Italy update in 40 min
How many deaths and new cases today?
Italy update in 40 min
How many deaths and new cases today?
I bet 400
+390 killed
+5000 new cases
Around 3000 (-/+ 200) infections.
300~400 deceased.
1000 ripped
10000 infected
fuck this shit is so addictive
+420 dead
+3900 new infected
+1800 infected
+220 dead
>Why yes, I check for COVID-19 deaths every single day and laugh because I am deeply depressed and have no joy in this void of a life, and it is a joke to me. How can you tell?
Literally life changing numbers you bellend
feels bad for doctors in bergamo it must suck to deal 20 hours per day with dying people
3712 - 4949 case.
deaths: I don't wanna think about it
Atleast, tell yourself that the peak is suppose to be happen between 18 and 25th of march.
never heard of it wtf
Their life:
>high fashion
>keinbernd social circles
>each day going out
>smiles and laughs everywhere
>warm beaches
My life:
>spending most of my life in my room in a boring gray country
Who's laughing now?
It doesn't exist, don't trust their lies
we already know the numbers for Lombardy
>+1367 cases
>+202 deaths
on a national scale i'll say 4000 new cases, 400 deaths
Yesterday it was 250 for Lombardy, so it's getting better
getting /comfy/
+3800 new cases
+394 deaths
It's time.
what do you think of when you hear "molise"?
/trash/ reporting in
They're all old people, who the fuck gives a shit this is no reason to tank the world economy
deaths aren't the really important indicator, new cases are
goal is to stop exponential growth within the week, if we can do it we can slowly exit the emergency lockdown
Mostly old peoples because Italy refuses care for old peoples and favor yuonger.
>Italy refuses care for old peoples and favor yuonger
I wish
******************* WE'RE LIVE *******************
Well its not exponential anymore
I don't understand Italian but I'll keep listening I guess...
Why do 100s keep dying?
349 dead
Not enough hospital beds and/or staff to treat everyone
nice, good job
Deadly viruses tend to do that.
>fewer death than yesterday
Coronavirus is over, go outside
Me, laughing at both poles and wops
how many cases?
it's just a flu bro
People of a certain age tend to do that
******************* +3,233 cases *******************
really, negrito? I prefer that than being a monkey eating banana in the jungle
looks like happening is over
lift the quarantine everyone go outside
>pastaniggers drop like flies
Colour me suprised. Should've eaten protein and fat instead of carbs like a puffy Mednigger.
Less than yesterday.
>+2470 cases
>+350 deaths
jokes aside it's decent data, the lockdown is clearly working
I see the number 2470
13.06% growth rate, might be the peak, might be not. I'm slightly happy to see that figure
Nigga 350 deaths a day is a bit too much, even chinks had lower deathrate
oh okay. 9.98% growth rate, that's good considering the situation
13% is the lowest growth italy had since the beginning
Already more than 100k active cases man.
Italy maybe slow it but it already spread everywhere, even Greenland have it now.
Expect another country replace Italy figure.
No, March 10th.
yeah Spain is not looking good
i just hope countries who are further behind the curve decide to implement the measures we took, which seem to be working well enough
our death figure is huge and gonna surpass China easily
it's partially because we report on all patients dead after being diagnosed with Coronavirus (and we also test post mortem), doesn't necessairily mean they died because of it
How many new cases? Is it +3232 or 2470?
This is pretty fucking important!
It just means they're not testing and the whole thing is out of control. At this rate, 10 million Italians will have it in a week.
France, UK and US seem to gonna replace soon.
Those countries aren't taking quarantine seriously. Probably need about 1k death at least.
Some country in another place seem to have more cases nonstop too.
Yup, we have qurantine and wearing mask is a mandatory
Still zero deaths and only 2 serious cases. Shits weird.
I really wonder how many cases there were in Italy because most of ours are skiers from Italy. 3 first confirmed cases already recovered
3233 in 1 day total for Italy.
Big but less than yesterday.