I wish I had a cute, pure, innocent...

I wish I had a cute, pure, innocent, and traditional Ivy League-educated and highly cultured hapa gf from downtown New York society like pic related. Life is just not fair bros

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>MA in art history, concentrating in classical chinese painting
lmao, what a useful degree

What's wrong? Is having a loyal and faithful hapa gf like pic related too much to ask for?

That means she is a refined lady of culture, which isn't common in modern consumerist society.

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i wonder how many newfags will fall for this bait

i fapped like 50 times to her

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would you like to hear the good or bad news first?

Please do not speak of my trad girlfriend like that and that is not her in the picture.
Is wanting a traditional gf who isn't into polyamory considered "bait" now?

they are both good

The worst news that I could hear from my traditional girlfriend is that the Guggenheim didn't have enough money to buy one of her paintings.

no but posting a whore and larping as a naive romantic is

Don't call her a whore.

at what point does sexual liberation becomes a western tradition, 100 years?

when you're rich you don't need to do useful things.

>tens of thousands of white roasties do porn or become prostitutes and camwhores each year
>hapa girl does porn to make her rich jew daddy and her crazy tiger mom mad
>therefore all hapa girls are unhinged mentally ill sluts

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Should come to western canada. Half the girls on my tinder feed are hapas from all the Asian girls who get bleached out here

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i think the bizarre thing in this case was that it wasn't done for monetary reasons as one usually suspects of porn.
it as done as you say out of rebellion or sheer sexuality, which is very interesting given the image other shared of her.

it's like reading a novel or something.

Portugese/ chinese

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>Kelly Wang
To be fair, she was already born with a porn name.

Flip/ Scottish

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*hits bong*

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She did it for revenge. I am speculating but her dad was absent and her mom was the stereotypical Chinese tiger mom and she revolted and took revenge by doing porn. Many such cases although it's important to remember that she became so notorious on the internet because her story was spammed by r/hapas as a supposed typical case of wmaf "dysfunction"

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I only want pure white gf

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>Ivy League-educated
Are you, yourself? If not then this thread is really fucking pointless. It's basically making a thread to tell us all you wish you could achieve your out of reach, unobtainable dreams...
>I wish I could snap my fingers and get 100000000 dollars.

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I only watch solo or lesbian porn. Not shit like facialabuse

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My university currently beats something like 3/4 of the Ivy League in the major world rankings. I just want a traditional hapa gf.

you want a cold emotionless bitch who has no time for you? well the first step to getting a rich new york asian is being a rich new york jew

It seems so surreal when realising this girl in OPs pic had her mouth used like a fleshlight on camera

GermNip mixing is best hapa.

real life Asuka

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>pure white gf

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she's a whore, you dumb brit cuck

>pure asian gf
Nice oxymoron.


>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women

age 20-24 64.5%
age 18-19 74.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%

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she looks like she fucks white guys

>muh cherrypicked statistics
>i i swear it means that asians are muh animuh waifuz n shiet

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>bottom left
All Asian girls are whores.

>age 30-34 31.3%
>age 35-39 33.4%

need help

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where's the statistic for 9-11 years old?

If you are talking about most willing to date a man outside of their race than that crown goes to asian women

But if you are talking about easiness to have sex with than it's white girls

Good job getting the thread torpedoed

What makes a woman snap like this?

Being a mentally ill hapa

White women here tend to make up the majority of girls in the " slutty " category. Hooking up with white girls off dating aps and chatting them up is easier than other races of girls and on every university campus they are most of the sorioirty girls and the girls who have a rep for sleeping around the most.

Asian girls are rarley slutty but they date outside their race the most I see asian girls with white, pajeet and black guys here a lot as well as other races. One of best freind's in high school had a Korean mom and a Afghan dad

Sounds like you should study up, user

I love how much she enjoys it.


>Korean mom and a Afghan dad
does she looks like pokimane?


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>Asian girls are rarley slutty
Like for every ethnic group it depends wildly on the girl. Indonesians ,thais and chink fuck around a lot here as well.

Kind of cringe that you'd sperg about this random dumb art hoe on the international section of an anime imageboard.
Imagine what she would think of all you greasy faggots fetishizing her.

She's cultured and rich

her daddy owns an art gallery. she is gonna become super rich.

>because her story was spammed by r/hapas as a supposed typical case of wmaf "dysfunction"
More like they're cucks who enjoyed watching it.

Few roasties becomes camwhores purely for money. I think a lot of them like the feeling that comes from rebelling and having an audience