Sunday night edition
Previously on /balk/
Sunday night edition
Previously on /balk/
My president and brother, Xi Jinping...
Why tf did we have to suck the EU's dick and not based Xi??? In fucking 50 years we'll have to switch sides again, fuck this retarded cunt.
My nation is the poor and the workers.
When the Romans come, I am a Thracian, when the Turks come, I am a Turkic, when the Russians come, I am Slavic brother, when the Chinese come, I am...?
Tatar! :D
Xi is sucking American cock, Europe sucks American cock but is classy. By not sucking Xi we just cut the middleman, so one cock saved.
>Xi is sucking American cock
retard alert
I told you China would win but you wouldn't listen.
... in heaven because I've got yellow fever!
aбe бюpмит, цeл живoт ли шe гo дъpвиш нa aзиaтcки aвтopитapизъм
I don't think chinks like mongols all that much.
They'll fuck your women.
I pity them.
How is the Orthodox Church responding to coronavirus in your countries? ROCOR is still having services here (we were told not to kiss the icons or the priests hand today) but the Greeks have cancelled them and I think the OCA has cancelled as well. The Serbs here in America are still having liturgy too but what are doing in Serbia?
The retards made a statement that no harm can come to people during holy liturgy. Easter is approaching, we’ll see.
i've seen chinese irl they are so small and i stared at them and laughed and they just looked at me with the white of their eye frowning with their little bellies sticking out and hunched over like stereotypical nerds
it was so funny i felt like i was looking at another species in a zoo
Do you remember when the church tried to bring back religious studies in school? Karakachanov wanted to start some sort of military education to 4-7 year olds. It was, it was something...
>actually anything other than a nothingburger turned into hysteria
Remember this attitude two weeks from now.
China is dependent on the US you retard
Strah te e ot tova obuchenie shtoto si mekushav gei, kakto celiq balk obshto vzeto, bez men nali
the economy shutting down is much more dangerous than the flu, we're fucked from that more than corona
you know it could be possible and to use as a cover other means of taking out targets in iran
besides one user each from serbia, greece and turkey, /balk/ is all bulgaria + macedonia
is it because of ex-yu?
wasn't 5 g made in is ra el? didn't china install 5 g recently?
Ne be, sersem, prosto mi stana sme6no.6tot, karakachanov iska da wyrne voenno obuchenie, a cyrkwata cyrkovno. Setih se za swe6tenni bojci za TRI MORETA.
Golqm smqh e i da, wsichki ste meki kitki sravnenie s mene. To si e qsno.
>get on grindr because i'm dying of boredom (shut up)
>this guy writes to me
macedonian gay guys look like THAT? would you call him a faggot irl?
balgariq na tri moreta we
Well, Ottomansırp does pay visits here and there and we're actually two Turx. Hentaibey lurx so it might make it three but he doesn't post. As for Greex, Kelly and Solunbey makes it two and despite me calling every Greekflag Solunbey, there are prolly more Greex...
Well yeah but it’s global.
shiptars are low IQ so they rarely find their way here, romanians are just hyper-normies, greeks are too smart for generals, ex-yu sucks out the rest
well he has a faggot haircut so yes i would call him a faggot
i effendov na tranlo
I know this guy irl. Didn't know he was gay.
Is that a public restroom?
that's what makes it worse, the virus itself is a meme, but we're all fucked economically speaking
prove me wrong
how does a gigachad turn out gay?
gays have more test and bigger dicks than straightos on average
the difference is small though
there's nothing wrong in your post
for what
The virus was the proverbial last coof to usher a worldwide recession that has been in the making for a while now.
Why are you browsing Grindr? Also where's he from?
holy fucking shit 30k here we come
does he want a Bulgarian bf?
квo ти кaзвaм чe cи oтчaян
There are some greeks and def more than one of your kind. Few Serbs in the mix. All in all balk exists to build up the relationships between Bulgaria and Macedonia for the upcoming federation.
I don't understand.
>gays have more test and bigger dicks than straightos on average
20cm dick here and I'm horny all the time. I could fuck a twink but a hairy man is just repulsive for me.
Yes im one of them,but i rarely visit balk nowadays.
and all of that tough guy physique comes crashing down when he puts on his rainbow colors
Mi da vrushta, kvo prechi, az sum za
what's 30k
бpaтлe, вce ми e тaя кaквo ми кaзвaш.
prob some crypto shit
>Sinophiles in a nutshell
>*Posts evidences that proves Reddit is filled with ccp shills*
big boi
everything is an acquired taste really, I was straight as it comes until I was 19 and started to like femboy twinks
Now I'd unironically top and bottom that guy
Who will win Eurovision this year and why it shall be us
zero percent interest rates from the federal reserve, and pumping money, the DOW is going to hit 30k as soon as this shit is over
What's the tattoo saying, find another pic
every time i come here i have to remind myself that you guys are nerd autists who can't be spoken to normally
>Now I'd unironically top and bottom that guy
And that's how it should be.
yeah noone knows what the federal reserve or DOW is
damn effendi, that's gay af my nigga
Further proof that Turks are just turkicized hellenoid anatolians. Absolutely disgusting.
Hello /balk/ anons do you remember me ?
I'm not efendi, I never post here normally.
And yes, I'm gay af ;)
>top and bottom
Nah being the bottom bitch is disgusting. My sole desire is to dominate and that also translates to my sexuality.