Germans have all that money, and yet it was Poland who created the most awarded game of all time. Wtf german engineering?
Germans have all that money, and yet it was Poland who created the most awarded game of all time...
Gothic is a much better game, unfortunately Americans (main market) have shit taste and low IQ, so they prefer games like Witcher 3 designed for mentally challenged simpletons
Was going to post this. Well not so provocatively but that Gothic I and II rules and are better than Witcher or Elder Scrolls for that matter.
These two contrarian niggas here with shite taste
programmers were paid 1500 us a month, so guess why (on temporary contracts)
Absolute kino
How can anybody like this schlock? The MC is unbearably bland and the map is like any other ubisoft open world.
All Germany, Canada and UK are too concerned with identity politics and wokeness to make good games.
I still prefer the elder scrolls, AMA
How did you acquire such good taste?
America too, as all our shit now is sjw shit and walking simulators.
Only tolerable because of mods. And get ready for the next to be an absolute shitfest, Bethesda is dead after Fallout 4 and 76
by not being a videogame addicted loser and finding the perfect balance between good lore and easy gameplay
I still think people are overblowing the fallout fallout, TES is the golden chicken of the company and they can't afford to fuck it up
>Vidya Geralt looks Nordic
>TV Geralt is Anglo
Are Poles actually ashamed of their weird round heads?
>boring quests
>empty, uninteresting world
>no replay value
>DLC are better than the game itself
Westiods can't even compete.
>Aussies look Asian
Are Australians ashamed of their slant eyes?
>looks nordic
no? infact you probably won't even be able to tell half of the Vikings extras are slavs. Netflix Witcher is also not the first live action adaption, Poland already had one and he looked much closer to game Geralt than the frenchoid in netflix does
Our industry focuses on actually useful shit like machine-producing machines that build your cars, trains, appliances, cameras etc etc etc.
Video games are peak consoomerism. I can't wait for meme "industry branches" like video games to crash hard. Ah who am I kidding, normies will buy vidya by the truckload in a quarantine. Until electrical power consumption is rationed, that is.
>preferring the most sterile and boring setting, combat system, story
Well... some people just don’t know anything better, so I guess it’s fine
>everything is closed
>no need for public power consumption
Why would it ever be rationed, now that it Is consumed less?
>seething westoids
Sorry the East will always be better at making content.
tes has a boring setting and story?
>Yoooooo Pokémon Nigger and Wigger! Oohhhhhhh new gachashit!!
Here is your East market
Quite obviously, when compared to literally any other fantasy setting it is absolutely boring and stale and has no uniqueness to it. Story in every TES is shitty as well, I’m not even talking about garbage gameplay.
the only really good thing about TW3 is the marketing
some of the monster designs are alright
yeah I tried gothic and it's great despite looking like shit by modern standards
It has some enjoyable story and dialogue. Combat is not great, but better than 99% of the games mentioned here
All of poland loves gothic and for a good reason. Its great
ugh, thank god I'm not a videogame contrarian incel.
>identity politics
That is your thing retard. Identity politics play no role here.
spending money on unnecessary shit is good for the economy. consoomers make your life comfortable
>all those buzzwords
Gothic 2 NotR shits on it every day of the year since 2003.
>boring quests
Treasure hunt and some sidequests maybe, but Witcher contracts and main quest was amazing
>empty, uninteresting world
I mean it was nice to just run around, but yeah, there isn't much to do when not questing and those question marks were meh
>no replay value
I completely disagree. I have the 3rd witcher 5 or 6 times now and i'm still not bored of it
>DLC are better than the game itself
Yeah DLCs were slightly better than the main game
unironical question, why would you prefer elder scrolls to anything? the story is forgettable, combat is nonexistant and the mechanics feel dated
>I have the 3rd witcher
I have played*
How is being right contrarian? Are you really going to argue for the “hey guys, I’m GMing for the first time haha lol” tier story to be good? I mean... at least try to come up with a single solid argument, I hope you won’t argue for “combat” as well lmao
It's funny how Poland is probably the only country where Gothic is valued more than The Witcher lmao
The only reasons I can come up with are “I have never seen another fantasy RPG” or “dude I played it 10 years ago and it was kinda ok so I bet it’s fucking amazing”
Excuse me?
Poland, Russia and Germany are pretty much the biggest Gothic fans
for some reason it was never popular outside of those three
When I was a kid everyone hated Gothic. Everyone played TES, Heroes of Might and Magic and even Ultima
>Bethesda is dead after Fallout 4 and 76
You mean one game that sold extremely well and one game that sold decent
Unironically now - it's because Poles are not 'inferior' like Germans usually think, it's just Poland joined the global economy only in 1990, when 'traditional' branches like automotive industry, machinery industry, pharmaceutical industry etc. etc. were already occupied by capitalist nations, so Poland (like all other Eastern European nations) could only try to find niches that weren't occupied yet, because they had just emerged - like IT or gamedev. And surprise - Eastern European nations are overall better at it than westerners, Slavs (along with Chinese, another nation that entered the global market only in the 1990s) win most of top developer rankings, make good games etc.
Communism in eastern Europe was the best thing that could have happened to western Europe, especially its southern part. Italians, Greeks and Portuguese wouldn't have a chance to compete with Eastern Europeans in the free market.
poland is just really eastern slav germany, look at the map
How did the Czechs do it?
>Italians, Greeks and Portuguese
they just chads. There aren't many gamers in these countries . But the Slavs and the Scandinavians are very fond of playing computer games.
i dont like gameplay of this game
you cant play snowball all the time so it makes sense
Impressive for a newly created small studio, but the story was boring, and I really wish there were more things to do, like becoming a lord or stuff like that.
do you guys even have snow
but it's not only about games, it's just about IT in general
And it would be about everything if only we'd had equal chances in 1945. Spain had no industry to speak of before WW2 and after that it became an industrial powerhouse cooperating closely with Germany, just because they replaced industrialized Eastern countries like Czechia.
Gothic is gritty without being edgy. The characters and the world seem much more down to earth. Probably appeals to countries with more down to earth values. Aka germans and slavs I think.
Turkey can get as cold as Russia
dont spoonfeed r*ssian thrash
you aren't even putin any effort in your replies
It's actually pretty funny that most of Turkey is actually a cold country but people associate Turkey with eternal sun and hot weather.
>it's because Poles are not 'inferior' like Germans usually think
Nobody seriously thinks that, ignore nazi larps those are just for the yous.
we completely missed the boat on the Games industry. Pretty weird, since we've got Gamescom, but from the devloper side there's barely anything aside from Daedalic and a shit ton of simulation games
It actually started in Prussia, because Prussian kings needed to justify partitions of Poland so they invented the meme that Poland was the Africa of Europe.
It was especially funny because at the same time Prussians claimed that Poland was actually German because there were so many German immigrants and colonists coming there for centuries and they managed the economy.
btw, nowadays the regions in Poland inhabited by German majority are the poorer ones
Germans don't understand art.
I mean nobody seriously thinks that nowadays.
And yet chinks still made the GOAT game
Game making requires a certain level of desperation that forces highly educated people to make what really amounts to toys for children, which comes from lack of employment opportunities. There's no lack of employment opportunities in germany.