’s plan? Isolate and close everything for 2 weeks, what then? It’s not just going to go away

what about the elders that will inevitably die because you couldn't protect them?

muslims are very ritualistic. it’s just “do this and you’ll go to heaven” religion. christianity has more genuine kindness in it

imagine huge tits

consider that slicing your head off before you can commit further sin as a kaffir is also an act of great mercy

80% of cases require no medical care
If you’re under 60 the chances of needing medical care are slim to none

With these facts in mind it makes sense not to waste tests on people who aren’t critically ill
Just stay home if you feel sick

slow cooker meal nearly finished
been waiting hours for this

it's gonna be more like 8 weeks and that pushes the peak into summer, hopefully late summer


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You mean the elders they're telling to stay at home for 4 months or what?

hmm, the new match

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bit unfair m8, can't know the intentions of people you don't even know

The natural inclination of the brit is to lick the boot

>except against viruses those can reign freely

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there you go.

Really get a good laugh at the 'a toast to X' meme.

Was the original pic sincere? Ironic?

the muslim kids at my nieces school raid the other kids lunchboxes during ramadan because their parents don't give them any food or dinner money

dont use tinder or emojis in general
does that clover mean weed i assume

Inshallah is God's will they be taken

Who is this guy? I always seem him. Pls don't bully me as I don't go in /brit/ that often

she hosts Strictly, doesn't she

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>catholics are very ritualistic. it’s just “do this and you’ll go to heaven” religion. christianity has more genuine kindness in it

So just delaying the inevitable and wrecking your economy in the meantime?

englishmen have no fear of death

>are very ritualistic
>do this and you'll go to heaven
>more genuine kindness in it
disagree. the poor guy doesn't care if the guy was obliged to give him charity or if he did it out of kindness.
he can actually trust on the obligation though.

i think christians are often trying to do charity for the same reasons muslims are: to win god points or to win converts (ie bigger god points)

Stay home for how long? How will you know when you are fully recovered and cant infect others?

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Disgusting. Guarantee she fucks her dog.

Christianity advocates socialism

Go on

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How are you approaching COVID-19?

190cm masterrace, otherwise known as lisicki
he trips sometimes

>muh economy, I *must* toil and become ill in order to service my globalist masters
and here you faggots were talking about how the economic impact of brexit wasn't relevant

in the end, you remain forever the slave of the USA and israel

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wasn't talking about muslim attitudes to other religions or islamic legal punishments.

You ever seen a clean shaven paki or a chink with a good beard?

Enjoy starving to death retard.

Right but the summer doesn't get rid of this virus. The fuck are you going to do after 8 weeks? You're going to get fucking shagged by a 2nd wave.

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>“The timing is critical,” explained Chief Science Officer Patrick Vallance, who is worried about “behavioral fatigue.”

>“If you tell people to stay at home too early,” Vallance has said, “they get fed up with this at the very point where you need them to stay at home.”

are brits this undisciplined?

>According to a message circulated among staff at the Centre of Research in Epidemiology and Statistics in Paris and seen by the BBC, current modelling predicts that, if confinement measures are not imposed, 30 million people will become infected in France, with the virus hitting a peak in 50 days.

It's all over

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can somebody that can photoshop stick timmys head on this pic

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