This is a 10 in Goblinoland

>This is a 10 in Goblinoland

Attached: IMG_20200315_210816.jpg (1753x1311, 186.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>she's not so bad
>open the picture

Attached: 1528681095081.png (362x368, 142.78K)

She built for BBC what did you expect

Her bf is white, sorry but you take this L

Denzel Curry is white in America

This, there's no such thing as white in america, which is why am no longer a white nationalist. Am no an accelerationist that wants it all to end.


I replied to you

Latinos are goblins.

Mexicans are not latinos

is that the bernie girl? are they hitting the wall in a matter of days now?

is she 40?

Mexican girls are UGLY UGLY. If you want to racemix get colombian girl

She is very cute I don't know what you are talking about

She's mad that someone thought her boobs look big because of a bra and not because they are fake? How is that better?

that's the problem.

Fuck off subhuman sympathizer.

Why do women pay thousands to get bigger boobs when they could just get pregnant instead

She's going to age like milk.


>going to

Mexican girls are hideous, nobody wants to racemix with them. The latinas who take dicks from all ethnicities are colombians and dominicans

Attached: average mexican.jpg (433x649, 44.01K)

No, you are not native.
No, you are not Europeans.
No, you aren't a Negro either.
Yes, you are mongrel.
Yes, you speak Spanish incorrectly.
Yes, you are low IQ.
Yes, you are ugly.
Yes, you are short.
Yes, you are obese.

Not a problem for me, my women are ugly so no one wants to mix with them

Are you black or mexican?

Why the fuck is this guy going in very thread and saying mexican girls are ugly while shilling for Colombian girls what's his end game ?

What's the difference? AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Attached: IMG_9890.png (590x525, 240.05K)

>No, you are not native.
True im mexican
>No, you are not Europeans.
True im mexican
>No, you aren't a Negro either.
True im mexican
>Yes, you are mongrel.
False, im pure mexican
>Yes, you speak Spanish incorrectly.
I speak mexican not spanish
>Yes, you are low IQ.
Yes and that is a good thing
>Yes, you are ugly.
Mexican girls find me attractive, that is all I care about
>Yes, you are short.
>Yes, you are obese.
Im not

Im mexican, the black guy is this guy

The dry mexican air makes them age 10x faster while it's always raining in colombia so their women stay fresh until they hit the 20yo wall.

she is a 10 since the average is being obese

Im a colombian cuck who wants too see colombian girls get blacked/bleached


Attached: 4ddnccnvnn9z.jpg (1198x865, 113.18K)

wonder the same

that tiktok is cute as fuck and you can't deny that

Colombian girls are made for interracial gangbangs

you obviously arent

Attached: 1584249235325.webm (608x1080, 2.32M)

Shes hideous mexigoblina, get colombian whore as gf instead

Attached: 10346294_1462738217313033_5217173210600930927_n.jpg (556x720, 53.72K)

south american girls are H O T

>pure mexican

Attached: tricky ricky.jpg (1242x2208, 212.14K)

>I'm colombian
you sure are champ, talking in 3rd person about us and shit

Where are her boobs then

Sudacas are hot yes, but mexican girls are UGLY UGLY goblinas.

Attached: mexigoblin.jpg (683x1024, 398.81K)

She looks like a prostute gypsy I fucked for 5 euro.
How much money did american simps give her again?

>this is the most famous chicana in history

Attached: bros we got too cocky.jpg (804x802, 85.37K)

Yes I look like pic related

Attached: pure mexican phenotype.jpg (840x1244, 144.11K)

why do you car?

>colombian cuck made thread to shill his women

Looks like Charlie sloth from fire in the booth

Attached: charlie-sloth-rexfeatures_9858599s.jpg (2000x1270, 268.31K)

it's embarrasing

Why do you feel that way? Who would you pick to represent chicanas?

uh, can I make someone up?

>No, you are not native.
>No, you are not Europeans.
>No, you aren't a Negro either.
>Yes, you are mongrel.
>Yes, you speak Spanish incorrectly.
>Yes, you are low IQ.
>Yes, you are ugly.
>Yes, you are short.
>Yes, you are obese.
Negrocel be seething hard cuz he will never be mexican. Just accept reality and kys nigga.

Attached: 1388810974_177842_1388811526_noticia_normal.jpg (300x414, 25.2K)

>imagine caring about opinion of non mexicans

>look for sound version
>instantly mute
Why do they always use such cancer music in tiktok videos? Do zoomers really listen to something like this? Am I an old man?

mexicans included
this girl is cringe, user
but eh, could be worse

I do not want to be accepted by americans so idc

why are you typing like a low iq retard OH NO NO NO WAIT DON'T TELL ME YOUR A

2 triger cUck5 who want approvel from gringos

ok paco

wahhh wahhhh
if you weren't so stupid and whiny you'd understand that I never said anything relating to approvel

Callate sudaca, los mexicanos somos norte americanos no latinx

>wahhh wahhhh
>if you weren't so stupid and whiny you'd understand that I never said anything relating to approvel

Attached: 1557735423043s.jpg (231x218, 8.16K)

There is nothing worse than a self-hating chicano

samefag femoid