FUCK wh*te women edition
fuck yankoids
h a r i b o s
cannot get over asians disgusting slanty eyes
gives me the fear just thinking about it
Hello literal woman
Janny delete this shite now
>Once puberty hits, you may grow at a rate of 4 inches per year
>i grew about 1.75" (4cm) between 9 and 19
hahahahaha how did that happen?
south east asian women are goofy looking and i always assume theyre disease ridden
I bought a pack of the ones where the bears are holding hands and the first thing I would do is separate them
So what does drinking cum do to you then?
asian women have the most rank smelling fannies
dad is 5"8 im 5"9 mummy is like 5"3
success all round i reckon
>100kg no lifting
>not obese
We're all going to die
when i was 9 i was like 4'8"
by 19 i was a 6'2" gigachad
I'm addicted to these fuckers
he hails from the village of the smurfs
>why is nobody quarantining
>continues to work in customer facing role
never seen these b4 lads
like a supermix me
>grr manly grr!!!
if he's so bothered he's sobbing about it, why is he giving people rides?
i like the 1kg bags of golden bears
shit job on cutting out the lips
I just fucking want a girlfriend please stop putting girls in the OP it's a harsh reminder of my loneliness.
are you british? most aussie where i am call all sweets lollies
Why didn't BoJo stop this...
They sell them in poundland, they're fucking tasty
lads theres monkey gang wars on the streets of Thailand because no tourists are there that usually feed them
its common courtesy to use british words here
i just don't like sweets
there's no actual food in them
dont care lol
sweet girls were MADE for SOUR COCK
Chinkys just arrived lads Mmm
i wonder if he realizes yet that hes the superspreader in that scenario
incel factory
same things happening in chicago
Elaborate on your fear, mate.
Also, post more Orientals, OP.
We don't have sweets in Australia anymore
Just chips, aisles and aisles of chips
And bikkies
I start to feel sick when I eat a lot of the supermix in one go
great more racemixing propaganda
had the realisation last time i was quaffing a bag of haribos that i was basically chewing and digesting sugary rubber
why are hapas always incels though haha
Wait do Brits actually call lollies "sweets"?
our viking ancestors still makes me laugh
i meant sweet foods in general so as to include cakes and muffins and that
Shut the fuck up WOMAN
disgusting freaks
lollies are on the end of sticks
don stepped into /brit/
frozen ones? nah but they are full of sugar so it could be
I haven't been single for 5 years, all I want to do is go out on the pull with a friend but I can't right now
34 days into no fap lads
Why are ginger women all complete shagomaniacs
(observation based on two I knew)
Devon is the Coronavirus hotspot
We really are the trendsetters of the country.
got a taxi this morning and the driver made me get in the back, new policy apparently
Ending this here lads.
Wet your hands before using liquid soap.
Yes or No?
just don't like their singular eyelid
creeps me out
in the netherlands they call them sweeties
i learned that from a dutch condom advert
My parents used to yell at me for calling them sweets because "it's a yank word".
nah squirt the soap on first innit
wanna know what these troglodytes call ice lollies here? icey blocks/poles
gitting a facking beeg a lawlies frum tha facking deery
i really want a gf but im so ugly
and not "lose some weight and dress better" ugly but genetically ugly
deformed tier really
i had a good looking gf in the past she was a solid 8/10 but it's been 6 years since we broke up
im sad and alone i cry all the time and with coronavirus bearing down fast things are even worse than usual
just pushed a yank tourist down the stairs in Camden Town tube station
woman's standards are too high
You've gone too far now.
>had a good looking gf in the past she was a solid 8/10
die die normie
made how this brought the western world to a halt.
Was all about the £1 bags of Vimto Bonbons and Cola or Bubblegum millions when i was at school
your mum and dad need their heads checking mate
it's called a popsicle
Women should be ______
this is the only ice im interested in
well fuck you and your parents
fuck off yank
Ah yes the Kiwi with South African characteristics accent
If they're not icy poles when they are the literally called that?
>"No one is quarantining!"
>He says as he literally moves people from place to place, potentially increasing the rate of infection
reckon i could put the whole packet away in a minute
people who eat these things are dead to me
fuck off tarq i`ll cave your head in
>boss told me I can work from home this week
>still have to get up early to pick up the work laptop from the office
Ice block is the best name for them
can we all just take a moment to think about how fucking ugly chink women are
aussies fucking weird
probably lives in abject poverty because uber will do anything to suck the value out of its drivers at any opportunity
i really want a gf but im 5'8
Imagine not calling them popsicles
three (3) mr kiplings lemon slices chugging along into the tunnel
Simply love taking on a bit flight of stairs
That was my highlight of London, the station with a big spiral stairway, loved it.
Do any towns or villages in the UK/Ireland still exist where English is spoken as a second language?
I grew 4 inches in a year when I was 18 and it destroyed my skin.
what are you doing with the fourth one?
Pay an amazon girl to stamp on your bollocks
Choc ices are fucking disgusting, get yourself a Magnum or something that's actually tasty
save us a bit lad
sure but if people arent quarantined for work 8 hours a day why would they quarantine themselves instead of going to the pub for a few hours?
some people just call them ice creams regardless of whether they contain any actual cream or not
what happened to the rest of your body?
magnum - £2 each
choc ices - £2 for 8
had it for lunch
Mr Kipling must answer for his crimes against public health
no, the welsh try their best to larp but they dont have words so they are forced to use english
Probably some weird towns in Wales or northern Scotland
yeah manchester and birmingham to name a couple
In certain areas of Ireland there are definitely areas where they prefer to use Irish. Think it's mostly villages. Not sure about Wales. Their government tried to bring it back and made it mandatory in schools, but afaik they don't speak it as their first choice anywhere. Might be wrong though
based and middle classpilled
Liverpool, Scotland and parts of Essex
I've been through northern Wales before. Didn't hear much English in the small towns up there
Both are great.
Can't believe you poms actually call icy poles "ice lollies" in this day and age.
At the movies. AHHHHH.
>falling for "it's NOT just a flu" meme
What flavours do you guys get at the gelatomans?
For me it's pistachio my number one
i like maxibons but really only the ice cream sandwich half
looks a lot like our liam's willard
>magnum - £2 each
You can get 3 for £2.50 in the supermarket you cheap prick
haven't seen one in a decade, much less wrapped my mouth around one
There's a girl at work I hate because shes obese
Shes absolutely disgusting to look at. It's a major effort for her to get out of her chair and walk 20 feet. She has that fat girl voice. Wears a fitbit. And she has a boyfriend, mental.
Yeah, West of Ireland has some towns where English is entirely not known by some residents. Went to a bar there to practice my Irish and struggled because any time I didnt know a word, I couldn't just say the English word cuz the barmaid didnt know English.
best icecream i ever had was a golden gaytime in sydney
North Wales and the Scottish isles
is this code for gay anal pissparty
She could fucking nosh me right off little gremlin sket
Rocky road or Spearmint choc chip me.
I like the crunchie ones of these
a golden what?
never had one
now bubble o'bills on the other hand...
in the gaeltacht in ireland yeah, and small spots in north wales. shrinking every day though
You dont go to the films. You go to the pictures.
nah mate. just a top ice cream brand
if hes already in quarantine why does it fucking matter lol
what is the meaning of this?
bad deal
get in the bin
The toilfu only flirts/acknowledges me when no one else is around
She’s a literal bitch to me in group setting
Hate this but then it makes me want her more
*coughs on him*
tbf they're pretty good
thank you for supporting the struggling australian food and drink industry
corona doom posting seems like a good gimmick to sell your new book on twitter
If you run 10+ miles and do push-ups/sit-ups everyday you can eat anything you want, just make sure you eat lots of it. Simple cals in and cals out bro. Might want to get some balance if you want to see past 55 (like a gay boy would)
Yeah, unless I'm using public bogs than no
the ice cream part of them was good. the bubble gum was a bit lame
idk, maybe to slow a pandemic? i work in a busy pub and theres no way in hell my cunt boss is gonna give me time off so maybe im not so sympathetic
putting some shit posts out to marinade.
Having a poo with my bluetooth headphones on and then seeing the fruit of my toil
How old is this mong
no you just go to the cinema
Prefer just sitting around though
you're not supposed to eat that mate, i chipped a tooth on one once
hmm yes struggling
Am I the only one ITT who buys huge packets of pistachio nuts and eats the whole thing in one sitting?
Cashley Cole...
reading about Smurfette, the female Smurf
it's the good version of the webm where the black feller goes all tribal on a tree
who gives a shit if its slowed down slightly its still going to run through the fucking world
Ok bro
milk arrowroot, shapes, tim tams, etc
Australia had some peng snack food ngl
In 1933, a once powerful and wealthy nation, wrecked by the Great Depression, elected a charismatic leader into power, who promised to rebuild the nation and restore it to glory. He would be given supreme executive powers, transforming the once liberal state with a planned economy, created massive infrastructure projects to bring back millions of jobs, encouraged ultra-patriotism, built huge neoclassical architecture in the capital, had the love of his people through mass rallies and radio broadcasts, and gradually term limits were gotten rid of and a cult of personality formed aroud the leader. He would then lead the nation into a war where ethnic minorities were put in concentration camps and atrocious war crimes were committed. Americans to this day hold Franklin D. Roosevelt in high regard.
Pic unrelated.
going to the pictures
Let’s see Paul Allen’s card
Sorry to hear that, mate.
Centipedes are horrific creatures.
*sneezes through his letterbox*
Have done this too many times
Love the pistachio eating experience
how dare you use the P word
such vile racial slurs have no place in the 21st century
my desk top lamp is made by the company "shager"
does this mean i am a shaGGer
:( my grandad has pulmonary fibrosis. i dont want him to die if he doesnt have to. i see your point but herd immunity first as a policy is going to kill millions of people
Delete these obscene pictures or by Allah I shall nuke your queen
*snorts speed*
i'm alright jack
reckon someone should make that matchstick image but with grenfell
tim tams are shit
he needs to self isolate and you should deliver him food
Let’s see Seamus O’caravans leaflet
should be sliced in 2
Might try this desu
Mmmm your flag looks like a chocolate bar
just vomited
I go through two boxes of shapes and one pack of tim tams a week
The Terminal is a comfy film
there has never been a presidential election in this country during an odd year
Anyone weirded out by that lad saying his 6'7 father was shagging a 5'1 female? His dad's clearly a nonce
I just drew a picture of the prophet Muhammed
fuck you
So is shit really going to get that bad or are people just being overly dramatic? Seen a lot of people talking as if Britain is about to become some dystopian country
We’ve all been there haha
My mum's Japanese friend collects Tim Tams varieties to take back to Japan to share with her friends. Mysterious people.
getting in the front of taxis is weird
Did she eat someone
thinking about havin a wank lads
How do you derive an is from an ought?
i inhaled pizza shapes on a daily basis while there
You what? No 50 piece nugget deal? You FUCKING IDIOT, user, you TOTAL FUCKING IDIOT! That was YOUR JOB, you fucking moron! YOU CRETIN. You're a FUCKHEAD, that's what you are, a FUCKING SHITHEAD!
heading out but feel like i might have to do a shit later
have the lunatics nicked all of the toilet roll out of the public bogs?
both leaders were actually elected in 1932, but came into power in 1933
shame tom hanks is a paedophile
have we
she's gone too far too fast there
Do you pick the skin flake bits out of the shell and eat them after you eat the nut?
>run 10 miles a day every day
say goodbye to your knees
seen people saying the 80 piece popcorn chicken thing from kfc either has less or more pieces
That’s because you a socially inept virgin.
Geneieve hardly messages me anyone lads.
imagine youre dying of corona and get turned away at the hospital cause some fat cunt took the last available bed
you have to stop saying that about every celebrity or you're going to be the lad who cried paedo
>68% of women admitted to cheating on their partner, compared to 37% of men
Why are they like this?