>"Yeah I care about Japanese history, not a weeb bro I swear"
"Yeah I care about Japanese history, not a weeb bro I swear"
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so we were basically swedish
What did North America look like at that time?
Cockslaves to Chinese BVLL, yes.
I know jackshit about Japanese history, what period is this from
That's Central America.
did they hate trees?
not exactly
>Roman Britain
>British civilization
lol Britoids were living in huts like the Japs before Romans brought civilization. Yes, North Africa and Iberia were also controlled by Rome in 200 AD but they actually had some civilization before then. Meanwhile, the peak of native British civilization was arranging some big stones into a circle.
Wow, they had amazing computers.
Japanese culture and history is superior to everyone but Greeks and Romans and some European south tribes
Half of those were roman, meme image
Unlike Japan, Britain accepted civilization when it was still antiquity. Literally the same case for Iberians and North Africans who actually didn't have a civ until Phonecians/Carthaginians showed up. Japs straight up weren't civilized until well into the dark ages. So your analogy falls flat.
>700 CE
Japan was already taking enough Chinese and Buddhism influences to make a palace and a temple and such in that period.
If it says 300 CE instead of 700 CE, it can be looking like a far more trustworthy comparison.
I was joking José. Teotihuacán was an amazing city, I wonder why they collapsed and leaved the city.
The North African, Iberian and British one are all cause of Rome (Italy). They had mudhuts as well if it wasn't for Italia
It was antiquity so that was normal. In the dark ages like allegedly superior Japan? No.
And Italy would be mudhuts without Greece. So?
Why is there so little historical architecture in East Asia? All these countries are said to have been great civilizations back in the ancient and medieval era but when you're in China, Japan or Korea it's almost only buildings built in the last 50 years everywhere, like there was nothing before.
This is 4000bce Iberia, Iberians became civilized around same time as Romans and Greeks.
Nop in the case of Spain.
Romans largely took over civilized regions in Iberia except for the Celtics barbarians o assume
the crown brought virus
Picrel is from around 500BC in England.
No, the city was already uninhabited when the Spaniards arrived. It seems that there was a mysterious exodus several long before.
Carthaginians from the Eastern/Southern coasts
Fake news.
That Chinese temple is definitely not from 700. But this Japanese temple IS
Strabo mentions that: "The Turdetanians are ranked as the wisest of the Iberians; and they make use of an alphabet, and possess records of their ancient history, poems, and laws written in verse that are six thousand years old, as they assert."[15] It is not known when Tartessian ceased to be spoken, but Strabo (writing c. 7 BC) records that "The Turdetanians ... and particularly those that live about the Baetis, have completely changed over to the Roman mode of life; with most of the populace not even remembering their own language any more."
Dama del elche 400BCE
mainly because it was made of wood
also china destroyed itself due to the cultural revolution
a lot of japanese architecture got easily burned due to ww2
korea was basically a shithole
No, Iberian bastetani.
North africa had carthage. But yes britain had nothing snd didnt keep roman civilisation either. They got conquered by the saxons.
There were no cartgagenians in south east Iberia, The iberian coast was solely inhabited by Iberian ethnics which were the same population group as basques , look to basques if you want to know how native Iberians are.
Am I the only one who thinks that the Dama de Baza is better and more amazing than the Dama de Elche despite the second one is more famous?
>didnt keep roman civilisation either. They got conquered by the saxon
Yeah as did the entirety of the Western Empire dumb germnigger. Do you know anything about sub-Roman era? They didn't just go, "Well we have way less troops, time to take off robes and run around naked in mudhuts" like Germanics. They were majority Christian well into that time too.
remember that you bat-dog eaters were colonized by japanese
>didn't keep civilization
Yes they did, Germanics literally borrowed architecture techniques and metallurgy from the locals they conquered lol.
with that "great history" how come you chinks are so shitty?
Saxons etc. Took over some stuff but the native britons were largely displaced or assimilated. Equating todays english as cultural decendants of roman britons is retarded.
>Saxons etc. Took over some stuff but the native britons were largely displaced or assimilated.
Assimilated linguistically but not religiously.
>Equating todays english as cultural decendants of roman britons is retarded.
Less retarded than saying they're cultural descendants of Saxons, lol. The Saxon shit was a literal LARP from th 19th century. Modern Anglos are basically Roman era British, not even close to Saxons.
what the fuck is CE?
They Chinese live surrounded by the animals they torture to death, they shit outside and they always spit on the pavement. No wonder all the diseases appear in that country.
Common Era
BCE Before Common Era
CE Common Era
I'm guessing the air quality wasn't good back then because of the mountains surrounding the area?
Well, fuck you.
check Horyuji temple
You mean Christ Era?
lol England was going to be conquered by Bill only 20 years later. Picrel was England 600BCE
There are a lot of massive stone Buddhas in East Asia. I don't think they cared much about stone architecture in terms of places people lived though. Their most elaborate stone structure was a tomb after all.
China, 723 AD
lol 250yrs of American history
based jomon bros
China, 2015 AD
I have a better one, but I'm not sure what your point is.
half of those are roman
The Finno-Korean Hyper War left many casualties.
>Roman Britain as British civilization
That's kind of like saying if America builds a city in Antarctica it's "Antarctican civilization" it's solely the outsider's civilization, no?