What are you doing to stop the genocide?

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Pushing the "it's just the flu narrative" in the hope Bongs stick to their "herd immunity" suicide plan.

Why are Australians so stupid?

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the decline of a language isn't genocide, especially not if it isn't forced

Where is Britanny?

>especially not if it isn't forced
It is about Britain not Europe.

Why do Celtic speakers only live in the west side of their island ?

because the Anglo-Saxons invaded from the east

>especially not if it isn't forced

>Why do Celtic speakers only live in the west side of their island ?
The rest of Britain is separated from mountains.
On foot it takes about 4 week to travel into the Highlands from the Lowlands in Scotland.

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the decline of Celtic languages in the British isles isn't forced tho, at least not today. They're protected minority languages and at times even official languages alongside English. They're just impractical since few people speak them so naturally people prefer English.

Making all languages illegal to use for 150 years is forced.

I'm talking about the present

are there qt celtic women willing to make lots of celtic speaking babies with me? Then I'm willing to help the celtic cause

That’s like stabbing someone repeatedly and watching them bleed to death and claiming that you didn’t kill them as you weren’t stabbing them in their last few moments of life.

Celts originated in Austria.

>bro, the languages being made virtually illegal for 150 years has nothing to do with their massive decline
Go away.
>are there qt celtic women
Maybe some in the Hebrides.

>Celts originated in Austria.
They did. And actually the Gaels came directly from Austria to Britain, modern Austrians today are actually genetically the same as Irish.

when did the discrimation against Celtic languages stop? Probably decades ago. It's pointless to blame the current English generations for it.
>>bro, the languages being made virtually illegal for 150 years has nothing to do with their massive decline
I didn't say or imply that, that's a strawman. You fuck right off.

>modern Austrians today are actually genetically the same as Irish.
most likely they aren't. Genetically Austrians have lots of Slavic and Germanic admixture as well.

It is literally what he said.

A ken Shetlan (midder fae Whalsa) an A böst sae, wir leed isna "Lallans" (da wye sudren fowk tak). Syne A hae byde ene mont on Fyfe, A tink A shoud ken. A tink maist o dae fowk dare war takin "Scots" bit A ne'er tocht dey takit "ma tounge".

Awto dey war aw varrie freendlie. Espeicially ene wheen (kween in Lallans), ma nichbour, wis real bonnie. Laek Shetlanders, shö döna arr fowk wha tak ony idder leed or byleed. In Shetlan du will aft, na, ayeways git warm hailsins fae nichbours etc. Du shoud see wir juil foys, dey shur are bonnie.

Arr = dislike

A say-wi ye it is richt that the leed spak i Shetlan is ferr ineuch fae Scots that it micht be caud a leid on it's ain.

"Suid" is meikil bettir. But mebbe that is the Shetlan gait?
Ordinar the screevan o "ea" is eschewit.

Hit is da Shetlan wird for "maun".
Aye "suid" an "ea" is bettir.
Sorrie, A haena tried to "screeve" in Shetlan for a lang time.

>Shetlan is ferr ineuch fae Scots that it micht be caud a leid on it's ai
Aye, wir leed has many wirds fae norse.

*haes mony

>that one german who thinks legislation discriminating against, forbidding the use of, and enforcing colonialism against speakers of celtic languages doesn't exist

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the forgotten genocide

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A thousand times this. All place names in Shetland are in norn (pretty much føroyskt).

go on then, prove that those things exist today.

>Hit is da Shetlan wird for "maun".
Ah, in Scots it is pit "buist".
He did admit it existed but since languages like Gaelic were made into government languages in 2005 it doesn't matter.
Shetland language is still spoken.

Honestly the other way around. In 2016 the schools even tried to force Gaelic on Shetlandic schools. Shetland has NEVER spoken Gaelic.

Gaelic will be exterminated within a single generation and good riddance
Scots can stay as it reinforces complete Anglo domination on this island

>go on then, prove that those things exist today.
Only 2% of pupils use Gaelic as a medium of Education and most are primary schools.
And it is impossible to have a job in Britain without speaking English.

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I do agree that Gaelic is overused in some areas.
The main problem is all the funding for it goes to building sign posts and not education.
Even worse that you can sit an exam in Gaelic and English but not Scots.

Mony fowk in Shetland pit hit as "buist" and "dae" but we aa sae "böst" an "dö". Dö Du ken da soond "ø"? It's aft uisd in da Norse leid.

>Dö Du ken da soond "ø"?
"Ui" is /y/ or /øː/, but the byleed chuisses whit sound is said. Sae "buist" an "Böst" ar said the ilk wey.

Tanks. A daena ken muckle aboot da ortograffe.

But A ken dat mony fowk in Shetland dae uise "ö" when writin dat soond!!! Mebbe hit's a "norse" ting (awto Norse uise "ø", Swades uise "ö")

>Mebbe hit's a "norse" ting
It is that. Thay hae thair ain letters.


Nobody speaks Scotts and also it isn't a language

Elizabeth I seems to disagree.

Can du sae whit Scots leed du tak?

*say obviously

I hae "Central". But ma yin is about the mid pairt of central.
It fir-ordinar yaises "i" insteed of "ui/ou" an "ae" insteid of "a" or "o", as in it is "cid" insteed of "coud" and "raid" insteed of "road".

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Irish Gaelic, Scots Gaelic and Welsh are the only living community languages, with thousands of first language speakers.
Manx and Cornish are just LARPs at this point.

Attached: Welsh_speakers_in_the_2011_census (1).png (924x1024, 400.43K)

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Crazy to think that language used to be spoke in just about all of Britain and all along the English channel but now only in the poorest parts of a mountain range.

Even though 1% can speak Gaelic only 0.5% speak it at home.

Nor'east middlins? Sood-wast?
Ma mam haes bocht an atlas wi byleeds o Scots but a dinna ken da name...

As long as schools and media and websites and newspapers and books and tv programs and video games are mostly still in English the genocide is still happening. In a passive way the pressure is still there, even when the English aren't actively pushing it.
Meanwhile the tiny population of speakers can't sustain to produce books and translations themselves so that's it (Irish wikipedia only have around 50k pages). I'm not blaming modern Anglos but the pressure is still very much there.

Whaur on dis cairt dae Du leeve?


The nemm is "West Central" or Wast Middlins.
I don't blame the modern English either.
But it is a genocide since to get a job in the UK you have to speak English otherwise no one will hire you.

Same here. I'm a speaker of Javanese and everything here is pretty much in Indonesian.
Even the name itself is politically motivated. There is no language called Indonesian, as it is basically the same language as Malay in Malaysia. It's like saying a Brazilian language instead of Portuguese.

as long as you speak a Celtic language

How did you learn Scots and why?

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It is really sad but not many people care.

Honestly an interesting-looking language, why do so many people want to intentionally abandon their native culture?

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St Paul was right when he said "Money is the root of all evil."

Talking with people who know Scots. Easiest way to learn any language. I do use a dictionary for spelling though, I'm not very good at it.
Why not? It's a beautiful language.

A cun ma tanks! A ken it's a guid cairt for dae learin aboot aa de byleeds, and aa tae see dat wast coast fowk soond laek Erse takin English. Dey daena speak Lallans at aw.

once we've the corona virus sorted out we'll get back to worrying about this stuff

Because the govt insists, that's why. Schools are in Indonesian and Javanese is being taught like Irish so it's fading among the younger generation.
Honestly it's all tradeoff though. We are an inland nation with more than 300+ languages so there must be some kind of unifying language. I just wish we had adopted the Indian model of allowing states to declare their language to be official. In India (whose situation is similar to ours), newspapers, media, and even the language used in the internet are still pretty much the domain of the local language of each state and education can be conducted using it to a degree. In the end there is a huge pressure from English as it is the lingua franca of India but compared to Indonesia, Indian languages are faring much, much better. The desire to amalgamate Indonesia into one ultra-unified nation is a disaster to Javanese and other local languages.

Attached: Language_region_maps_of_India.svg.png (1280x1457, 155.33K)

I heard there were currently attempts to unify Malay and Indonesian written standard? There's not much to change anyway.

A spelling guide for the Lowlands way.

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