Your thoughts on Japanese and Korean people?

your thoughts on Japanese and Korean people?

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arr rook same

The most autistic posters on this board

koreans have too much surgery thought it was a meme but then I saw the "korean society" on campus. Even the boys have surgery.

I admire how they both went from third world hell holes to world powers within like 5 years

Hey that's me!

literally can't tell the difference

I imagine it would be as hard as telling the difference between Spanish and Italians.

They both produce anime and that means they both are trasheaps


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same shit, different name

pretty much

They are cool people outside of Yas Forums.
What about you? What do you think about 韓国人?

Ishii's achievements:

- drove a half million chinks into death with plague-infected insects
- sold BW data to MacArthur and granted immunity from Tokyo trials
- helped the US germ warfare in Korea, which killed countless North Koreans/Chinese soldiers
- Unit 731 members greatly improved medical care and longevity of the Japanese after the war

Dude is a national hero of Japan. Single-handedly killed millions of chinks/gooks, for that reason alone.
Big F for Dr. Ishii, based man.

Attached: Shiro Ishii (Unit 731).png (360x431, 214.99K)


Holy shit I'm in that screencap

Attached: baby.jpg (720x648, 43.64K)


I prefer Japan and think they are less cucked and more intelligent than Koreans. In fact, I think the Japanese are one of the few actually intelligent ethnicities on the planet. I generally don't care about Koreans but I can see why others would, actually.

Japs tend to have a weaker frame but have better facial hair. They kinda look like monkeys.

Koreans seem to be obsessed with symmetry. They tend to be bigger but have a mushroom haircut, square face, round glasses, and square backpacks.

>- helped the US germ warfare in Korea, which killed countless North Koreans/Chinese soldiers

Attached: 0_hiroyuki-sanada.jpg (564x334, 67.92K)

Talking to yourself again aren’t you?

Attached: AE72F4C1-FF9C-4552-B480-73741D27D52E.jpg (3000x4000, 2.06M)

He's back

Attached: jomon_anon.jpg (1440x1080, 106.6K)

And obsessed

Attached: 86736558-61A2-422E-BDAF-DC34D641157B.jpg (2246x4029, 1.33M)

Don't come near me, you disgusting coronavirus. Wear a mask before leaking your stinky gooky kimchi breath.

Attached: based dr. shiro ishii.png (711x490, 88.91K)

Don't come near me, you disgusting coronavirus. Wear a mask before leaking your stinky gooky kimchi breath.

Attached: B477485C-D4ED-4295-9572-7E27BDA2BC7D.jpg (644x800, 108.01K)

Thanks for the screencaps

unironically F
We still miss you, Dr. Ishii.

y'all are unfunny and some sound even somewhat serious, don't ruin my thread

You rarping again? Sad

Attached: 1354EE91-77B3-477C-B059-AE05A335E44E.jpg (1536x2048, 935K)

The fuck is your point of your thread then?

obviously not unfunny stale shitflinging

You used image related to shitflinging. Or at least you took it from a shitposting thread.
>korea & japan
>no shitflinging

Its fun to shitpost and trigger netuyous like you tho

koreans need surgery to keep their eyes open

no you just can't take it easy atp
>netuyous like you
where was i even being netouyo?

Wdym? Almost every single korea/ japan threads turns into a shitpost thread you brainlet.

that doesn't mean you can engage yourself in another brainlet autistic shitstorm. chill out famlam?

I think they should stop fighting and become friends.

You were complaining about your thread turning into a shitpost thread which was close to inevitable.
And you don't have to be emotional to point something out.

>You were complaining about your thread turning into a shitpost thread which was close to inevitable.
yeah because you can't help but still react to the samefag davido. grow out of it already. again, chill out.

People were already shitposting even w/o the samefag netouyo.
And idk why you think you gotta be mad to shitpost. Japs are really something.

> where was i even being netouyo?
Well both you and the “other guy” speak 3rd grade English I can understand. Also spamming stopped when you wanted the spamming to be stopped. Usually he wouldn’t stop there.

I'm familiar with many things about it and I'm really informed about Japanese politics, Korean politics, Japanese right wingers, Japanese left wingers, Korean right wingers, Korean left wingers, diaspora Koreans, etc
And I'd say it's just beyond repair

I'm not even mad, i just find it really amazing some always can't help but get baited by the samefag. it's funny where there is him there's always a gook who can't ignore him and turn any threads into a cesspool

>I'm schizo

That's like saying Germany was a third world hell hole after the war

Never said you were mad. What's wrong with you?
I actually did ignored him many times desu. I just had nothing to do and decided to waste time.
I hope you get out of this "you gotta be mad to shitpost" mindset.

Japs actually believing their country has less infected people than either country. fucking KEK

>Japs actually believing their country has less infected people than either country. fucking KEK

Attached: Gookjak Kim (Hwa-Byung)_.png (592x1312, 59.91K)

i often see a Korean flag spending hours posting the same images whenever i see the bot. quite sure you are the one

Yeah today wasn't my first time and I did that before. So what's so bad about it? Still think you gotta be assmad to make some low tier shitpost?

no, i just find it pretty funny that you are willing to spend hours with the schizo.

>I'm not even mad, i just find it really amazing some always can't help but get baited by the samefag.
Except I willingly took the bait because its fun to shitpost fight.
>>I’m schizo
But you didn’t deny it so.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No argument I see

you aren't aware that your mentality is literally "any japs i don't like are netouyo"

Yeah it's pretty fun shitflinging if you have absolutely nothing to do.

seriously? it's not like you can even communicate with him properly

It's more like "huh the shitposting stopped right after the other nip flag started posting and that's very unusual. It seems like they're the same guy."
Which is a fair assumption even if it's wrong.
The point of shitposting is not communicating my friend.

>proving the retards point
>didn’t counter shitpost and tried to argue with another shitpost fag
Good job stupid gook

if spending hours with the same schizo everyday can be still called shitposting, then l have to redefine the word because i think shitposting is nothing more than just to have fun. your shitposting is apparently kinda serious

I don't know if you can read properly but I did say that I have ignored his shitposts a lot of times.

Japan probably has less infected people though I guess there are 3 or 4 times more infected people than reported numbers in Japan.
Japan has been focusing on serious/critical cases as much as possible but the positive rate isn't really high.

btw I don't understand what's going on in this thread.


Attached: gaijin saizu.png (342x238, 52.27K)

then you are still redeemable, hopefully i will see the nipbot and a Korean flag shitflinging less often, because i feel like there's only one that is that free to waste time with him.

Well I may be wrong to assume that you’re a netuyou, but I’m not like a netuyou that calls everyone he doesn’t like a kim or zhang. I just had a suspicion

>but I’m not like a netuyou that calls everyone he doesn’t like a kim or zhang
but you did

shitposting is just shitposting no matter how it's slightly serious or not
what's wrong with you

I've seen other flags shitposting for hours so it really isn't such a big deal. So stop telling yourself otherwise.
And the netouyo is spamming less than few months ago so don't worry. or zhang

I don’t dislike you tho, but I had my suspicion thats all.

Haha funny joke

they are cute, i like them

you guys are naive as fuck. flags don't mean shit here.
if a “japanese flag” is shitposting about china and korea, it could be actually a netouyo, it could be someone false-flagging. who knows. And I can say the same thing about Korean flags or Chinese flags here. we will never know who's behind it.
This is really a basic knowledge when you use this type of website.