This 24-year-old young Spanish doctor has just died, he had no previous illness...

This 24-year-old young Spanish doctor has just died, he had no previous illness. Isn't the coronavirus only supposed to kill old or sick people?

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he looks like a fag, probably had HIV

>A yuong already died this early.
Western gonna learn it hard way...

It mostly does but there is the anomaly of some young people dying.

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rest in peace muchacho

>Isn't the coronavirus only supposed to kill old or sick people?
No, only uninformed retards think that

u sure he's a doctor?

he looks like a virgin

Poor boy, I wonder if he had girlfriend and an active sex life or if he was still a virgin at the time of death.


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Dr. Jordi died what he loved doing best, curing the ailments of married women.

Why do you ask me that?

Moors are subhumans, so I doubt it had something to so with his age.

>Isn't the coronavirus only supposed to kill old or sick people?
not ONLY, but for the vast majority of deaths, yes they are either old or immunocompromised

Then who's at risk?
I'm 19, how worried should I be?

Quantity of the virus pacient is exposed to is generally directly correlated with seriousness of the illness. Since he was a doctor, he was exposed to massive amount of virus everyday and his condition therefore worsened. It's the same as poison or radiation, a lot of it or constant exposure will do a lot more damage.
>he was a doctor at 24 years of age
wtf, how is that even possible, you can't even graduate that early?

Shut up paco
Why are incels so gullible. *sighs*

>Then who's at risk?
EVERYONE, old and very young people are just more at risk

Ok, I've been to pol since January, how bad is corona? Has it gotten worse? Any new info?
But user, I'm 19, how hard will it hit me? I can't sleep because of this

you'll be fine. it's been very rare for a young and healthy person to die so far

Si ese joven y sano español ha muerto tú también puedes morir. Ten mucho cuidado amigo.

depends on your immune system strength, hence the great risk for the very old and very young. if you're often sickly you might be fucked.

Yes, panic, scream and shit your pants, the disease turns people into zombies, m'redditor.

>wtf, how is that even possible, you can't even graduate that early?
Many med students get drafted to become doctors to cure corona.
It's like conscription.

>able to recognise a pornstar
>calling others incels

looks pretty sickly to me

Not getting sleep is bad. Increases the risk of you getting sick.

Hmmmm makes sense, I can't risk it
What about the cykotine storm?
Kjjjjjjj based thread Jordi user
Yeah hope I'll be fine and you too user

Good and healthy immune system still has a chance to died thank to your immune system overreact to the virus.

I'm more surprised that 24 year old can actually become a doctor. It usually takes years of practice, before becoming a full-fledged one.

Also kill weak pussies
Only the strongest boomer will survive and they will rule the zoomer hordes with an iron fist
Millennials are dead-end bloodline and will be culled

Yeah only 0.2% of young people die, mostly the ones who were already ill

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This is Spain...

>Still keep using Chink case.
Western and Chinese have different strain.

The mortality rate in Germany is even lower, only 0.2% for all ages, including old

this "doctor" banged my ex-gf and my sister. not cool bro.

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This 21-year-old Spanish footballer just contracted the virus. Please give him your thoughts and prayers and wish him the best.

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Are they really l and s? What do you know about the strains? Please share your information
I know user, I'm just thinking about the cykotine storm and minmaxxing my health

Because you detect it early. It's taken a long time for the virus to have symptoms which it need to kill people. If you cure virus pre-sympton, it's almost free win.

Rip Jordi. You were a great gynaecologist

>24 years old

How is that possible?

Most of the young doctors I meet are in their late 20s.

Chinese strain actually milder, even Thirdoid like Vietnam don't have problem to cure it and it's actually fast. While strains in Iran and Italy more serious and cause death already in Thailand and other SEA countries.

Read the thread you God dam retard

He was a smart boy.

Doctors are overworked, especially now.



He was really good at his craft of inspecting vaginas with his penis

Also, if your immune system overreact to the virus, they gonna cause holes in your lung and you could die from it. The Chinese fix it by replaces patient lung with other lung that died to "another reason".

QDEP en paz, Jordi el Niño Polla, 2000-2020

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Is he well known?

cytokine storm. rough luck

He looks familiar...

me la creí hasta q leí el thread ja-ja

I hope his mentor doesn't suffer the same fate while fighting corona in America.

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Here, i think it's the most famous male pornstar


He has cancer already, not gonna make it

He's so fucking tiny! Is this to more easily self-insert Mexico?

> Not needing at LEAST 10 years of study to become a doctor
Either he wasn't, or spanish education is nigger tier.

He finished early

he was an expert at studying women

Johnatan Pecados

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