Post pictures you took from your country
Post pictures you took from your country
cow made of butter
southern norway
Btw does anyone know what name of the yellow bush in English is?
easy fire
It probably is yarrow
Old chinese restaurant between big buildings in my town
Golden yarrow*
Though I can't see it properly
The other one I'm guessing is helichrysum if not Idk
I would but imageposting is rangebanned because finsects are cancer
No it's not the same thing
My mom used to make some kind of tea from it but I forgot it's name.
But thank you italianon
I wish I lived in the Netherlands. I hate this low population density expensive shithole
Based Berlinanon. How is it there after the "refugee" "crisis"?
Turns out it's gorse
Ahh okay wait. We make "broom" tea here so maybe that could be it?
Unspecified countryside
>that kind of weather at the start of february
I am sooooo fucking jelly and seething right now.
Lmao I suck at foraging
Nah, an Irish user told me about it in other thread
Thank you Italian user
go to
and revitalize the board, thanks
I barely see any refugees desu
Move to the south, it's been like that almost all winter here
just apply for a diploma in delft, leiden or eindhoven
Northern coast of Sjælland
Wtf is the third letter ?
Shenandoah Nat. Park
So you want to live in a high density expensive shithole? Live in Finland is much better than here.
from house in hardanger
Bumping this thread so Malta doesn't feel cursed
I've been cursed at birth, my friend.
Looks nice
I once encountered an abandoned road, it was kind of beutiful tho with plants I've never seen before but the end of it lead to a hezbollah base so I went back
All of us my fren
doesn't the Lebanese government have any power or why do they tolerate Hezbollah?
Can I get a scholarship to do it?
I love this
>Live in Finland is much better than here.
It really isn't, and I doubt NL is as expensive as Finland. Here you have to take a bus for one hour to get anywhere, and it costs nearly 5 euro for a bus ticket. And I'm still in the "capital region", not in some isolated village. In NL you can bike anywhere and have cafes and services right outside, no to mention the better weather and people.
Hezbollah is in the government.
I'm a supporter of hebzollah myself honestly, my area used to be complet Bedouin tier until they built hospitals and schools for us.
Based, I've been to Malta, literally the opposite of Finland.
Don't recognize it, is it Warsaw?
What part of Germoney is this?
>Hezbollah is in the government.
yeah but the armed forces shouldn't owe loyalty to a political party but to the state
>I'm a supporter of hebzollah myself
but aren't they radical Islamists? To what extent do they respect human rights and tolerate the Christians and Sunnis of Lebanon? Don't they just want war with Israel?
Black Forest
nice image quality, did you take that with a camera or with a phone?
Christians are divided, some Christian political parties are allied with hezbollah, while the largest Sunni group hates them some independent Sunni ministers are allied with them
Druze keep changing their mind
are you religious?
City outskirt
Oppo F7 phone, reduced quality since its pictures are 6-14mb in size.
>NL is less expensive than Finland
NL has the most expensive public transport in EU, 32% more expensive than the EU average.
and do you identify with a religious group? Otherwise why would you support an extremist religious group?
Metro station
Hezbollah members are certainly religious but that's the only thing they have to do with it.
There goal is to fight Israel and they don't harm us in any way, in fact the most polite and kind people I've met are hezbollah members.
I'm sorry user but I have to go now.
my backyard
>There goal is to fight Israel and they don't harm us in any way
if they attack Israel from Lebanese territory Lebanon will suffer from Israeli reprisals
Yeah, when you think about it, we're quite opposite.
nice, where is that?