Are white Latinas "people of color"?

Are white Latinas "people of color"?

Attached: AnaDe Armas.jpg (1080x1350, 276.2K)

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Yes, one drop rule. In my experience the darker ones are the ones who try to identify as white

If that's white then so am I lol


What is it a "one drop" of though? They're just europeans who went to Latin America instead of USA/Canada

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Her eyebrows are dyed light for a role here, dumbass.

Some user said these images were fake. Are they bulllshitting?

One drop of non-european blood which they have. Its the same reason Assad and other blue eyed arabs aren't white

They are the descendants of the Conquistadors, the pride of European Civilization.

theres no such thing as ""white"" latinos. Just whites larping as latino

They're Spaniards and Portuguese, they have fairly high amounts of African admixture. Not white even if they stayed in Europe.

Of course not man If they have euro 100. Euro descent is White no matter where'd they born

3% is fairly high?

Yes. But only if they are attractive. By white people logic, anybody who is attractive is white. And anybody who is ugly is liable to have their white certificate revoked.

Absolutely. It's the reason you're all brainlets when it comes to science

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Of African DNA – Negroid or otherwise? Yes. Shit ruins genetics and honorable lineages.

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American geneticism

>One drop of non-european blood which they have
This guy´s parents were portuguese and he is darker than her

Some Latams look white due to Italian DNA, the Moors were always light to dark brown.


This guy is 100% portuguese
Her parents came from Portugal

She's brown too user.


This girl is 100% spaniard, since her parents came form Spain, and she is darker than op pic

that's because the dark ones are the ones teased, and bullied their entire life for being dark. so they do their best to compensate.

The lighter ones don't have those insecurities, and thus can easily fit the situation to their advantage. white when they want, and poc when it's in their convenience.

How many latin Americans are of complete European stock? I was under the impression all of them were mixed to varying degrees.

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>white Latinas

>Yes, one drop rule. In my experience the darker ones are the ones who try to identify as white

Who do you think you are to decide who is white and who is not??

Shut up, negro.

I'm a white Anglo man, so I decide

reverse image search shows it's a pick of someone else or something from 2010

A lot. They're most common in the southern cone of South America, though

This guy´s parents came from Northern Italy, Venice, and he is darker than op (his real surname is Rubinato)

I want the one from the green area

I am an American of Mexican descent

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Nope, eyebrows are dyed because she was playing Marilyn but that's her, here with the wig

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Cope pardo

I´m probably whiter than 90% of the US
My cousin is half arab and he look like this

She doesn´t care if i post her since she is a model.
I´m whiter than her

Source. And what do you mean by a lot? What percentage are they of the population?

OK. Show us your blue eyes Joao.


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i´m not coping
i´m just saying that pure euros can be dark too

now post the homicide rates by region.

>They're Spaniards and Portuguese, they have fairly high amounts of African admixture
North Africans are white. Meds =/= subsaharan

Attached: ETGqPtPXYAwhWN4.png (720x428, 17.59K)

I never knew Cuba was the white.
Wouldn't there be a selection bias though of individuals using Gedmatch?


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Read a book
Yes, but it also shows the race conscious people in Latam are brown.

As if I give a damn about what the federal government says

>North Africans =/= subsaharan
>North Africans are white
lolno, some are but most of them look like pic related

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Is Alexis Bldel "of colour"? Argentine dad, Mexican mum.

Attached: Alexis-Bledel-Contact-Information.jpg (400x400, 32.34K)

Nobody would consider a European that adopts Islam and their culture to be white, the same applies to Latinos. Even a blond haired kid that moved here was bullied for not being white because he spoke Spanish and had a Cali accent.

Do people in the US even know that Frankie Muniz, Charlie Sheen and Cameron Diaz are hispanics?

Imagine being a white Hispanic.
Seething SJWs will say you "don't count" because you have white skin even if you came from Mexico or Venezuela or something.
Beaners will say you don't count because despite being Hispanic you're too white.
You're just stuck in the middle, alone, until white English speaker take you under your wing and you grow to hate the very people you came from.

That is white, wtf

There are actually loads in various countries.

White latinos tend to be upper middle class and don't really need to move to a race-autistic shithole like america desu

>tfw other euros don't consider you one of them
>neither do arabs
>or latinos
We're alone

Never heard any of them talked about except Charlie Sheen when he had his mental breakdown years ago (and that was just my mom calling him a freak). Caring about celebrities here isn't as prominent as the rest of the world seems to think.

That’s only a problem is USA tho

They call Gisele Bundchen latina

The sheens come from galicia

Wonder how that would be, to be rich and white in a country full of smelly poor beaners?

How is it in El Salvador? Are the whites treated the same as the turbo-spics over there?

nigga, can you understand that there are europeans with dark skin?

I should also add that Jews, Hispanics, Quadroons/Octaroons/Hexadecaroons, etc. have the concept of “white passing” and will try to hide their ancestry and culture. Of course, it will eventually be revealed in the end, like with , but that may take generations.

Don't care what you consider European to be, swarthoid. If you tan instead of burn, you're not white.

based and underrated

>nordoids can't tan
based retard

>How is it in El Salvador? Are the whites treated the same as the turbo-spics over there

Our society is not as racially obsessed as the society from the USA, we don’t see ourselves as a mix of whites, mestizos, and indios we just see ourselves as mestizos and that’s it. There is no racial tensions whatsoever. That’s not to say that racial stereotypes do not exist, though, because they do, people will assume that you have money if you’re white, and assume that you’re poor if you look like a Native American but that’s where it ends.

Good job, my Arab friend. You made me post it.

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Nobody in this fucking world outside of the Anglo-Autistc world has this concept of tainted blood.
If you´re a castizo, people generally say you´re white even in Europe if you look european. My friend lives in Switzerland, he is clearly a castizo and everybody says "i thought all brazilians were brown, but you´re white"

Bro, Switzerland has extremely swarthy people between the combination of Celtic and Southern Euro DNA. Celtic admixture alone is enough to make most Germans south of Lower Saxony indistinguishable from many Turks.

Been a while since you posted her.
Still gonna cum inside her though, just wait and see.

This is him
He lives in Swtizerland with an italian passport
Nobody over there asks to him "please, show me your dna test"
he is white and that´s it

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Whiteness is not a binary, it's a spectrum