>told my mum I'll never get a gf because of my dick size >all she says it will rise to the occasion and oh well doesn't it get bigger when you have an erection? >ask my mum if my dad had a small penis "yeah but it got bigger when he became erect"
Yeah no shit you dumb bitch you will literally NEVER understand what I'm going through. God I hate w*men.
seems like an abnormally embarrassing conversation to have with one's mother
Landon Taylor
I really don't see who you could talk to about this stuff if you're dad isn't really part of your life and I don't trust anyone like I trust my mother.
Nicholas Scott
absolutely this, she's honestly the only person for privately examining it
Ryder Bell
With your gf
Hunter Butler
Mine is just as short as yours, I feel your pain :(
Evan Barnes
my dick is 16cm will i ever please a woman?
Matthew Torres
19" bvll here, ama.
Landon Cook
I was raised by a single mother and I'm living in the same roof with her right now yet if she ever brings something half as embarrassing as this up I'm packing my bags and trying an adventurous life on the streets
Nicholas Thompson
have sex
Jack Long
rare fag
Adam Fisher
Where is pulled from?
Jack Ross
why is this shit in ooga booga units. How are normal people supposed to understand this shit..
Matthew Young
what if she walks into your room naked with her swinging jug breasts, bends over and asks you to take her?
Jacob Watson
Less than 24 inches
Jordan Kelly
I'm pretty sure it's supposed to say Cm, otherwise women are fucking insane.
Nathan Harris
she knows only the figure of the male body can entice me
Sebastian Myers
Its actually in cm. Someone switched the units to inches to make retarded mutt incels seethe.
Caleb Ward
a troll or created by an adhd-addled coomer
Alexander Gomez
yeah no shit sherlock, 16 inches is the length of my forearm
Benjamin Morris
Length definitely, circumference definitely not
Luke Stewart
little midget man
Landon Cooper
well then my dick fits neatly into ideal yet I'm still a virgin
Austin Collins
>he isn't 13.5 inches
Dominic Allen
i have a tiny AND CUT dick. you are all better off than me
Dominic Gutierrez
post BBC, sir.
Jackson Wilson
Bro are you the same cunt who bashed your dad and posted it here?
Leo Powell
How do nurses react on penis inspection day?
Austin Powell
Robert Moore
same, same, and same have never spoken about sex with my mother and don't plan to in my life
Aaron Foster
Lachie having another episode I see
Caleb Clark
he loves rotating the catalog, he gets off to threads being replied to
Ian Clark
Did you show your penis to your mother?
Joshua Ortiz
An Aussie nurse just told me about tiny little willer she saw on a mental patient
Luis Anderson
Become a pedo/hebephile and suddenly your small size is an advantage.
Why won’t dicklets off themselves for good instead of whining?
Dylan Nelson
who cares, there's more to life than sex
Robert Taylor
How do i figure out the circumference of my dick? I have been told by two gfs i have a great dick but i think it's small, even compared to some trannies, not to mention obviously all porn actors. Did i get memed on by my exes?
That's the weirdest shit ever. Holy fuck Please be bait
Tyler Young
You expect normal interactions on Yas Forums ?
Joshua Hernandez
cut a long strip of paper, and then put it around your erect cock. Then mark the circumference with a pen. Be careful not to get a papercut hough ;) :D.