I love you.
Other urls found in this thread:
based nords
>get sick
>sick again
>ambulance won't come
black driver
>>aint no way I'm picking dat broke ess nigga up mf
>kids bankrupt because insurance company put the debt on them
>sick in Norway
>get medicine for a few crowns
>healthy boy
>not sick again
>high wage so ez to pay for being sick
>get a salary while sick for two weeks and welfare from the government that's the same as salary if its longer
>get healthy
>like sickness never happened
> non-american sick in America
>get to hospital
>made healthy boy
>>sir SIR! where are you going? you need to pay the 1 million dollars or we'll sue! sir!
>>you have insurance, right? broke ess nigga
fake tweet but they're not wrong
>don't think about norway
>seethe about americans on some random facebook post
Kek, the Brazilian courts won't even accept the letters from the US courts, which means we can go there, use their shit and come back
Norway is smaller than new york. it's not surprising Americans don't know we exist. I didn't know Maine was a state before 2019, but to assume I should know that is like assuming an American should know all European countries, or a European should know all the African countries.
the reason America is famous is because of its size. were it not, it would be as forgettable as the other former colonies
based legal system
>they don't come home to you and do a test if you ask
>*gets shot*
heh nothin personel
>I didn't know Maine was a state before 2019, but to assume I should know that
I don't think anyone says you need to assume to know that
the level of cope is unreal
>only reason america is known is because of its size
>not the fact that it rose to the most powerful nation in the world in ~500 years from nothing
>not the fact that our culture and language dominates the entire world
everywhere you go, all the things you see in your daily norwegian life were made by americans. all the things in the media, all the inventions you use, the fashion you adopt. american. how much traditional norwegian "culture" do you see on a day to day basis user?
what's even more sad is i like your country more than mine and would much rather have grown up in norway- this is all completely objective truth.
>saying we should know states is like saying we should know every country in the eu
uhhhh not at all bucko. i'd say knowing all european countries are more important than random fucking sections of the US.
BASED Norwegian making mutts seethe
>Norway is smaller than new york
An oil rich countrylet for lanklets. Chibi Saudi Arabia. Neat.
t. Jose Carlito Rodriguez
>The Maine Coon is the largest domesticated cat breed. It has a distinctive physical appearance and valuable hunting skills. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, specifically native to the state of Maine,[3] where it is the official state cat.
>No records of the Maine Coon's exact origins and date of introduction to the United States exist, so several competing hypotheses have been suggested, the most credible suggestion being that it is closely related to the Norwegian Forest cat and the Siberian.
duh its your size that made you the most powerfull nation, and honestly thats a good thing. imagine if you where 50 independent states, it would be a mess like balkan or middle east. no way there would not be a conflict going on somewhere at any time.
Spinless cowards edited their tweet. If it were us, we'd let it stay.
American based companies owned by the Norwegian government. bought with the oil money we got from selling oil to you. America is owned by the jews, the Chinese and the Norwegians. every time a nigger kills a white girl at prom, the bullet was made by a Norwegian owned company. your salary might be paid by the Norwegian government. 90% of the money in the oil fund is valued through stocks, property and business income from bought businesses. for example, 40% of apple and google is owned by the Norwegian government. the fund generates so large sums that the people won't have to pay taxes anymore in around 2025 if it increases as fast as it has priorly. nobody in Norway gives a fuck about fame worldwide. were unknown and has always been. were at our most famous since the Viking age. the Norwegian government is with Saudi Arabia and Israel when its about cucking over America. watch the WikiLeaks leaked Hillary Clinton emails and you'll see Norway was one of the countries bribing Hillary during her election. Norway owns America. America is our military, which is why we own all the companies supplying the US army.
cry more fatass
Feels good being honorary american
You sound like an arsehurt racist Yas Forumstard, to be honest.
>Being obliterated by Ikea
Americans really
if finding oil is winning the lottery, then Saudi Arabia is the dude that takes the money and buys a car, fly clothes and cocaine until he's broke again. Norway is the type that starts a business, buys stocks and increase the capital over time until he too can buy coke, cars and bitches but without it ever having to stop
Americans doesn't know this feel:
America had free healthcare, MAGA
Most likely he is yes. Most norwegians like USA but fear the healthcare system there.
Why do Americans defend their health system?
bingo. but I'm not angry about shit anymore. can't be bothered to give a fuck about anything desu. my luck has been so shit the past year that it's hard to provoke me anymore since it dont matches up to the shit I've been through lately. you'd have to literally kill my cat or something to get me angry lmao
>everywhere you go, all the things you see in your daily norwegian life were made by americans
>media, inventions, fashion
What does this mean? What are these american things, genuinely asking. Its like youre saying that americans invented the newspapers and more, pants, shirts etc. But you didnt.
The most obvious american inventions (or rather things made popular by american consumerism) that come to mind are the television and pc. But what else?
obviously I like America. it's Norwegian owned.
>not having royalty
what a failure
Dragon dildos
digger tanken på at det er sosialt akseptabelt og respektabelt å være patriot i Norge enda
Idk don’t listen to that retard
A shit ton of poor ignorant rednecks who never had insurance (for decades) got it for the first time with Obama and STILL voted against him in 2012 because muh Mexicans, muh abortion, muh guns. He literally cured their (in some cases) debilitating illnesses, and they voted for the guy who vowed to take it all away. I just don’t fucking get it, so I just ignore them and so should you.
Americans think they are the only ones making movies and that's its even high quality they make
>makes a medieval movie with Somalian knights fighting for a European kingdom talking with an American hood accent
Saudis are actually investing a lot of oil money into renewable energy sources. They're not dumb.
Traditional norwegian dishes ain't from the US of A
literally hungarian
HBO makes about one series worth watching per year. Hollywood has been churning out absolute dogshit cape movies for over a decade now. It resembles Bollywood, really, imo.
why would you vote against guns? guns are awesome. I shot my first shotgun when I was 16 at new years eve with my best friend and his family. it was the most powerful I have ever felt in my entire life. it felt like I was a god for a few seconds, able to kill anything I've ever wanted. its the coolest thing ever. it's like a controllable explosion in your hands. I have never understood the American way of viewing guns. it sounds crazy to me to have them removed. hope they never remove guns here
Taco bell?
Did you read what i wrote in brackets or did you not
damn. they were pretty dumb before. its why the only respectable city in their land is Dubai
Plenty of other things that can get your dick hard.
just wanted to underline that my friend, hungary is pretty cool
No. Norwegian "first price" taco's, only 5 kroner or 0,5 dollar
So.... Taco bell?
Is it ok with you if I fuck your cat?
Hollywood is known for stealing European movies popular the country of origin and recreating it in America. they usually make it super crappy and nobody watches or likes the American version.
they did this with a Norwegian drama series called Skam which was about Norwegian teenager life in Norway, which is unique due to the Russ tradition, heavy drinking common in Norway at early ages and the party rapes. America made an American version which ended up as you'd guess. a cheerleader wants to fuck jock, but jock got a secret controversial crush on a nerd who ends up super hot
Sounds, looks and cost about the same as taco bell.
is this serious? can never be sure with mutts
I am not an American.
like legal prostitutes
>ikke lefse
Sorry, I'm sure your tacos aren't as bland as they look
fuck off yank
oh they are, just like they should be.
>poorly developed health services
>for example the USA
He's right you know
Maybe if you spent less on defending Israels borders maybe you would have some money left to do good things for yourselves.
Fuck, I can't stand americans.
You sound like a mad shitskin
>its why the only respectable city in their land is Dubai
Dubai is not in Saudi Arabia.