>Quarantine in Italy and Spain
>People stay at home and play music to each other from their balconies, or play bingo or other games
>Coronavirus fears in USA
>People fight each other to hoard hand sanitizer and toilet paper in hopes of reselling it for profit
Reminder that Meds have SOUL and anglos only have GREED
Quarantine in Italy and Spain
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not funny because it's true
>americans take a shit 7 times per day
>quickly go outside I will play a song on my guitar you should repost it on Twitter and Facebook for me!! Pretend like you're my neighbor btw
>the meds figured they never had to stock up so they sing sad songs in their prison cells waiting to die
>the anglo not only prepares for the storm but figures he could come out better from it
I do not fear the virus, for i am a famer
Me on the right
I saw Americans fighting over toilet paper so i am inclined to believe this one.
Keep it healthy Spain user.
>first case in my county
>Probably means half my county has it because of all the underreporting
shut up and quiet down, normie
I'm trying to sleep on this apocalypse
It really do be like that
Corona in Sweden and Finland
>everything as normal
>people go to work, pubs, parties, school and sex clubs
>news have moved on, back to celebrities and racism again
>shops are stocking back up whatever was hoarded by retards
>spring is in the air
Meanwhile in germany
>sex clubs
Care to elaborate?
Clubs for sexy times.
I swear to god if I hear someone singing near my house I'm calling the Police
sad but true
i want a med gf for fuck sake
What if that lady falls out of the window?
I can come by and loudly sing the Swedish national anthem if you want.
thats why i need guns in case of a lockdown, to shoot faggots who just cant keep quiet and have to disturb the whole neighbourhood
and I thought the blackamoor meme was just a meme
Is not real, is an obvious parody but is lel. I don't know why the Brits say Germans don't have a sense of humor.
>no fun allowed
subhuman nordoids are so boring twitter.com
Deberían cantar esto:
Cálzame las alpargatas,
Dame la boina, carga el fusil,
Cálzame las alpargatas,
Dame la boina, carga el fusil.
Que voy a matar más guiris,
Que voy a matar más guiris,
Que voy a matar más guiris,
Que flores tienen mayo y abril.
Que voy a matar más guiris,
Que flores tienen mayo y abril.
It says alot that the first thing they think about is their asshole.
And unprecedented too, in the old ways of the war they just used water or newspaper to wipe their ass. People today don't have their priorities right.
the degenerate swede
why are nordics so autistic and antisocial?
lol cucked
at least post the good quality version cuck
The good ole bidet to the rescue, as always
based meds singing for all the brave englishmen who have died jumping from those balconies
Some of them are pretty nice
to be fair it reaffirms that the UK as a society is less european and more american because i cannto imagine people singing or being nice to each other here.
less european doesn't mean more american lad
ive heard from an old jap that was in UK in his youth that people are way more cynical and negative now that they used to be there, do you think its true
What an existential dilemma I'm suffering now. Don't know if embracing these songs, games...in order to stay united, seeing it as sth based, or despising them since I value quietness and I'm not a big fan of cheesy sentimentality.
its a damn comfy life
have sex
save hex
its not cheesy its just people enjoying themselves and passing time
dont judge yourself or others so harshly and you might be able to come out of your autism shell
Americans are scum. Redditors will say that it's white people, if they are blacks that are looting or scraping tp, they will say "this lady is so trashy"
You're kinda right, idk how we'll go here either tbph
But most of us live in suburbs and this kind of thing wouldn't even work. But at least we're not yanks.
Staying united is based, but those songs are cheesy. You come across as someone like my mother, you don't want to be like that.
Join them in a very autistic way then do something like cooking or reading.
>be in quarantine
>showers the streets with their pozzed fluids while singing
>those posts
>those flags
makes sense
i would say so
there's nothing to trust anymore, the vast majority of the youth voted against brexit so they dont trust boomers, at election time you can only pick between the party that has wrecked out country in the last ten years and the party that created the conditions to wreck our country in the years proceeding, house prices and space to build housing is so limited you'll probably never get a job, brexit means our opportunities to work abroad are about to become severeley limited and everything in the future is shrouded in mystery subject t the current brexit negotiations, so it's hard to plan anything or get excited. people in general are just starting to hate eachother.
*probably never get a house
>playing loud music in the neighborhood
I fucking hate m*ditoids.
G*rmans are sub-human
How can I have sex if I can't go out my home (even if I go out I doubt I'd have sex kek)
I didn't mean to criticize people harshly, just showing up a dilemma I have. And not, liking calmness doesn't turn me into an autist. I actually showed myself in the massive balcony clapping and I liked it! even if it's something I wouldn't do in a normal basis.
Just joining to the massive balcony clapping and I'm done with my good-citizen duty.
Shut up you third worlders are way too loud with your yelling and gypsy music.
too autistic to function. As I said sub-human.
This is why i hate Meds.
>ooga booga lets do music, music good
I swear to God, if my neighbors do this shit, i'm pissing in a glass bottle and throwing it at them.
you are not doing shit you autistic faggot
>I swear to God, if my neighbors do this shit, i'm pissing in a glass bottle and throwing it at them.