I'm somehow supposed to feel sad that Spain is now the epicenter of the virus and is on lockdown?
Justicia. Para que sepan como sufrimos nosotros los Mexica cuando los peludos asquerosos españoles nos dieron sus enfermedades del viejo mundo.
I'm somehow supposed to feel sad that Spain is now the epicenter of the virus and is on lockdown?
Justicia. Para que sepan como sufrimos nosotros los Mexica cuando los peludos asquerosos españoles nos dieron sus enfermedades del viejo mundo.
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You are next
no you are not aztec
no you are not mexican
no you do not have culture
Why am I still unable to post pictures even though I'm an entire region away from my IP? Does Yas Forums track all the IPs in your phone or something?
>nosotros los mexica
Si no hablas náhuatl entonces cállate chicano.
I should be fine as long as Trump doesn't deport me.
I'm praying to jesus that you and your family will be safe and healthy CHIanon
No jodas. Me gusta bailar con plumas y un tapa-nalgas. Tengo un calendario azteca tatuado en mi brazo. Me identifico como azteca.
Descupla nopalero enano
>nosotros los Mexica
t. Alberto Hernández
honestly this
shit is about to hit the fan in an unironically third world healthcare system
El Camarada AMLO los protegera. Mantiene la calma hermano.
Abrazos no Escandalos.
No te preocupes user. Aquí solo hay 300 muertos, un sistema de salud público robusto y un seguimiento estadistico serio y transparente de los casos de contagio.
Esperate solo un par de semanitas más, a ver qué tal lo lleváis por allí por Trumplandia con vuestras health insurances y tal. :)
>Centered in Madrid
Good. I hope this leads the Castillians to ruin and the Basques and Catalonia are finally able to secede and become their own nations. Basque Country and Catalonia have been dragged down by corrupt south Spanish trash for far too long.
Aqui la población es mas joven en Europa. Y la mayoría de la gente no fuma mas que los negros y "white trash" (gringos pobres de clase baja).
Oh shit you're back from hiding. Now post a selfie so we can admire your Basque jawline.
>Oh shit you're back from hiding. Now post a selfie so we can admire your Basque jawline.
Different Basque fag here, I don't think i've ever posted a pic of myself to 4chins. Though I do have a great jawline.
At the end of the day only the weak will die. Here there or anywhere. Medicine is a trillionaire scam preying on idiots who think they are entitled to live forever. Hospital collapses are meaningless, maybe even beneficial to society, shame it's not a literal collapse.
El problema no es que la gente joven y sana se vaya a morir, el tema es que sean vectores de contagio para la población en riesgo letal, que son los mayores.
Ten en cuenta que puedes estar infectado y no desarrollar los sintomas hasta pasada una semana o dos. Pero bueno, eso ya es cosa vuestra y lo que le hagáis a vuestros abuelitos y personas con deficiencias inmunológicas.
based chilango bvll
Falangist detected.
Reminder that mestizos are the direct descendants of the Spanish conquerors.
One day you will learn to read and realize the irony of your own post and picture.
t. Yon Alberto Hernández*
Es tradición de ellos ser foco de infección
I get it.
I'm anti-fascist like Mexico was in the 1930s. I posted a picture of brave anti-fascists.
Based cerote.
no tenéis ni idea, tío
Mira lo que está pasando aquí
El padre de una colega de trabajo resultó positivo al virus, y le han dicho que el hospital de su ciudad ya lleva todas las camas de terapia intensiva ocupadas de tantos casos que han tenido, y que tendrá que esperar en casa que se libere una.
Espero que las cosas se pongan bien pronto pero es hora que toda Europa se ponga en cuarentena igual que nosotros
Most people in Latin America fail to realize that, but so do non Latin Americans. The average Latin American is a thousand times more likely to be related to conquistadores than the average Iberian is.
Glad it's primarily Castilians dying off.
Que dios te cuide amigo.
You have never personally suffered any harm from what happened half a millennia ago neither your father or grandfather have, and you have blood from the conquistadores in your veins
Also, Aztecs were the most savage civilization that has ever existed on the history of planet Earth.
>18 holidays dedicated to human sacrifices
>the god of rain requires killings of kids less than 1 year old
>unable develop agriculture/livestock that could sustain the aztec civilization, had to turn to calories from human killings
>50000 humans killed per year, coming from vassal states
>still butthurt and surprised that the spaniards found easy to ally with the vassal tribes aztecs were cannibalizing
In the history of earth you can't find a civilization worse than aztecs.
>>unable develop agriculture/livestock that could sustain the aztec civilization, had to turn to calories from human killings
do iberians really
One bullshit, so I'll just assume everything you mentioned is also bullshit.
Ever heard of corn? Also, no wild cows in America to domesticate.
1. You're not an aztec
2. Even if you were your ancestors probably sided with the Spanish to liberate them
Italy is the epicenter not Spain you dumb spic
Turn off the VPN/reverse hop the border
Yo tengo sangre de conquistador, chichimeca y olmeca. Nada de azteca
Based, fuck aztecs
Mexicans are olmecs and chichimecas. Aztec blood is almost non existent in mexico
Razing Technotitlan to the ground was really a cunt move
that city was literally the Rome of South America
imagine all the wonderful art, monuments and pieces of literature lost forever in the flames because of the greed of gold of a bunch of piss poor andalusians who couldn't even read
>Razing Technotitlan to the ground was really a cunt move
>that city was literally the Rome of South America
>imagine all the wonderful art, monuments and pieces of literature lost forever in the flames because of the greed of gold of a bunch of piss poor andalusians who couldn't even read
no you are not aztec
no you are not mexican
no you do not have culture
Yeah, my DNA test had "Natives from Jalisco" pop up. I guess I'm part Chichimeca. We were such subhumans that the Aztecs referred to us as dog people.
He is not azt*c but he is mexican
this mexico city is going to be real fucked
>2 million use the subway
>people cannot leave their work becuase no money
>poor air condition
>almost everyone is overweight
> low IQ browtoids who couldn't care less about this
>corrupted government
Conquistadores were tipically Extremadureños
Being a barbarian savage is based, fuck civilized cucks.
Yes. Most of the famous conquistadores like Cortes, Pedro de Alvarado, and Pizarro were from Extremadura. But most of the actual plebs that moved over here were Andalusians, although you also had significant levels of Basque and Galicians. Overall it was the whole peninsula with the exception of Catalonia.
Yeah the migrants were from all Spain
Ya estamos en cuarentena. El tema es que las fronteras siguen abiertas y especialmente el tráfico aéreo con países que o no pueden o no están tomando medidas contra el corona.
Esto sí que es una locura.
You mean all of Mexico is real fucked, right?
I have extended family in Mexico. They're a bunch of old farts, fat as fuck, and some of them still smoke. The nearest legitimate hospital is a 40 minute drive to Tepatitlan.
Que en paz descansen.
None of us aztec blood
No peleen anons. Cuiden su salud. Besos y abrazos, adioj.
you can't even speak in your pre spanish language, you speak spanish like the bitch whipped cuck you are, filthy wetback cunt
That's Chichen Itza, a Mayan city.