>Testings? Quarantine? Using our top grade hospitals? Lmao no just let everyone fall ill and let's see who survives
>Your grandma gonna die, mate, get it in your head ok?
Why aren't there riots against this buffoon? Any other first world country would revolt, why are bongs so cucked?
Testings? Quarantine? Using our top grade hospitals? Lmao no just let everyone fall ill and let's see who survives
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it's gonna infect everyone eventually, might as well get it over with
It's astonishing that right-wing governments keep getting reelected, time after time after time, war after war after war, catastrophe after catastrophe after catastrophe.
Bootstraps abortion racemixing
Letting anglos ruled England was a huge mistake.
It was better when their elite were all french.
>might as well get it over with
With significantly more deaths than if you tried to slow the spread.
They are liquidating all the old assets so the US can buy them at a cheap price
agree with our simian friend.
Yeah, because left-wing governments are never associated with war and catastrophe
Stiff upper lip is back
Boris Johnson idolises Churchill, so he will go his own way regardless of the state of the world
British so-called democracy is a sham and has been for the past 30 years or so.
>top grade hospitals
this, fucking right wing china infected the whole world and chinkoids still going to elect them?
It's just boomers combined with the effects of anglo-israeli hegemony
>some boomers die a few years earlier than expected
Who cares lmao?
No it would be like if Churchill refused to organize anti-air units or scramble the RAF during the battle for London. It's retarded and proves that Anglo society has degenerated.
>news anchor asks government minister about Canada's response and she says calmly that we are prepared
>anchor interviews an epidemiologist right after and you can see the worry in his eyes and hear it in his voice that if we don't take the right measure now, we will end up like Italy
Our goose is fucking cooked.
china is more like fascism/nazi tiers than normal right wing
they're literally genociding minorities in a state capitalist country
no fucking kidding, we're totally fucked because provincial and federal governments aren't taking this seriously and want to make as many shekels as they can before we get dumped on.
I've noticed that too. It'll be like 3.5 years of right-wing economic disaster, then suddenly 6 months of needing to preserve the white race and everyone will rally around the party that's robbing them.
>white race
I remember reading an article on how a prison guard said racism was good in prisons since prisoners are too busy hating each other to even care their food is shit, their applications to see families getting rejected or (later was found out) that the warden was stealing money that was suppose to go for the healthcare for prisoners.
>genociding minorities
Combating theocratic reactionaries*
China is proof that national socialism does indeed work. It's why redditors hate them so much.
Grim, but I'd believe it. Prisons gangs in the US are virtually always divided based on race.
What is this retarded facebook-tier disinfo and whiny meming I'm seeing everywhere?
Why is everyone crying about when both France and Germany have similar projections as we do?
>about *us
a boot?
they are just doing the big curve with no intervention and getting it out of the way quick instead of flattening it and prolonging it like virgins
Just hope he gets the rona and regrets his choices
this shit isn't even true why does everyone believe it
we're behind the curve compared to the rest of europe so our measures will be introduced later as well
don't worry, we're all fucked together
>not knowing about the PEOPLES and FOLKS nations
>Retard doesn't realise it was Blair who plunged us into your War on Terror and the Tories who pulled us out
>the Tories who pulled us out
Proofs? Sorry I don't pay attention to vassal politics. I was under the impression that tories were super pro-ameriglobo.
Hey Shitaly, how's your lockdown working out? Are you going to keep this up for the next 6 months and plunge your non-existent economy 6 feet underground, only to get reinfected by the outside world?
China is a marxist country.
Incel NatSoc died a long time ago because they got cucked by the bourgeoisie
.Indeed, no
In 2 weeks the UK will be worse than Italy guaranteed.
New Labour was right wing and corresponds with a global shift from the 1970s-2010s where if a "left-wing party" wanted to be successful and get funding it had to present itself as a party engaging in "triangulation". Essentially as a pro-business, pro-military party that also did scraps of liberal social reform and immigration reform.
>Why aren't there riots against this buffoon
That'd be icky Corbynite antisemitic aggression or something, we based centrists are better than that.
Churchill wasn't a anglo. That's the question here.
Forgot to add, it was also Blair who crashed the economy and the Tories who had to recover us out of it.
Mutts are truly the most room temperature IQ ilk on the planet.
Watching the health service here tell blatant lies to manage panic and keep the economy chugging a little longer has been frustrating so it's refreshing to see a government tell the truth, "you're fucked and we'll do nothing about it lol"
Who is this fucking ugly chink I keep seeing?
>In 2 weeks the UK will be worse than Italy guaranteed.
But as long as those deaths are recorded as something other than covid-19, they'll be fine.
>blair crashed the economy
You're a smooth brain retard. The US tanked and dragged everyone down with them. Bubbles also burst in Europe around the same time. Anyone who thinks otherwise should be shot
It doesn't matter what the records show, the victims will end up clogging up ICUs all over the country. It will be extremely obvious that there is a problem at that point.
china has been a fully capitalist country for a while now tf u talking about
This. They are "marxist" in the same was that the US is a classical liberal country (they aren't.)
>Fully capitalist
>Doesnt even have private property
Also, read Lenin's NEP
Delaying measures leads to the 35% increase Spain is facing, rather than 22%. Taiwan acted strictly day one and they completely skipped corona. The later you act, the worse it gets. Italy at UK's point was already locking down towns and issuing two weeks quarantine.
>Smooth brain retard
Fuck off back to R*ddit you worthless Leaf. Governments have the power to minimise the damage, which Labour failed to do.
Explain how
British democracy is literally the best it's ever been, just because the electorate is dumb doesnt mean the system is always at fault. How is the UK today less democratic than it was in 1990?
the argument is against FPTP
personally i feel that proportional representation allows the lucky minority parties an inordinate amount of leverage in forming governments, but no system is perfect
>Fully capitalist
They aren't pro free market enterprise lol. The government is still highly centralised and socialistic, just with pockets of state capitalism in the likes of Beijing much to their convenience.
Isn't it the Tories who get an inordinate amount of representation? They almost always end up with more a percentage of seats than they got in votes.
>doesn't know the Chief Public Health Officer of his country while in the midst of a pandemic
>The government is still highly centralised and socialistic
So just like 90% of eurofag countries then (including Britain.) Good to know.
>The absolute state of American education
Do you think it's on the same tier as China? Imagine being this cognitively impaired.
>German government
>highly centralized
>CDU and CSU
Why are my countrymen so dumb
We've done the most testing in Europe after you, you dumb Wop cunt.
Save your whining for the countries you're attached to like France and Germany who are doing fuck all.
If there is a 0.1% chance I will see less brown people on the streets I will vote right wing no matter what they do
>If there is a 0.1% chance I will see less brown people on the streets
>he unironically thinks that right wingers will ever remove brownoids from europe
I bet you think you are white too.
>he unironically thinks that right wingers will ever remove brownoids from the West
after this is all over there will be a LOT of political pointscoring over death rates compared to other countries
thinking someone as self-interested as johnson would try to kill as many people as possible means he has somehow gained concern for something other than his own career