What's it like living in the border towns of Texas?

What's it like living in the border towns of Texas?

Attached: Border_Mexico_USA.jpg (1024x704, 267.04K)

All border towns are shitholes in both sides

The Rio Grande Valley in Texas is basically an extension of Mexico.

Which is which

Which side is the US?

Left is USA

That's California/Baja California

omega cope left is way to undeveloped to be us

Real Mexican border starts at San Antonio.

thats where the cartels hide family members to keep them safe

Nigger, look that the right side
>Genaro Lopez
The right side is probably just some border patrol headquarters or something

Nigger, we have 30 million mexicans here. Some are on billboards.
Left looks like a typical mexican desert, right looks like anywhere else in US.

why would mexico have border walls and facilities to keep americans out

They don't. That's why so many get through. Mexico does next to nothing to keep its own people from crossing over.

Mates imagine the smell of Mexican food wafting in from the border

this has to be bait

why don't mexicans just jump over it

I grew up in one of those places. AMA you want to know and I'll answer.

They do. There are 10-20 million ILLEGAL mexicans in the US. Not to mention all of the legal ones. Sad!

Right looks like urban hell, so it's probably the Mexico side.

>Mexico does next to nothing to keep its own people from crossing over.
Why should they?

I searched it up. Left is San Diego County, California and right is Tijuana.

Ok that explains it, its just a major city. I was thinking left was somewhere in the Sonora and right was like El Paso or somthng

>ILLEGAL mexicans
Um no person is illegal sweaty

El Paso borders Juarez, another big city. Also, it's in Chihuahua, not Sonora.

Tijuana: soul
San Diego: souless

Based retard

My fucking sides right now

You wake up on the Windsor/Detroit border

Attached: 25598203195_db97c77057_h.jpg (1599x852, 646.49K)

America should just annex all the English speaking parts of Canada as east Alaska and north maine respectively you can keep the eskimo and French parts

Is el paso that bad like juƔrez?


I live in Windsor. Lots of fine young American puss in the bars around here, they come over for the lower drinking age.

No. El Paso is pretty nice and very safe.

lived in one for 18 years (Laredo, Tx), am glad I GTFO for college and my job

boring as fuck, it's 90% spic, it's basically an extension of Mexico but English is the main language

Women are fat and/or plastic and everyone thinks they're some type of gangster cholo and is dumb af. Literally NOTHING to do except abuse alcohol and weed. 0/10 would not recommend. The other side is even WORSE though, literal gunfights happen semi often enough in third world conditions, why the fuck half my family lives there IDK.

One good thing though is that the cartel shit is across the border, in America it's just small time retards

AMA if you want to know anything else

are you a spic

Do you know Andrew Nellis?

I'm a CHI, unfortunately. Not mexican enough for "la raza" and not anglo enough to reap the benefits of whiteness. Dios mio...

ooof, murrica's mad

How on earth is it possible for mexico to be on the right? Mexico is south.

Do all the CHIs speak English or Spanish at home/schools? How does life growing up there differ from typical white middle class life? Are there any blacks or whites around if so what do the local CHIs think of them?

too obvious, better luck next time


stupid retard

Most CHIs like me can speak Spanish well enough to hold a conversation but are not fluent. Some people are bilingual but they tend to be lower class, which is weird. There are also people who can barely soeaj Enlgish and they're American, wtf man

There are definitely Mexican influences like carne asada, quinceƱeras, the ghetto culture, food for sure, etc. I'd say we're still Mexicans HEAVILY influenced by American culture, if that makes sense.

Whites are treated the same basically, maybe in more esteem. They're basically aristocrats above the CHI masses. As for nigs, they're super rare, and while the boomers are secretly racist to them, the zoomers are all Americanized and thus think the nigs are cool because they want to act like nigs too

>Most CHIs like me can speak Spanish well enough to hold a conversation
Nope, you actually don't, your spanish suck ass.

I didn't say it was good you spic hijo de puta, I said it was good enough to get your point across.

>>>>> well enough to hold a conversation
No, you're not Mexican
No, you're not Hispanic
No, you're not Latino
Yes, you're an ancestry LARPer
Yes, you are monolingual in English
Yes, you're American

shouldn't you be infected by now, Juan Carlos Jimenez Garcia III?

Why is it that CHIs in Tejas and Commiefornia generally speak more English, but the cubANOs in Miami mostly speak Spanish?

>I didn't say it was good you spic hijo de puta
>mixing spanish with english
that's cringe kys don't talk to me again you stupid cartoon stereotype.

> tf
> tp

Yeah, theres nobody in america with the last name lopez. Thats actually true

Then why do you call yourselves "latinos" and "hispanics"?
Latin Americans are those who speak Romance languages and Hispanos are people who speak Spanish.

Cubanos aren't faggots and actually preserve their culture
imagine being arrogant because you live in a shittier country, enjoy your copes
because we aren't anglo white, we're mutts

coronavirus ofc

> because we aren't anglo white
You just demonstrated how American you are, retard shit
> believing Hispanic is related to anything but the place you were born
Hispanic is not a race.

>because we aren't anglo white, we're mutts
But latino and hispanic are not racial classifications. Alexis Bledel is a Hispanic with an Anglo-Mexican mum and Danish-Argentine das.


In murica you put your race down as White (yeah I know) then your ethnicity as hispanic. Don't question me, question the system

>we're mutts
All Americans are mutts and I don't see them calling themselves "Latino", stupid mutt.

nigger you're an Indian /Spanish mutt, the Mexican race is literally a race of mutts you retard

> mexican race
unironically neck yourself

Why are Mexicans so racist to people of Mexican descent born in the United States?

It's not racism, but when they come here, they refuse to speak Spanish and look down on everything and everybody, when they return to the US they're full "YEAH IM MEXICAN VIVA MEXICO IMMA HISPANIC YEAH".