
Kanamori edition

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anime nonce

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tfw no beanpole gf

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Good taste

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doing a poo

Pooing a do

name's BRUCE

You're a ducking wanker, mate
Why make it so early? Are you really that desperate for attention? Is it really that important for you to get people to see your shitty OP image that you couldn't wait 15 minutes?
God forbid someone else's makes the new. God forbid you miss the opportunity to post your shitty OP image and ensure everyone sees it.
It's just sad, mate

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name's BRUCE

this exact thought crosses my mind every time there's an early new

Why should we fight" he asked me,
"'Cause England is at war?
Why are they fighting now, Dad,
What are they fighting for?
What does it mean to you, Dad,
To babes, and mum, and me?
The Germans won't come here
From away across the sea.
So why should you go there, Dad,
And leave us here to cry?
Is it cause England owns us?
Is that the reason why?"
His eyes look widely at me,
I tightly held my son,
And this is how I answered,
His questions one by one.

"We fight when England calls us,
For in her sacred keep
The ashes of our fathers
Lie in her soil asleep.
And many times for England
They fought that she'd be free,
And they are part of England,
And so, my son, are we.
And some may pass her by, lad,
And some may scorn her hand,
But we must be forever
A part of that fair land.
For everything we have son,
That's good and fine and just
Was washed in British blood
And given to us on trust.

"And we must keep that trust, son,
Against the force of greed.
And fight beside old England
Whenever she's in need.
And once again she's calling
Across the Empire wide,
And all her Empire answers:
"You'll find us at your side"
Oh yes, we're owned by England,
But we own England, too,
As you are part of me son,
And I am part of you"

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alri bruce
i'm bruce


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never made an original post in my life

Maybe that was true 70 years ago
Posting it on the internet today is pretty cringe

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Genuine question, are you brown? Never know why you would countersignal Anglo solidarity

paki seething at the thought of an anglo brotherhood at the specific exclusion of himself



watched the debate today me

Ever since I got a gf I've gone from wanking 7-8 times a week to just having sex 2-3 times.

Partner has killed my sex drive


live in a geriatric neighbourhood that got its first coronavirus case confirmed last week and ive heard two ambulances today

(poo variety)

Opposite for me. Now I just have sex a few times a week in addiction to 7 or 8 wanks.

work is beginning preparations for us to work from home

Thank you for supporting American politics

Gonna pick up 5kg rice on the way home from work, 200 multivitamins and 5 40L containers to fill with water

75% of the time i hate yank politics but election year is a memefest not gunna lie

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Do you genuinely think the average Australian or Canadian regards Britain as the mother country anymore?

Pick me up an icee will you

Experiencing a caffeine crash but don't want to have any more as I'll be irritable as fuck at toil later.

He thought he was gonna be VP, cute

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*crunch crunch*

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not quite the mother country but a close friend yes
can't speak for canada

>Anglo brotherhood is dead

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My god it's gonna be Hilldawg innit

brothers more than mother, but the connection remains without the slightest question. you need to get out more if you think that's not the case
>let me tell you about your country

The old toil oneitis really needs to fuck off. Makes me nervous for the whole shift and I have to time my breaks to not accidentally bump into her.

No fucking way, they can't be that fucking dumb, ...can they?

Why the fuck would he mention his strategy to a novelty candidate. Someone needs to tell this lad his 15 minutes are up.

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How can I perfect that untrained artist with a ballpoint look

Because that’s exactly what I am but I want to refine it

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Did you shag her?

lmfao not even close anymore you LARPistanis

Not a fucking chance. Hillary is beyond tainted.

learn anatomy
looks like you drew this top to bottom and succumbed to cerebral palsy halfway down


I was trying to directly copy this while looking at it and didn’t wanna fuck with the hands

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you must genuinely be a brown shut-in

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No but I did have a few autism attacks when talking to her.

ever been to australia?

Wtf aussies hate us

you're cunts to us tbf

foolish post

Americans love Australia

americans love themselves and nothing else

Not true, we love two things, ourselves and Australia

Because, like brits, you seem to think it's some sort of carefree playground full of beaches and adventure and lash out at us when you find out it's not.

That must be why Australia, Canada and NZ are the countries with the highest frequency of British expats, why it's incredibly common for families in any of these nations to have relatives living in another CANZUK country, why you see New Zealanders working as bartenders in Britain, why you see Australians working as ski instructors in Canada, why people from these countries often travel together, work together, marry together, why /brit/ is the most popular general for all of these countries to congregate

I don't quite agree with that
In my experience Americans tend to be very fond of us as people

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CORRR I reckon Emma Watson is the perfect schoolgirl fantasy.

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Borderlands 3 is now on steam and is 50% off for anyone who wants it
Americans don’t really think of the beaches when we think of Australia we think of koalas and kangaroos

We tend to remember what’s different and we already have beaches like yours

>Borderlands 3 is now on steam and is 50% off for anyone who wants it
I'm not a flaming faggot, so no, I don't want it.

when I first started taking xanax I instantly got addicted because he and my mate bought 100 and immediately started taking entire bars. The day they arrived we both dropped a full bar and then took another two. I told him we should just take half a bar and not take any more but he insisted that the correct way to taken them was to swallow an entire bar.
Our tolerance skyrocketed. After a month i has to take 4 bars all at once to black out.
Hes a proper mong when it comes to drugs. Jes ruined ket for us now because my tolerance is normal but he needs to snort a 2g line because hes obsessed with holing instesd of actually being sodial and enjoying himself and he has to spend a fortune on ket because his tolerance is so high.
Hes ruined so many highs. We tried to nexus flip not long ago and he insisted on dropping the 2CB as soon as the MDMA peaked instead of when the peak is over like you're supposed to. I got him to wait 15 minutes but after that he kept fuckimg mithering until I caved. Fuck knows what happened but we blacked out when the 2c kicked in, the house was a fucking mess and we were both naked. Somehow 6 hours had passed but it felt like 15 minutes and we were slightly comimg down. I was fuming. Then he wanted to take more 2CB but lost it and spent 2 hours wandering around the house forgetting what he was doing every 30 seconds and kept bringing me my wallet because he kept thinking that was what we were looking for. Turned out the 2cb was in his pocket the entire time.
How do I stop him from being a twat with drugs?

I hope you enjoyed my blog, I appreciate all forms of feedback just dont be rude :)

love /brit/
love hanging out with my mates from ANZUK
simple as

The grandparents are retired down there. They're your stereotypical, pasty, middle class English moaners. Yeah, they're generally well liked by their neighbours and the locals.
But dudes, I can tell you 99.99% of Australians don't care. Yous fucks are deluded and living in the past

yanks itt don't be disheartened
in real life you can be quite endearing

poo bum willy

you're so determined to tell me about my own country
just stop it lad, you're wrong

>my grandparents live there so im going to tell 2 aussies and a brit who's live there for 5 years that they are wrong about australia with 99% certainty
state of this obvious 16 year old wog twat who thinks the world shares his hatred of the monarchy and disdain for tradition

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Very suspicious of anyone who harbours anti-Australian sentiment. The Antipodes is the most charming region on Earth outside of East Anglia

you're bafflingly incorrect


Brits move there because they're English speaking and have nicer weather
lol, this isn't the 90s anymore, kiwis don't work in British bars these days
Only people who move here are pakis and wogs retard


lived in nz for 2 years
britains not exotic to them but they do love it

I do not give coronavirus permission to infect me, my family, or any people/dogs I know, in both the past and the future. By posting this statement, I give my notice to the coronavirus that it is strictly forbidden to infect me, infect anybody close to me, make me illl, send me or any of my family members into quarantine, or take any other action against me on the basis of my body and/or its contents. The wellness of my body is private and confidential. The violation of my privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308-1 1 308-103 and the Rome statute). Note: Coronavirus is now a pandemic.

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I think it's actually Zoey. He's been known to post here for a while without his name

cant remember the last time i had a normal sleep schedule
may as well still be in nz

When she tickles ya neck

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I like yanks. Practically everyone does. The yank "hate" on here is genuinely just banter.
I feel like yanks take the word " yank" as an insult but its actually lantern of endearment. Its like when you give a mate a nickname.
Yanks are good lads most of the time

I was very well behaved at the Warwick pizza express

Hmm yes when I go to Australia I'll definitely have some sort of rapport with the locals
"you know, once upon a time my country deported it's criminals to your country, that means today we have a special connection"

thanks :)

To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.
To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.
To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner.
To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.
To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.
And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.

day 4 of what might be corona
was coofing pretty strongly yesterdy evening, but that seems to be gone

nose blocked, sore throat gone, sick feeling still present. lungs not feeling as tight as yesterday

is this retard actually trying to say that because australians dont treat british emigrants like royalty they therefore dont respect their roots and history?
i would direct you to a quote from The Prime Minister of Australia in a speech after the Brexit vote:
"Australians feel at home in the United Kingdom and Britons feel at home in Australia. Most Australians have some of their ancestry at least from the United Kingdom and five per cent of Australians were actually born in the United Kingdom. The culture, the laws the traditions of Britain were brought to Australia with the European settlement, British settlement that were brought as part of the heritage of the men and women, including my forebears, that founded what we know today as modern Australia. We are family in a historical sense. We’re family in a genetic sense".

just cause your people dont lick the ground your grandparents walk on doesnt mean australia doesnt see britain has the motherland

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>big brain image
>saved the thumbnail
Oh deary me the irony

looking up shemale painal on pornhub

i despise america as a nation but i would never tar each of its resident maggots with the same brush as i know some like johnny depp or liam are perfectly respectable and amusing

went down a hole of ww1 music after 'they shall grow not old'
they're a bit crackly

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Have you called 111?

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The USA is the great Satan but by and large Americans are generally decent and good people. It's better to think of them as a stateless people in all honesty, because the American state hates its own people.

good post


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>Yes, I size my images to accommodate Australian internet speeds. What of it?

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it definitely is

the advise is not to.

need to tell the boss i shannot be working today

yanks not understanding the friendly nature of the term yank is why people hate them and its well deserved
cant take the banter

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It’s funny and strange how literally nobody is ever satisfied with the government

Both sides are always anti government no matter who is in power, not sure if it’s the same everywhere or if our system is just that broken where nobody can be happy

I think I'm a hypochondriac.

>Britain and australia have nothing in common
The ignorance is astounding. Theyve clearly never travelled outside of england if they think australia is foreign and very different to Britain.
Were very, very similar. Biggest difference between aus and the UK is the design of most of the houses.

is it actually over if you're 5'8 or is that cunt just being a cunt?
t. concerned citizen

Very respectful lads
Best part is you get the full meaning of the image, but save so much data
Win win if you ask me

Perhaps but seppos is just mean

Also that guy looks English as fuck

absolute fucking spook of a reason to go out and die

>nooo what about the decaying remains of my ancestorsss

Russians and Indians love their government for what it's worth

>Perhaps but seppos is just mean

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5'8 is basically average.
I'm 5'10 and most people seem to be the same height as me. Equal amounts shorter and taller.

>Both septuagenarian candidates also had a few flubs. Biden referred to the 2009 swine flu as N1HI, not H1N1. Sanders at one point repeatedly referred to coronavirus as "Ebola".


I genuinely hate (other) yanks since I live here
why is it so mind boggling to hate americans when they are extremely unlikeable

The choice to fight and die for something you believe in is a noble cause. Just because you don't believe in it yourself doesn't make the people who do any less noble

No idea what to make of this post

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love anime only slightly less than i love gaming

to be fair not him but when speaking to aussies i found them less in-common than one would imagine.
quite different sense of humour