Name ONE(1) aspect of American culture that isn't influenced by niggers or corporations

Name ONE(1) aspect of American culture that isn't influenced by niggers or corporations

I'll wait

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Apple pie

Gun culture?

routine penis inspections

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That's an English concept and Protestantism is absolute garbage anyways

I guarantee you 999/1000 gordos wouldn't be able to make a pie

gun culture is cringe as fuck but you're right, I'll give you that

>media is culture

Raping women anally

The strong sense of personal responsibility and liberty.

School shootings

>English concept
The absolute state of chicanx education.

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Ranching/Cowboy culture. 100% CHIcano influenced.

that is 100% influenced by both

NRA funded by gun companies

who makes money from no guns? no one.

Biker gangs

Deep-fried steak and cream gravy.

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American culture is pure negro, thats one of the reasons I will never assimilate

The yeoman farmer ideal and by extension the idea that we are a nation built of self sufficient families.
The spirit of entrepreneurship.
Limited government, inasmuch as that’s still true.
Our incredibly influential and possibly world’s best legal tradition.
Folk music and country music.
Opposition to immigration.
And plenty of other cultural traits.

it is for amerigoblinos
KEK, if by personal responsibility and liberty you mean selfish individualism and the liberty to fuck BBCs, sure.

Where do you think the Protestants came from you fat stupid fuck?

Mexican concept, not American. Also that culture is also shit unless you like being around cowshit and listening to shitty country music while fucking your cousin like the 70 iq barbarian you are

another cringy aspect of American culture, but I guess you're right

>American "food"

based Mexichad poster

Party cove boating/ water sports

Competitive eating

Tractor pulls and monster trucks

>Mexican concept, not American. Also that culture is also shit unless you like being around cowshit and listening to shitty country music while fucking your cousin like the 70 iq barbarian you are

Southern hicks have nothing to do with cowboy or ranching culture. They're just LARPers. And Mexican cowboy culture is based.

Southern hospitality

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>this chicanx really thinks American Protestants are all either Anglican or that Martin Luther was English

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Modern homesteading

Deep reverence for our service members

>Where do you think the Protestants came from you fat stupid fuck?

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>The yeoman farmer ideal and by extension the idea that we are a nation built of self sufficient families.
LMFAO if you think the average amerifat is self sufficient
>The spirit of entrepreneurship.
You mean the spirit of consumerism? CONSUME MORE GOY BUY BUY BUY
>Limited government, inasmuch as that’s still true.
Imagine thinking this is still true, absolute state
>Our incredibly influential and possibly world’s best legal tradition.
THE LEGAL SYSTEM IS ENGLISH BASED, jesus christ read a book you nigger mutt
>Folk music and country music.
absolute trash music, you amerifats can keep it
>Opposition to immigration.
Half of your people want to import millions of somalis for their BBC and the other half are inbred hick ignorant racists
>And plenty of other cultural traits.
Like being fat, stupid, and a filthy mutt?

party cove boating is retarded and for degenerate normies

isn't some nip the champion at that? lol amerifats can't even win at the thing they're best at

uh you amerifats can keep that, only hicks enjoy that shit

rancho/cowboy culture is for lower class plebs, you mutts can have it

that's a meme and you know it

Are you really boasting about braindead evangelicals/Mormons /baptists? Are you seriously thinking these are good things to be proud of?

lol no, half of amerisharts want muh gibz, the other half are brainwashed by their cult leader Trump

Imagine living among a people that voted for Donald J. Trump, Jesus fucking christ

suck my dick you godless swede somali nigger

imagine getting BTFO'd so badly and still mass replying just to reinforce that you're retarded

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Surfing and skateboarding

Wanting to be left the fuck alone

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dying for israel

not an argument faggot
Honestly surfing culture is kind of based but it's not American only. Skateboarding is for wiggers
Not American
Extremely based

>Where do you think the Protestants came from you fat stupid fuck?

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>Skateboarding is for wiggers
abusing public property just to draw attention to yourself is 100% american

>That's an English concept and Protestantism is absolute garbage anyways
t. Juan Marco Ramirez

>suck my dick you godless swede somali nigger
Never in your wildest dream you brown faggot, but keep seething because you sneezed out the pathetically small object you call a brain.

haha worked!!!!!!!!

Answer me this: where did Protestantism originate? Dumb amerifats

>abusing public property just to draw attention to yourself is 100% american
proof that American culture is nigger culture

you wouldn't suck my Mexican BVLL dick but I bet you'd let a Somali top your faggot ass

oh yeah forgot about those niggers that hucked tea into a harbor and all that

>Answer me this: where did Protestantism originate? Dumb amerifats

Here's your (you) latrino

The Boston Tea Party was a nigger thing to do


Now answer me this, can you please point out where Wittenberg is on a map? That is, if your fat fingers can manage to handle a globe

why yes
how could you tell?

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the chicanx cowers in fear before the gun-toting WASP man in his socialist no-gunz hellhole

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moving the goalposts because you've been exposed as a knuckle dragging retard. no shame bro that puts you in league with all your chicano buddies

>kraut gun

>BREAKING: Local Chicanx finds out Martin Luther wasn't English
>UP NEXT: Local Chicanx to learn that not every Protestant is Lutheran

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>tp hoarder
Imagine exposing yourself as a retard like this, this is akin to posting an 80 iq test result


no retard, the only one moving the goalposts is YOU. Protestantism originated in Europe, was manifested in England, and basterdized and made worse in America. Read a book you illiterate nigger lover

>Mexican BVLL
t. 165cm tall and 10cm erect
>but I bet you'd let a Somali top your faggot ass
Finally you come clean and admit that you're a cuck, but please stop projecting your fantasies on me as it's pathetic and will never happen.

>single pack of tp on a shelf
>tp hoarder
Man, who knew wetbacks were so poor?

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the only one projecting and spewing nonsense with no substance is you, Sven. Provide an actual argument or I'll deprive you of your precious (you)'s

I know you're one of the retards that went to the local walmart, open carrying to make up for your tiny dick, hoarded TP like the brainlet npc you are, and think you're all set while you got coronavirus from your fellow mutt atrocities

haha the mohow who thought protestantism came from england is telling me to read a book. how do you get this delusional

my god amerilard education at work

The fucking Massachusetts colonies, which established the strong Protestant culture in America. What did the colonists practice? Puritiniasm. What is Puritiniasm? It's a variant of Anglicism. Where does anglicism come from? Answer that.

PROTIP :it's in the fucking name you dipshit fuck

The first thing anyone learns in a debate class is that the burden of proof relies on the person making the claim. I know you're taking the piss by the way, and I will continue to do so as well, unless you somehow manage to say something worth arguing against.

I'm chicano unfortunately
I believe in the right to keep and bear arms

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>burden of proof lies on person making claim
>have literally provided proof and arguments en masse ITT
>hurr durr let me ignore all that and keep shitposting like the BBC lover that I am

ok mohammed

No you didn't retard, everything you've said has been irrelevant to your original point. If you're shitposting this obviously, at least let me do the same thing. You say read a book, but nobody who's ever picked up a book would ever claim Puritanism has more in common with Anglicanism than Calvinism.

the puritans were dissenting against the anglican church pedro. they were calvinists. irrelevant regardless, the aussie user said "protestantism" and you said "that's an english concept". you can pretend that you didn't learn that the protestant reform happened in germany in this very thread but we both know it isn't true

Puritiniasm literally made it a point to not separate from the Anglican church, even if it had Calvinistic influences. And, Calvinism is also, wait for it, EUROPEAN, and not American, so even if you were 100 % right, it doesn't refute my claim, you faggot kebab nigger dick lover

The puritans literally banned anybody who tried to separate from the Anglican church, but ok Jamal.The point still stands that American Protestantism is English based, which sure got influenced from. European Protestantism but that shit DOESN'T MATTER because my point is still valid that American Protestantism is derived from English culture,you soy slurping let's-jamal-fuck-his-wife cuck mongrel.

>What is Puritiniasm? It's a variant of Anglicism
couldn't be more wrong

>puritans literally banned anybody who tried to separate from the Anglican church
?? we're being trolled

No you fucking autistic moron, there were pro and seperate factions, guess which group moved to the colonies in greater numbers?
And no, it's not that puritanism has Calvinistic influences, but that it's a Calvinist denomination with Anglican influences.
>EUROPEAN, and not American
European =/= English, moron
>so even if you were 100 % right, it doesn't refute your claim
You've gone back on your original claim, and now your second claim. Good fucking job and good luck trying to move the goalpost somewhere else.

Human decency?
What am I kidding, it doesn’t exist anymore anyway