
Could a witchdoctor have stolen YOUR penis? It's more likely than you think edition

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answer my question from the other thread please

daily reminder that the UK is currently run by a cult leader by the name of BoJo who has brainwashed the unwashed-masses consisting of the deanos and deanettes, the chavvos and chavettes, your rorkos and rorkettes, the simppos and simppettes, that acquiring the wuhan stinky chinky is akin to getting a vaccine. and that his sermons are essentially flattening a "curve" and giving "herd immunity"

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told myself i'd do my uni work now so i shall

linkboard not imageboard

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Transgender activists have been condemned by Grenfell Tower fire victims after they set off smoke bombs close to the block where 72 people died.

Police were called after protesters wearing balaclavas stormed a meeting of Labour party feminists at a community centre near Grenfell Tower in London last week and set off plumes of acrid smoke.

The group, calling themselves the London Bi Pandas, targeted a meeting of Labour Women’s Declaration in Kensington, which has previously warned the rights of women are being eroded by allowing transexuals into female changing rooms and refuges.

My eyes were wet with tears, our little dog, when I bore thee (to the grave)... So, Patricus, never again shall thou give me a thousand kisses. Never canst thou be contentedly in my lap. In sadness have I buried thee, and thou deservist. In a resting place of marble, I have put thee for all time by the side of my shade. In thy qualities, sagacious thou wert like a human being. Ah, me! What a loved companion have we lost!

thats the thing its not even sad nesasarily for some reason its when i feel fucked over. Which is the worst time because it looks extremely cuntish even when emotionally i don't feel much and can think completely clearly

at least it's a plan

america doesnt even have a plan


My life peaked when I was 8. Ironically, that was also the age when I first attempted to hang myself and got put on SSRIs.

>page 4

for me its sports slags

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At the end of this thread you'll still be posting here and no work will have been done
Before you know it, it'll be 3am and you dont know where the time has gone but you're still on /brit/

Never did understand why people like doggystyle. I like to look at her face. Too much porn I reckon

very untrue
be quiet little virgin boi

what is wrong with catholics?

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*walks towards you*

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Having seen /brit/ threads move this quickly for years

previous thread just got deleted
janner's here...

Yeah same the only time I've cried in the past 17 years is when I've been extremely angry.

janny deleted the wrong thread LOL

janny just deleted the old thread
i guess he's seeking a compromise?

you know it

they put locks on all the public loo bogrolls in my area so idk

he's got us pinned down for the final shot.


I noticed that, what a fucking moron lmao, his fat fingers must have slipped from the mouse

ah yes the janitorial staff

aye but you can still pull it out

It was a terrible OP post tbf

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pub food is cheap here
big plate specials for only 5 (five) pound at the hungry horse on Tuesdays only

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that was like in mario where you jump off a floating rock before it falls in the lava

Find this image quite repulsive. She’s quite picky isn’t she. What makes her think she deserves any of that. She doesn’t.

Literally the perfect woman

yeah but then its in a big clump

It is true tho
Bums smell bad
Nobody's arse smells like roses

maybe he deleted it for racism... against white people...
didn't think it counted if it was against whites

oh ok pubs here are much more chain orientated
because they basically only exist money-making wise because of pokies and to open a bottle shop you need a pub running as well
the pub bit is just a bonus kept artificially in business



Post her pics, NEED a trad gf

That's just a femoid


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holy shit thats good
the local at the moments doing a schnitzel and bacon burger + free schooner for $13

gf after a shower always smells flawless
stuck me finger in there and it came out cleaner then it went in it did

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ugly bitch deserves to die in the plague, who is she kidding

never have I wanted people to die so much.


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every one of those videos turns out to befrom western shitney

You are now hungry

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why do they type out a list of requirements you have to meet like they think they are a some big prize, literally a hole you stick your nob in then go about your life thats all they are

Bizarre. Might be her diet, maybe she does tiny rabbit poos

Find myself disgusted by other humans. Secreting sweat in every crevice of their body. Their stench. Makes me sick when I think about it.

Looks like a gormless little runt got deepfried

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Love a strong beak on a woman, shan't step down from this hill.

so? i`l just have some more crisps

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*gives you a half-hearted shove*

Can you be malnourished if you live off beef and potatoes?


horrifying stuff

Me and the missus can both work from home so we're just going to self-quarantine until we run out of food or this all blows over. Main concern is shaggingtoil has increasing tenfold and dont want a baby in 9 months

horey shet kek

Take the fucking S.W.E.A.T. pledge zoomer shits

also love large noses on women
unfortunately i myself have a rather large nose so i can not marry and have children with one of the aforementioned women as our children would be nosecucked


that did not end how i had hoped it was gonna end

why do they insist on these short socks so that you can see the ankle?
is there something embarrassing about socks now?

What does /brit/ think about having a pet cheetah?

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ain't that like £1.50 in real money

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if eating well as a teenager actually affcects your height, then how come cunts who live off maccas are all 6'2+ gigachads?