I want to believe

I want to believe.

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dab on em corona-chan

how on earth does Biden come back from this debate he sounded like he was a 4th-grader trying to recite his book report

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You Americans tend to elect retards into office, I guess he learned that from your current president

>a 4th-grader trying to recite his book report
Like the voters then

>Bernie using his unlimited power to jerk off Sander, Circa 2020 (colorized)

i hope this creepy old cunt doesn't infect bernie

>t. South American socialist shitholes routing for Bernie

>how on earth does Biden come back from this debate
By counting on his media ghouls to lie on his behalf.

Barnie is a cuck and a lukewarm centrist

Voters don't watch debates, simple as.

It didn’t help that Bernie is a broken record who never answers a question

I lost you at "lukewarm centrist"

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More so no one gives a fuck about the Dem debates. And everyone knows Biden's already won the nomination at this point.

>person breathes
>american media: breaking news! this person just breathed
Why are amerimutts like this?

I'd rather that then a country with nothing to comment on half the country being run by cartels who chop millions of your people in half every day

Doesn't need to, he already won thanks to the powers of media propaganda and good old election fraud. Not even a senile wreck like Biden is going to lose when the very people managing the election are unapologetically partisan for you.

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>berniebros don’t vote

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>doesn't know what an exit poll is

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Democrats whenever Biden goes on a dementia ramble

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Huh? its not even in the middle

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there are only a few hundred delegates left and biden will be crowned the nominee

The other withdrawn candidates will give their delegates to Biden

Unreliable is what it is.

>biden dies of corona
>trump dies of corona
>Sanders won because everyone else died
>America turn full socialist and seeks alliance with China
>disagreeing Americans rebel
>American civil war 2 happen
>China and socialist state of America finishes USA
This will be reality

Also a reoccurring wet dream of mine

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Bernie can't sell himself to the center and right. He is stuck being a 60s radical socialist. His base would freak out of he tried to reach across to the right of center independent voter.

>radical socialist


>Biden has an awful performance
>Called out on his lies multiple times
>CNN says how great he did and how stupid Bernie is
It's over. The media is handing Biden his free win

His healthcare plan is far more radical than any of the European countries he always cites as examples. Bernie is not a typical euro centrist like his minions keep saying.

It's his language. Demagoguery against the wealthy and FREE*.

It's an authoritarian communist dictatorship with an outwards free market which is quasi-state owned.

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I'm just here for the socialism not the chinese victory

*wins when all the boomers die off*

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Bernie proposed taxes higher than their Scandinavian counterparts. Wants to get rid of billionaires. Fuck, even more generous immigration than swedenstan.

Fascist Mercantilism with a splash of red paint.

>that flag
>calling others retarded

Maoism/Stalinism is just as authoritarian and totalitarian as fascism. Mercantilism makes sense though, for decades China has stolen western intellectual property while protecting their own markets, now they'll just buy out every technology they want. Unhinged consumerism has made us dependent from China for long enough.

The hip hop vote is his to lose

jewnard brothers still on suicide watch lmaoooo

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Bernie literally has no path to nomination. All big states favorable to him voted already (California, Texas). He is projected to lose almost all of remaining contests, with double digits margin in many of them. Florida this Tuesday will be a bloodbath.

muricans vote for whatever their masters want them to. bernie will literally never win.

Exactly the same thing that happened to cause Bernie to lose the primary in 2016 is happening again.
White working class people, who are some of the people Bernie appeals to the most are not democrats anymore so they don’t vote in the primaries, so all he has left are college socialists who rarely vote.
Racial minorities, and also women to a smaller degree just do not vote for Bernie. He’s a white man’s candidate, and that no longer matches the party demographically.
If anything, Bernie had a much easier time in 2016 when the white working class wasn’t quite as decidedly behind Trump. The only reason he was the frontrunner early on in this campaign is because the liberal and center-left vote was split a dozen different ways while the leftist vote was concentrated on one candidate.

>giving him an hour long interview after the debate
The media loves Bernie. It's not anyone's fault if he can't stop spewing stupid bullshit that scares the shit out of normal voters
>muh Fidel Castro
>muh revolution

>mfw suburbanites who came out for biden int he primaries don't show up in the general and biden loses by double digits

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Euroredditors will still insist he's "center right by European standards".

>The Obama guy mixed up Ebola and Corona in the debate
>Pulls some shit out of his ass but isn't fact checked
>Apparently wants a female (or to be more specific, Clinton) vp that will most likely take over because getting a demented old man elected has been the plan from the start

What the fuck was the show even

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>flag touching the ground

Not if corona gets them first

two old white privileged stale pale males warble at eachother about why they should run a majority latino nation

Maybe Sanders could overcome the lying press just like Trump did

Why can't the dems field a decent candidate. I can't earn any money with a demented old freak and a socialist vs Trump.

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probably not, sanders is too much of a pussy and will probably just endorse biden like he did with hillary


nah, trump is pro israel and bernie is not
that's seen as antisemitism in US

Sanders losing this election would be the final and definitive proof americans are not human anymore

very true, but you just unironically like him because he's Polish.

Sanders is popular, just not among the largest voting demographic
I'm not sure why so few young people go out to vote, even if they don't trust in the system it's still the best they have if they really want him to win


''someone else will go out and vote for me anyway''