Are french fucking retarded?

>government declares lockdown, closes all restaurants and cafes
>people don’t give a fuck and gather on the streets
Do they think they’ll die if they stay home?

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Howewer french posters usually depicted reality considering french mindset and decay, people aren't particularly braindead dumb, they just don't give a damn fuck and are egoistic pricks.

The self-hatred of whites truly knows no bounds.

they aren't dumb they literally just don't give a fuck
fucking selfish cunts

They are rationalists who realize that the virus can't be contained and they might as well just enjoy themselves instead of giving in to hysteria. Also, all of them are under 80 so it's not like they're at risk.

Careless assholes

>boomers and gen-x drop dead, millennials and gen-z recover

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It's darwinism at work. The dumb die, the smart survive.

Bs, darwinism is about adaptation, much wider feature than strentgh or intelligence. Cockroachs, shrooms, proteas, bacterias and tardigrads will probably prevail at the end of terrestrial life, because they're adapted. Strength, intelligence or reproductive strategy are only infraparameters among adaptation, have you ever heard of the dinosaurs ?

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>Parisians commit mass suicide

me on the right

These spoiled fucks really underestimate the virus and on top of that want to pretend they aren't scared and can still be normal and even happy in this dire situation. They wanna show that fucking shitty and dirt cheap snowflake individualism to others and share the feeling. Nothing but a suicidal move.

Imagine if this was like the Spanish fever kek. Some Boomer killer virus ain't got shit on me. If i didn't have old relatives i wouldn't give two shits about it

So? The dumb die, thes mart survive,
Darwinos, at work.

>Be young bvll
>Go outside keeping some basic hygiene
>Even if you catch the virus it will be less violent flu for you
>Make all the boomers seethe
*boomer genocide

It's just a flu bro free holidays free time off work

>whites suicide
I see this as an absolute win

that herd immunity thing
how likely is it working as predicted?

>why yes I am a fucking retard, what gave it away?

Dumb herd die first.
Smart herder survive later.


>le darwin meme

They will blame the state once their parents and grandparents start dying

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They're parisians, there is a HUGE difference in "mindest".
They don't know what "normal" means.

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Nothing of value will be lost.

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why do you hate your family?


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>Also, all of them are under 80 so it's not like they're at risk.
That's not how herd immunity works. The logic of "well I'm not at risk so why should I care?" is exactly why we have anti vaxxers. Some people are at risk, and even though the majority of us aren't, if we go around spreading it we ensure it will hit a lot more people and governments will continue to operate in lockdown mode. The faster people stop being idiots, the faster this entire thing can be over.
Also, read that Corona is quite a lot different from other flues than what we previously thought. Completely healthy people can apparently get permanent lung damage and males can even become sterile from it.

>males can even become sterile from it
Silver lining is that these retards at leas won't be reproducing then.

Sure but it's enough that you get in contact with a single one of these idiots and that's it, no offspring for you. Honestly the sterility thing worries me more than boomer plague. Will just need to not visit my grandmother in some time to avoid that, but any random idiot on the streets could make me sterile now.

French faggot need to be dramatic about everything.
>we introduce a tax that will raise gas prices!
Anglo-Saxon countries: This is bad, and for the following reasons: 1, and 2 therefore 3 is the only logical conclusion which we will bill.
Asian countries: we have noticed 1 is inefficient so we will change it.

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No shit, Sherlock?
But in this case, it's about being smart enough not to catch the virus too soon (or at all).

Bootlicking homo



You niggers want reform through revolution. It's like every bill you want to counter has to constitute the founding of a new republic. From the 4th to the 5th to OVER 9,000th Republic.

Nah, we actually went 1,2 and 3, but the gvt said "fuck this, listening to people isn't my job" so it made us angry.
Then the next months were Macron saying "everyhting is fine and protests are dumb" and other politician going "people are dumb LMAO".
Then the 19th of November and the Yellow Vests actually started, which uncovered a lot of other nasty stuffs.

Honestly France and their transcendental defiance are plucked straight out of LOTR. You could unironically fit in their with all the speeches about good and evil.

So you're saying Macron is despotic? In that case you can just arrest him for undermining the democracy.

Check your steps and try again.

>In that case you can just arrest him for undermining the democracy.
Do you know how despotism works ? He has the police as bootlickers and they went harder then ever before.
Also the actual 20% who voted for him are the big cities, so they still shill for him.
He can't call the Army because it will be the last line.
All his deputies are puppets and the other alternatives are stupid.
The system has been drawned on for too long, it's like the last season of a tv show they shouldn't have made.

>dude just call the cops on the president lmao

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>In that case you can just arrest him for undermining the democracy.
Whether ones likes Macron or not, he was elected fair and square, and there is no doubt that the next presidential elections will take place at the expected date. So if half the population wants him out, he won't be reelected (there typically are 10 to 20 candidates in the first turn of French elections).
Yellow vests are less than 1% of the population who somehow imagine everyone is of the same opinion.
If there was a revolution, we would end up with a comparable system (universal suffrage) and for all we know, Macron may get elected again.

At times like these you usually have a monarch who can suss things but at what you went and did to yours :-|

>so it's not like they're at risk.
they are though.

The things is there as almost 0 ways to make a guy non-electible in this country. And the guys in place and threatened by a bazillions legal cases on their asses won't vote for it.

The French president has some attributes of a monarch. Paradoxal as it may sound.
Plus, while they're in office they are prince of Andorra (because of ancient treaties involving the King of France ; that function passed on to the President) and canon in the cathedral of the Pope (again, function inherited from the kings).

So we are a republic who turns an equal citizen into a prince and a secular state who turns him into a catholic priest.

what is the ethnicity of that man?

If you don't like ______ just vote for someone else. There are plenty of choices (10+).
If _____ gets elected anyway, well you have to suck it up for 5 years.
That's how democracy works. Revolutions are to throw despots out. A revolution these days would accomplish nothing.

>Are french fucking retarded?
Yeah. Consider that the Yellow Vest protests are STILL going on. No wonder that country can't get ahead in the slightest.


kek am I glad us Protestants aren't that retarded
You sound like pre civil war Spain


No, the system works quite well, although it is really bizarre. Renouncing to be head of another state would have been disadvantageous, but turning Andorra into a republic or annexing it may have triggered hostility. So it was a working solution, which endured for centuries.
It's largely the same with Monaco, on paper they have a prince who nominates the prime minister who will actually head the country. But he has to choose from a list of three names, submitted by the French President. Usually those are prefets (who manage a French departement).
So Monaco is in practice another departement of France, theoretically ruled by a prince.
This has advantages for France as well, since stuff which isn't or wasn't allowed (like F1 races, gambling) could take place in Monaco instead.
In fact it's either part of France or a different country depending on the topic.

Autocratic measures like that aren't possible in the modern West.

Well it will be. Tonight Macron will announce the lockdown, the army is on the move too.

>the Yellow Vest protests are STILL going on
There are like 300 of them these days, though - out of 70 million.
If you look hard enough you'll always find a few hundreds retards in any country. It's just that these days, with the Internet those can get together. The village idiot becomes a group of country idiots.
Wouldn't be surprised if there are yellow vests for 2 years more, until the next elections.
And then again, they may still do it starting the very next week.

>If you look hard enough you'll always find a few hundreds retards in any country.
How long have the yellow vests gone about their shit?
What were they protesting against?
Why did they keep protesting after having gotten what they wanted and then some?
How many of them were there at the height of the demonstrations?
How much of the population supported them at their height?

Even the fact that now, half a year later, there are "only" 300 of them left during A FUCKING NATIONAL LOCKDOWN DUE TO THE GRAVEST PANDEMIC SINCE THE SPANISH FLU already proves that we're not dealing with your garden variety retards here. In fact, this kind of shit would be impossible in any other European country.

i can agree, those groups arent new here as well but they all die out in weeks (either they obtain what they wanted or they just become the laughing stock of the country)

Lmao at seething frogs replies

My mum and dad divorced while we were young and they've only every been extremely selfish. My dad even hooked up with a divorced woman with two kids and decided to put those two kids above his own.
The rest of my family are either basically strangers or hypocrites just as bad as my parents. One of my aunts even teamed up with my mum during the whole divorce period, to help with demonising my father and trying to basically brainwash myself and my brother.
Face it: not everyone has a decent family and not everyone should be allowed to have kids.

>How long have the yellow vests gone about their shit?
70 weeks so almost a year and a half, kek
>What were they protesting against?
They drew up a list of 50+ points, from lower taxes on gas, more respect for elderly people, "zero homeless target" and so on - a complete hodgeppdge. And they wanted less taxes but more public spending (with no explanation about where the money would come from)
>Why did they keep protesting after having gotten what they wanted and then some?
Because it has become a pastime, I guess? for the small minority that still does it
>How many of them were there at the height of the demonstrations?
Don't remember, but not that many compared to historical, significant marches
>How much of the population supported them at their height?
About 2/3, this quickly dropped down when they attempted to ruin historical monuments, and even further when the elections came and they were unable to even write a coherent 'program'. It's rioting for the sake of rioting

The bars and parks were crowded on the exact same day. And the lockdown hasn't even been announced yet...

>males can even become sterile from it.

Come again??

Not him, but this hasn't been proven yet. A report mentioned that it could possibly impact fertility, but high fevers in general can impact male fertility (temporarily) because balls produce the most semen when they're cool.

>And they wanted less taxes but more public spending (with no explanation about where the money would come from)
I reckon there are probably a handful of corporations operating within France that could be taxed which could generate more than enough revenue for public works spending without having to raise taxes on the average person, desu.

>they just become the laughing stock of the country
they became that, and then it was forgotten. If the media in other countries still cover it, they're blowing it out of proportion (I guess that's what their readers want to read). It disappeared from the newspapers months ago, here, and I actually had to qwant it to see that, indeed, there still were some this week, 300.
There also were other marches on the same day (climate, for instance) with way more people.

good-bye France.
Your age was over.
now Europe is for UK.

A Chinese study suggests that those infected can become infertile, depending on how badly the virus infects you. It's not unheard of with these type of illnesses.