

Attached: italy.jpg (1076x694, 84.03K)

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Fortunately Italy's oldest friend still has their back.

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it makes me feel ashemed, i haven't even heard any media mentioning anything like this

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tale as old as time

why should EU help italy when literally no country is prepared and what little each country has isnt even enough for their own problems?

Based China, there to help the needy
You're a leech, the burden was never put on Pooland to begin with

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nice union

>first they fuck up their response to Turkish aggression
>then they let Italy fall apart

How is the EU supposed to federalize if they can't work together to solve a common problem? Thank God for China.

only when you're accepting migrants will the EU help you. shameful institution, it ought to be abolished

it's not like we could afford to do anything

LITERALLY what is the point of the EU if they can't coordinate on something of this level?

Fuck the EU. Brits had the right idea.

you can stop shilling for china chink, china will lose all manufacturing when this is over, prepare to revert back to 3rd world

EU - soulless
PRC - soul

China is better than you pigs. Cope and seethe more

Outside the EUs jurisdiction.


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>china will lose all manufacturing when this is over, prepare to revert back to 3rd world

Fuck no bitch. My 401(k) needs to recover. Please stop being a little leftoid cuck and grow up.

all drug and every other manufacturing will leave china cuz of this, enjoy your last bat soup

Is there any European country with the capacity to help Italy or any other country? Seeing the latest contagion data in Europe, not Spain, neither Germany nor France.

Let's be honest lads, that sucks.

Not a single Italian responded to European plea to start washing their hands after taking a shit

>china manufactures 150+ drugs every mutt needs
>wuhan virus comes and shuts down everything
>nooo we wont take manufacturing from china seeing this is their 2nd time in 10 years creating an outbreak
its over

Coronavirus is an American bioweapon to undermine the Belt-and-Road Initiative (Italy pissed off America for making a deal with China) and attack Israel's enemies (Iran).

Russia and Iran say it's a bioweapon, so it must be true.

So? Me and my relatives in the states will just send back the research anyhow. Cope more

this desu

Why would manufacturing leave the one country that is taking it seriously now?

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If it was EU jurisdiction they would just fuck it up for everyone

Eu should've fucking block all the borders and ports. All again we've whitnessed the lack of backbone of our elitist turds in smokings.

Millions of Italians have fallen in love with China because China sent a small amount of doctors, masks, sanitizers and ventilators.

The EU and the US sent nothing.

Wouldn’t it be the opposite since China has contained their outbreak? Nike, Apple and all the other American corporations have reopened all their stores in China while shutting down everything outside.

whats the point of research when nobody will be dependent on your virus fragile country? idiot
i thought you chinks have an IQ over a 100, you figure it out

We don't even have enough medical materials for ourselves, Spain has also been asking for help. No answer, because everybody has shortages of everything and all is made in china these days. So China is helping us too now, just like they did with Italy.

I'm sorry we failed you Italy.

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you have doctors and nurses and they have overloaded hospitals..

What the fuck do shitalians expect the EU to do? Everyone is preparing themselves for whatever is coming, I can't imagine our government sending a single strip of paracetamol.
Besides the only thing the EU could've done (with powers they don't have) would've been isolating Italy weeks ago while they were still in their #KeepMilanMoving phase and would probably leave the union instantly

>Wouldn’t it be the opposite
> stores
nobody cares about that shit, keep buying those brands

>virus fragile country?
You stupid or what? China bvll is alive and strong, you old white pigs are the ones dying right now

Hate country cringelords who actually get teary eyed about this shite

You could say EU washed it's hands of the issue.

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>china bvll
Cringe kys chang

This. If California asked Texas for help, it wouldn't be forthcoming.

We don't need a European 'UNION' we need a union of gamers

thats besides the point insect, manufacturing will move back to eu and usa cuz you cant stop creating virus from your backwards culture, drugs will be made on the spot


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The whole of the EU needs help, not only Italy is affected.

it's like hitting someone with your car and praising yourself you drove them to the hospital

Two weeks ago. In fact epidemiologist accross all the globe said that it was going to be a fucking mess, I have not an exemple contra. They all said that we had to DO something, but doctors/physicists who often are political puppet played the "don't panic" card. Yes, we absolutely should have fucking crash the market and close every fuckong chunk of european border, lock the meatbags in their homes and control from distance.

But that just goes to show that some countries can rebound quickly during an outbreak and continue production while some others might struggle. I mean, where the outbreak comes from doesn’t seem to matter too much when it infects the entire world, the only thing that really matters is how quickly they can recover to continue production no?

The only think the EU had to do was close its borders towards Italy.

this isnt true

Germany to send face masks to Italy to help deal with coronavirus

German government signs contracts worth €163 million to buy medical supplies, according to local media.

By Rym Momtaz

3/14/20, 1:16 PM CET

Updated 3/14/20, 11:39 PM CET

Turns out Italians aren't brown enough to warrant aid.

This comes after news of E.U. to send 2k euros for every migrant to go back to their countries. To 37k migrants.

Honestly, thank god this happened, it's just another step forward in showing the countries that are not France or Germany what they are worth to the E.U.

Brits know it. Eastern Europe knows it. Greece knows it. Italy will find out.

how can we help Italy bros?

>thats besides the point insect, manufacturing will move back to eu and usa

Imagine believing this. Like I'd believe it if you'd said "Vietnam" or basically any other Asian country. But the US and the EU? Christ you are stupid and/or underaged.

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and have chink communist party hold all the cards? no, its over, this virus is chinas chernobyl, manufacturing was leaving already, but now it will leave faster

send them shipments of plastic american cheese

What countries did respond though?

How do you help when we're all on quarantine? It's not like we have spare doctors and medical materials just laying around. Also the EU is from what i understand planning to cover for a portion of the damages that the pandemic is about to cause to all EU members. OP literally created a bait thread.

literally every country is fighting the same battle
italy is only a week ahead regarding numbers

The situation is still salvageable outside of Italy and Spain. For many countries in Europe lockdown came at the right moment

typical European Appeasement policy, hasnt changed after WW1. Our politcian are such low life so scare to make a decision


News of this morning: Buses full of Moroccans coming to Algeciras from France to go to Morocco.

They don't want to stay in Europe anymore? Rats are the first to leave the ship when it is sinking.

Too late china's on the dock. France is literally on the brink of collapse, next week is going to be ogre.

The blacks have always received aid from China

lol damage control by the EU. Delicious.

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We don't have any masks to send to the Italians

even chinks are going to vietnam, your time is running out, you wont become a developed nation cuz chink plastic isnt enough anymore

It's an apology, and when does China ever apologize?
Italy, of all countries, got an apology from China---for something Pakis exacerbated.

You obviously don't mesure how bad things really are. Here the reanimation beds are all taken in my region. We didn't even cancel local elections in France. Be ready for the shitsorm, it's happening this time.

>no, its over, this virus is chinas chernobyl, manufacturing was leaving already, but now it will leave faster

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you really a pathetic subhuman gardengnome, if they send smt, thats not good, if they dont thats not good either
just die in cancer

I don't like Italians.

It's over hyped to hell. The best thing to happen in a while though. Everyone can see the fearmongering democrats and the unreliability of China. This should cause industry especially medical shit

>What the fuck do shitalians expect the EU to do?
No one's asking anything. Notice how these threads are made by either non-italians or clear shitposters? And anyhow as far as i know now commissions are being formed to ensure financial stability to the various european countries and medical systems

>It's an apology
Where, from who

When I said most countries I meant the 15 members of the EU to our east.

I hope HBO will soon make a tv show about Coronavirus like they did with Chernobyl

This is basically the Chinese version of the Marshall plan.

Stop sucking white dick, fellow yellow man

>immigrants leaving the eu because of corona
>also no jihadists in europe as well

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You probably lost the atlantic hegemony this month.

They wouldn't have sent anything at all if China hadn't surprised everyone with their generous gift (I say "generous" because it is almost twice what Italy donated to China a month or two ago, at least with respect to pure tonnage.) That's all I am saying. If there are any facts that suggest otherwise please let me know.

Well your government shat the bed. My government reacted fast enough to start slowing it down early. The problem is that we don't have the brightest population out there(we have retarded gastarbaiters) so we have people who traveled to Italy, not going on self quarantine and infecting others.

Locking your country down doesn't happen on an EU level, and lots of countries have done that already.

Nah they are too busy financing anti-soviet propaganda. Mutt elites are still far more terrified of Russia than China. Being a proto-russian yourself you understand this more than most.

Send a white (actual white, not like Italian """white""") gf

germany will make sure there's a safe coronafree path for migrants

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LMAO China trying to bribe Italy with masks and ventilators since they are the ones who brought COVID19 onto Italy.

China is helping Italy because over 20 million Chinese go to Italy every season to take photos and make 100 person lines in front of every piece of art history. Chinese business booms solely thanks to Italy. You don't see as many Chinese in France or Spain, but take one step in front of San Marco and it looks like Beijing.

lmao corona de cristo

we could always offer our prayers, alcohol and food. None of the korona tv programms i've watched today has mentioned about Italy asking for help.

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>since they are the ones who brought COVID19 onto Italy.
Germans brought it to Italy. Keep up. This is why you aren't poppin'.

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We will help Italia

usa didnt send shit after cracking the world's economy in 2008

China, Cuba and Venezuela sent some doctors

The main variant of Covid19 virus in Europe is actually the C strain, the same as the one in the US. The most common strain in Asia are the A and B strains.

thats what they get for using chinese slave labor to sell their "luxury goods"

imagine being a chinaman going to picturesque france only to see it's filled to the brim with niggers and shitskins, everybody's rude, everything's dirty and the streets smell like piss

Africa pretty much told the world to get fucked during the 2014 Ebola epidemic too. They still owe us for all that R&D we did for their disease.

Based, China is better than any western degenerate power, join the eastern bloc brothers

The US bribed every european country after ww2 to enter their sphere of influence

>You don't see as many Chinese in France or Spain

Jesuchrist, USA.

Welcome refugees as a whole

>1 person from munich got it on his china trip
>germans are fault

>africa and usa are one and the same in their reactions to problems they create
You said it, not me.

I think Italy may go communist

There can't be full lockdown in the first place since not all countries produce all medication themselves so trucks with medicine and materials still have to move. The lockdown is on tourists, workers and similar shit. The flow of goods has to continue since the EU is pretty much interconnected at this point. Would've been best if we have a single European government so the reaction to the virus could've been more coordinated and covered the whole of the EU from the get go. Sadly retards will REEE against federalization when it would've actually helped us all if the EU was a single country at this point.

So you're saying that the virus currently present in europe developed independently from the wuhan virus?

we dont have a communist party
we will have whatever force in power make an economical deal with china, it's wont go beyond that

We have the biggest chinese diaspora in Europe, my government is incompetent. Epidemiologists rang the bell several weeks ago, but all the media-politic spectrum tried to mock fearmongers, now the prime minister is shitting his pants on TV. Some will say that politicians are corrupted, this might be true, but our pieces of shit upthere are even worse, corrupted cowards.

Based fuck shitaly and fuck eurangatans

you gonna show them your "herd immunity" plan? lmao

I hope Italy get the fuck out of EU like the bongs after this.

China doesn't export revolution. They only support anti-globalist regimes when absolutely necessary and are more than willing to hang them out to dry if it gets them a better deal (they did this with Venezuela for a bit during the last coup attempt.) It's probably the only reason why they are tolerated by the globalists.

Yeah, or got brought in from the US where they only started testing this month.

Italy was the first country to block flights from China, so it wouldve came from Europe like the UK and its cases from the French ski resort

>getting all those chinaman (you)s