Sherif jabber edition
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Do they really?
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I'm a bangs guy myself
what is your opinion on agnostics? do you hate them just as much as atheists?
*كوف* *كوف*
هإرإ تايك ثاِس
Är du Kuksugare?
> Bangs
Whatever happened to Shamir and >tfw no big dick trap gf? I used to see them everywheee and now I don't see them anywhere.
I miss them.
no more brother wars my fellow kikes
absolute state of the chink bvll
no ath!ests are much much worse
hey hey, cool it with the antisemitic remarks
>tfw he looks like my childhood asian friend
>you could have been born as a muz rat in the country muz rats hate the most where you will be forced to live your entire life as a bitch for Kikes
Always appreciate what you have.
>hey hey, cool it with the antisemitic remarks
gosom abu lawrence
ya bint qa7beh al britaniya
You know this is also against pisslam right?
I wish I was jesus, at least then I would've died and wouldmt be forced to live in this miserable shithole
did the chaddy song get to u
Hes an atheist he doesnt care
typical sicko kike. an aryan would never do such a thing.
>I suffer in Qatar
Dude I'll fucking smash your head with a sledgehammer.
post pic of balcony
'sup saracens? bien ou quoi?
By shithole I meant this planet, this life in general
>i suffer in j*rd
yes you should suffer there you worthless shit
it's a shithole though. my parents took me back there and god i wanted to die for israel.
is that your self portrait ? arap-boi ?
Oh okay then I agree.
Stop stealing my wojaks you newfag shit.
>i wanted to die for israel.
I don't think this has anything to do with qatar
yes its exactly his self-portrait
you deserve this you to pointing out how much of a subhuman he is and all j*rdanian apes with him
i use them better than you since i'm more worthy
I will work
nah you're right i just had a surplus of diapers and wanted to shit myself like a true son of Pissrael
>Stop stealing my wojaks you newfag shit.
Please don't (You) me unless you have spent at least 3 years in this shitty site.
i'm going to take a shower to get rid of the j*rds interactions
stfu ath!est
and um... why are there jews in this thread?
couldn't see you there
gosom fakhr dijaj ibn lawrence
nik teez um al qa7ba al sharmouta um lawrence
qosum al3alam al falesteezy al englizi
Get the fuck out of my general you subhuman chink, your kind isn't welcome here. Take your bat-eating ass out of here
>kesh malik
Uhh ugg..
stop filling dam
u are killing nile
its existential threat
fucking newfags. It's subhuman FILTH like you that ruined my secret club.
man a7qar min qirduni mul7id
with water from the j*rdan?
Uhh, ughgu ug ahhh ah uhh..
قالوا انك متت و خلوني احتفل بدون سبب
>he has a fucking Yas Forums pass
Time is relative, I did die, just not yet in this timeline
jee you shitskins even have sex with the dead.
in what timeline did you die, i wanna go live there
eat shit
neither did I, palestine. maybe should work towards getting yourself a flag, then we'll talk.
kek. all your nile is belong to us.
Are you sure? In that time line you are also dead. You see.. I AM God. If I die, there's nothing left.
It always bemused me how arabs and arabs hate each 9ther yet they are arabs who think they are arabs who speak arabs in arab but are actually arab
Dsmn, three (You)s
Thanks, retarded nig. Miss the old times? I bet you do.
Okay this it, I'm off.
Just a heads up because you will experience a sudden drop in basedness levels with an unlimited increase of subhumanary levels in a couple of seconds.
Brace for impact.
I hate arab men but can't resist their tight hairy assholes
You're the guy from a few years back who thinks israel is based for killing what you called "palirats"?
Oh my god I'm coooming
Unironically, what ethnicity are you?
اريد انيچ
I'm an anti-semitic kike with a gayrab mom living in chinkcouver
>a gayrab mom
Based and redpilled. Truly the fruits of western racemixing
yeah my dad hates kikesses and my mom hates sandnigger men so here i am
Wait you're actually half jewish half arab?
of course you are. will you be sending fresh water to your family back home once we finish the dam?
dont u UNDESTANR that nile is EXSITENTIAl
mens without it = EGYPT DIES
but for your nI66ER dam its not necessary
but NOO you wont understand
NL&&ERs can barely do math
you will think nile will be enough after dams fill
one message from ALL arabs
we are true egyptian (KANGZ) and we say FUCK NIQQERS
must be cool to be born out of hate
doesn't your mom have to be jewish for you to be jewish tho. and why are you anti semitic
I'm full semite
don't come to the west unless you want your daughters bred by me
If I were you, I'd go to israeli and arab forums and make people seethe. You have a golden opportunity, use your race