>ate urope
>luv CHINA
simple as
>ate urope
>luv CHINA
simple as
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Are Italians really praising China, or is it just deluded Chinese on weibo?
I'm doing it ironically.. for now
Just a meme
>New China TV
I've always preferred the Chinese to the new world.
Europe comes first, always, of course.
love you too
Wait, why is the EU the one with yellow skin color?
Notice the nose.
It's Francesco Chang
His hands are yellow too. The chinese are the fucking worst at banter.
We are, anyone denying it isn't using social media.
Right wing people praise China to throw shit at the EU, left wing people make posts about "we were racist to them and look at them now helping us!"
Did everyone forget that the chinks caused the epidemic in the first place and aggravated it by covering it up for almost two months?
>covering it up for almost two months
Our governments were doing the same till last week.
Gonna have a thing called Lombardy syndrome soon.
They didn't arrest the doctors that were speaking about the epidemics, like in China
Certain politicians (and the majority of the population) just underestimated the virus
The chink government did the thing with the doctors exactly because they were also underestimating the risks of the virus.
I'm not defending Beijing disgusting practices, but if there's something that was made obvious during this crisis is that democracy isn't better equipped to tackle a similar epidemic. The UK and the US literally put
>Muh stocks
Before public health.
Eh, they didn’t arrest them because they underestimated the virus. They literally considered it sedition
Now they are astroturfing campaigns all around the world hoping we’ll consider them the heroes of fighting against the pandemic
They didn't. It's the rest of the world that did fucking nothing during a month or more and just sit down, eat popcorn and watched le wuhan corona as if that wasn't of concern.
China imposed very succesful and drastic measures (like other east asian countries like Korea and Singapur) and are coming out of the crisis pretty clean, while Europe is struggling with this and everywhere else is gonna get raped hard.
Hello, Zhang. Enjoying your vacation?
some chinese psyop
They knew about the virus as early as December, and covered it up
Why the fuck would they cover up something if they didn't know that shit would have gone down? If they didn't lockdown everything they would have never been able to stop it, and westerners in SH and HK would have a reported this weird illness. And the lockdown would have made it obvious that something was going on.
Despite american memes the CPC policies have a logic behind them.
*If they did know that shit would have gone down
*Would have reported
If they were logical they would’ve banned the sale of bushmeat after the last two epidemics.
they sent help to Italy
Not an argument
The orginal report said after China's CDC received genome results from commercial labs on Dec 31 and realized what it could be, it was classified as a potentially dangerous pathogen, and per pathogen handling regulations all samples at uncertified labs must be destroyed or shipped via secure containers to certified national labs, and all pathogen information must be centrally analyzed by the certified labs. 7 days later on Jan 7 the national lab uploaded the full genome to an international database
This is the "cover up" BBC and NYP refers to, the part where commercial labs were banned from playing with COVID19.
I know you're just memeing, but the rest of Europe is about to be in the same shape desu
Sounds easy on paper but a bit harder to enforce in reality. Rural people are pretty slow if not reluctant to give up their traditions. Maybe a bit of education on hygiene wouldn't hurt though.
The least they could do after infecting them with it
Not chinese, Mutombo.
When you look at the numbers remember that Europe (excluding Britain, that is in an absolutely state to deal with it) is doing 350 tests per million people, while USA f.i is doing 15 tests per million. Yet Europe, including particularly Spain reacted late and badly to the epidemic. We do have capable health services and hospitals systems, and they are being pushed and stretched to the limit. Everywhere else including USA does not, so prepare your anus in the next weeks and months, Mutombo.
You’re talking about the same nation that spies on almost everyone within its borders simultaneously. They have the resources to put a stop to it and even now they still aren’t.
Hongkongers still eat weird shit and you expect rural peasants to blindly follow modern hygienic standards?
People do not realise what a shitshow it would be if those peasants were allowed self-government.
Everybody knew about wuhan since fucking January and didn't care. Here our scumbags in government were even promoting feminist marches and demonstrations in early February when cases of corona had already been reported in Spain.
India has nearly the same population and doesn’t produce pandemics regularly. Stop trying to make excuses for them.
This. Fuck wh*tes.
You do realise that whole EU is in the state of epidemic, right? Shit here is almost as bad as in Italy.
That has to do with the fact that a shitton of Indians are vegetarian, not with public policies, or do you seriously think that India is any better in the hygiene department?
You're a fucking poo in loo that explains it
>India has nearly the same population and doesn’t produce pandemics regularly
Indians themselves are a pandemic.
The EU literally threw Italy to their luck
What is even the point of that shitshow then?
Yas Forumstards do not realise that praising China is the perfect narrative to not sound nationalist yet still be Eurosceptic
>praising China is the perfect narrative to not sound nationalist yet still be Eurosceptic
nice digits, but I really want the people's liberation army marching down the streets chasing americans and capitalists, God I love CHINA
Absolutely BASED and REDpilled.
If you honestly think that China is doing this out of the good of their hearts, you're deluded to the point of absurdity. It's purely a geopolitical move to drive a wedge between European countries and thus strengthen their own position. You're nothing but useful idiots to them.
>If you honestly think that China is doing this out of the good of their hearts, you're deluded to the point of absurdity.
t. ameriglobo cocksucker who never says shit like this when mutts pretend to care about whites in their native Europe
Fuck off retard boomer, it's the jews, not some fucking triangle with an eye. "Illuminati" is just a meme. It's the jews who are behind the EU. EU is a jewish plan in order to destroy the white race.
Unbelievable how you retards still believing in le loominarty. Back to facebook, boomer. It's the jews, not "illuminati".
christ the EU is cancelled and they did it themself
Did I hurt your fragile emotions, zhang?
Wuhan has 11 million inhabitants, it’s not exactly some rural shithole
good riddance
Post lewd variants plz
its not its pathetic ending such way
Please fucking die you disgusting little cunt.
the EU has always been a pathetic project
The Liberal government of Sweden said yesterday they're literally giving up on testing
The sooner we get rid of the EU the sooner we can start to build the glorious NEOLATIN FEDERATION.
i wanted to believe
>You’re talking about the same nation that spies on almost everyone within its borders simultaneously.
Not even your country, with its extensive invasive spying programs has the ability to effectively monitory the population. How the FUCK do you expect the Chinese government to pull off a feat that would be multitudes harder than what the NSA have spent decades trying to achieve?
Idiots like you should be taken out to the back paddock and shot.
The relevance being..?
believe in actual cooperation and friendship among countries, not this bureaucratic superstate nonsense
Yas Forums pls go