Death and suffering are upon us edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>call the first aid class to ask when is our next lesson
>they said they cancelled it all
>fuck, i can't ask the dalmatian girl out anymore because i won't see her
>ask the doctor for her surname
>she gets mad as fuck
>i apologize
>she is still talking shit for no fucking reason
>i hang up
hahahahhahhaha fuck my life man, when will i get a fucking break?
why did i even meet her, now i have her on my mind all the time
life sucks yo
yeah it‘s over brate
find grannies who got corona'd and make their death happy one by fucking them
it isn't about sex, i can get laid if i want to, but i don't
i just really enjoyed talking and being with that girl
can't say that i am surprised that it turned out this way, because every time i choose to turn my life around i get bitch slapped and i go back to the start
too many times to count it happened to me
I don't think that asking for her surname was a good idea.
>it isn't about sex
you still need to pop few red pills.
what should've i done?
and you need to grow up man
Hello frens
>croatian fren cockblocked by a chink that ate a bat
it's fucking hilarious
of course it happened to me
And you seriously thought that the doctor is just going to give you her surname?
i had my doubts but i still tried, i had no other options
Boriiiiiiiing desu.
What is?
Working from home
We're up to 30 cases, and now we have local transmissions.
wtf im mohamad now
The news is now 100% coronavirus related, so I'm ignoring it by playing Subnautica. I just built a Cyclops and now I'm looking for Magnetite.
Stay strong, Med brothers.
It's expected. I'm just grinding on Warframe desu.
I NEED a name or source pls
>tfw no quirky mena gf
I have a thing for girls with thick eyebrows and this is not helping
>Tfw no cute quirky big eyebrows gf
I hope the janny's fine.
well, since he never leaves home he is probably ok
Praise mods
Same, I have no idea why, but it's my preference.
New selfie
Looking good.
Who will feed him if his mother has a problem ?
immeasurably based
he probably have a freezer full of hot pockets
He's fat, it will be gone in a few days
Wew, i haven't heard this since i was like 6
I just remembered it. Rather nostalgic.
in central/western part. east is soviet shithole.
>thin body
>big boobies
are you guys virgins?
i am
you are french
How many days can you survive without buying ?
retarded like me, volcel or incel?
Tbh I don't try to get a gf, but I'm so autistic I don't know if I could get one if I wanted too. At least not one I want. Some girl would like to date me I think though.
I've never been out with friends or anything except for lately when I went to Gozo. My social life is as good as you can expect.
eh pretty much same situation here
I'm a retard
>I have a thing for girls with thick eyebrows
A man of taste, I see.
can relate