
Entrance to Skopje edition

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Fuck Skopje

It's Debar, Macedonia

nuck figgers

I support Macedonia during these tough times

*north macedonia

time to read some books in these quarantined times

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Imagine if this was an actually dangerous virous


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40% of the cases in China who needed respiratory machine to breathe were under 50. The virus is far from just a boomer remover and thank to retards like you it can only get worse.

I'm gonna sell all my bitcoin in 1 hour. I'm getting the fuck out. When US market open stocks will crash harder and bitcoin will slump to nothing. Then i'll buy more tomorrow. Hoping for a big one.


"""Working""" from home, lads.
Are you working today ?

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Yeah, working from home till the end of the month
Literally just made my second coffee and breakfast and watching Netflix

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dude trust me

Yes, I hate it, not sure how you all cope with the permanent state of this.

>40% of the cases in China who needed respiratory machine to breathe were under 50.
heavy smokers most probably. They're prone to pneumonia.

>what do you mean shut down?
>just don't get out
>but business is business here's some gloves
it's all a farce

Plod I zelenchuk rabotqt li

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Lol they're paying me higher rates the retards, they think hoarding now will make them rich haha.

Some people can't see the world burning even if the smoke suffocates them

Teя дeт aз хoдя, дa.
Зeх cи дoмaти и кpacтaвици.

What you mean work for an ex

If I outsource projects from Sofia to Blg because people there are a bit cheaper, like back office work, support etc.

healthy people can get pneumonia as well from this because it's in the group of serious lung diseases not just a cold
imagine 10k people needing a machine to breathe because they can't on their own
stop underrating the bats

Of bate shube me e da hodq za plod & zelenchuci daje

*ting ting ting*

Excuse me?

I would like to make an announcement.


Men are 97% of combat fatalities.

Men pay 97% of Alimony

Men make 94% of work suicides.

Men make up 93% of work fatalities.

Men make up 81% of all war deaths.

Men lose custody in 84% of divorces.

80% of all suicides are men.

77% of homicide victims are men.

89% of men will be the victim of at least one violent crime.

Men are over twice as victimised by strangers as women.

Men are 165% more likely to be convicted than women.

Men get 63% longer sentences than women for the same crime.

Court bias against men is at least 6 times bigger than racial bias.

Males are discriminated against in school and University.

Boys face vastly more corporal punishment than girls.

60-80% of the homeless are men.

Women's Cancers receive 15 times more funding than men's

At least 10% of fathers are victims of paternity fraud.

One third of all fathers in the USA have lost custody of children, most are expected to pay for this.

40-70% of domestic violence is against men however less than 1% of domestic violence shelter spaces are for men.

Male fatality rates are vastly higher than women's


Women initiate 70% of all divorces.

55% of married women admit to having cheated in marriage.

Women lie when reporting their income.

Women, on average, prefer a partner 23 cm taller than themselves.

Women are dissatisfied when their partner earns less than they do.

Historically 15 women reproduced for every man.


Thank you.

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rape should be legal

Lelkata imashe rakavici i maska, i ne puskaha poveche ot dvama na vednuj.

Бългapия e cкyчнa

He cъм cлaвянин-лaйнa

>Кинa co дoнaцијa oд 200 pecпиpaтopни мaшини зa Maкeдoнијa
China donates 200 respiratory machines. What has the US or Germany done for us? Nothing.

лaйнa-дyпкaтa бългapия бeшe пo-интepecнa oт cъвpeмeннaтa бългapия

Лoл, хapcвa ми кaк им викaтe.

Damn we didn't even ask for it

not only him
just went to a shop
stand in line 2 hands away from anyone
they more or less do the same
old farts creep in
they breathe in the back of my neck

how stupid are those retards? it doesn't take much IQ what to do

I’m starting the dump. Btc 2k by midnight

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bats are innocent and cute and dindunuffin

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Youre an idiot
rape should not be legal

The fact is if a girl loves you she would never leave you

Also if you find a soulmate she would never leave you

But people change but you need to have good diplomacy in order to keep a girl

If you fuck her really nice she would never leave you

Ah stupid humans its just youre very unadvanced

bats are ugly ass flying rats, fuck them

Wonder how hard BTC will crash. Asian markets crashed. Europe crashing hard. US markets open in 3 hours. If they open at -10% like Europe, the world will fucking crash today (oh and yes they will). Then the hedge niggers will start dumping BTC en masse and it can reach as low as $1k.

>be me
>go to the store
>only 20 people allowed in
>go in the middle
>start coughing
>everyone watches me with fear and moves away
LMAO the cough is a superpower if you wanna all the boomers to leave you alone

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how do you say china in bugar?

Just came back from the store. Everything available except lots of vegetables and fruits, so did go to a separate store as well. 3 people max at the same time in the supermarket, people up to 40 mostly with masks, old people like usual not wearing neither masks nor scarfs, generally not too many fucks were given. Worst is though that there is no money in the atms ffs

Russians use the same

>Worst is though that there is no money in the atms ffs
Think it's cause of the fact it's the mid month and all the normies withdrew their salaries

lol you never cease to amaze me
thanks for the laugh

How do you feel about cannibalism?

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Any economic majors here? Could it possibly happen that if US markets slump the dollar is also worth nothing?

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eat my dick subhuman

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That wont happen dont worry

Who's gonna watch me go to the infective department today for fun

>a month later

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Money printer goes vroomvroom

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you mean literally today

If i had money i would buy stocks and buy bitcoins but i dont have money

This crisis is actually an oppertunity to make money

Friend of mine is making a killing with this shit these days

Cause you're retarded. I sold all my BTC today because I know I won't have $2 if I keep it until tomorrow. Today will be the biggest crash in world history

But tomorrow is the opportunity to take the liquid and buy everything for scraps


Do boomers really ..


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Bitcoin is a bubble

The real money is into hilton and other things like airliners and their stocks



The crisis caused alot of businesses to go down

Sadly most business that went down are coffee shops kafanas etc

Freaking shits dont serve me cold machiatto again