French students ignoring govt requests not to gather, 15 million students enjoying 2 weeks of free time.
"We will try to be more careful, but having a social life is important"
HOLY SHIT France are you serious.
Darwin awards incoming.
French students ignoring govt requests not to gather, 15 million students enjoying 2 weeks of free time.
"We will try to be more careful, but having a social life is important"
HOLY SHIT France are you serious.
Darwin awards incoming.
Based youfs, kill ALL boomers
fuck this world we all deserve to die anyway and france is a good start
The great moron purge will be welcome.
Only nations with an authoritarian government or a collectivist culture will be able to create enough social distancing to flatten the curve. Individualist/liberal nations are fucked.
this video should be posted anyone makes an argument assuming that having a degree makes you smarter
Fuckers are all the same everywhere, fuck them, they only weight diwn their societies.
its well known liberal arts majors are a very mixed bag for overall sum intelligence. not everyone graduates either and I imagine school is a lot easier in Europe
One guy here beat the shit out of a security guard of the building he lives in because he told him he was breaking the law mandated quarantine.
The president publicly called him a fucking idiot multiple times and now he's facing jail.
But there are thousands of idiots like him, we are fucked.
Think about the amount of people that have raw unprotected sex despite the possibility of getting STDs.
It's not really any different.
They're p*risians, they're mostly retarded.
no the hard part in the US is getting in, in europe the hard part is graduating (in STEM)
>we all deserve to die
only europeans and most americans
We're the only good guys left on the planet. This virus is a deliberate attempt to get us out of the way so you morons can destroy the world in peace.
>having a social life is important
>One guy here beat the shit out of a security guard of the building he lives in because he told him he was breaking the law mandated quarantine.
Holy shit BASED.
This is a man who fights for his freedom.
So you asian roaches can destroy the enviroment with your selfishness and niggers can destroy whatever we build? Are you serious, ya gook?
>and I imagine school is a lot easier in Europe
Haha no. There is a reason we dont send everyone to uni and in many fields the majority drops out.
Normal people : enjoy sunshine
Micropenis on /fr/ : prepping with loaded guns and never have sex in their life
the fuck do you mean by this? i said what i said because you people don’t give a damn and do everything to fuck yourselves up. i cannot feel the slightest bit of sympathy if your continent turns into a dumpster fire and i won’t.
Based!! Nice to know the french listen to donald trump and don't believe in democrats lies. Only a few thousand people are dying, go out everyone! It's just a flu. French remind me of americans so strong and proud, its beautiful, we really are brothers.
Break time's over, Kim. Get back to work assembling those exploding Samsung phones.
What if I have sex AND guns ?
okay corona
We created a damn utopia and we are trying to to actually give back to the planet, unlike you insects who shamelessly poison ypur own water and air, eat everything that moves while niggers in Afrika are too dumb to even build a proper road or stop raping themselfs.
Factories are closed here retard. Most people are working at home in the meanwhile and they hopefully they will enjoy the latest season of darwinism show in Europe live on TV :)
Im sorry for being subhuman;_;
why the fuck are you bringing up your poltard politics here? that is a whole different context. i was not talking about pollution. my point is your brainlet attitudes regarding this epidemic and that you deserve whatever comes after you. do you get it?
I can't believe you are racist towards the European race like that. I didn't know Koreans are so racist.
Fuckin germans.i swear
It's France my nigga we dont obey shit
Ostie d'morons.
Zoomers are only defined by social status because they spend all their time in social medias. If you take out that part of their life, it will make them realize that most of their existence is fake, they can't let it happen. Add to that, most of them always had an easy life, and simply don't have the state of mind required to face adversity.
Meds are such a joke people. They are like ants to me, heh.
They are so driven by their inborn, compulsive desire to "socialize" with their fellow Med peasants that it goes above everything. A Med would rather have her parents perish to the plague than stay indoors.
We have been repeating this for a thousand times, but I will tell you again. Chinese do not equal all of Asians. Chinks fucking up this planet does NOT mean other Asians are in the wrong.
t. asian american
all gooks deserve to die
They are young. They are safe.
Young people questioning authority? Nothing new here.
Their low risk isn't the problem. The issue is they will carry it to people who aren't low risk and when it's circulating in such numbers that 0.1% will still translate into a couple thousand or so zoomers and millennials dead
>they will carry it to people who aren't low risk
>We will try to be more careful, but having a social life is important
cant miss out on Mamadou's cock
A few thousand people in France have Corona.
Fuck social life
Imagine being an 82 yo man who stayed at home but your student grandson visits you and infects you with the virus and now you are going to die because the hospitals are too busy treating thousands of retarded young peope and you're too old so they gave op on you.
Wouldn't that be a funny way to go?
>mfw i have neither
Listen: I don't love boomers generally but I am fond of my parents and I don't want to see the pain of losing theirs prematurely for anyone. Hell, people have children late in life now so there could be somewhat young children orphaned by this.
>parisians dying
Extremely based
>all the zoomers carry the virus
>due to the sheer number of infected there are way more mutations of the virus happening
>single mutation makes it much deadlier for zoomers
>the zoomer zero spreads it to other zoomers because they don't isolate themselves
>they all die
>82 years
yeah such a loss, he could've spent another 10 years as a barely moving corpse hooked on medications and tv
Damn, she ugly.
>Parisians dying
>having a social life is important
At this point just give up and watch the trainwreck unfold, they deserve it
Macron (IVPITER) should have them crucified.
Just you watch, by Tuesday we will have a military enforced quarantine, serves them right
There's about a million times the viral load there was a month ago, we're at the point where we have to start worrying about mutations that can make the disease more dangerous.