Do your leaders work as hard as President Trump does for America?
Do your leaders work as hard as President Trump does for America?
Trump sacked his pandemic response team in order to pay for the wall he STILL hasn't built. That isn't working hard for America, that's the exact opposite of working hard for America. You couldn't be more wrong even if you tried.
It turned out this wasn't possible, since that research is publicly funded it's not for sale.
It's like when he tried to buy Greenland or wanted the Swedish PM to interfere with the justice.
Trump's ideas don't work in countries run by adults.
>another 300 replies of mutts proving they don't understand how the world works
umm sweaty, the wall was built and it's beautiful. Needed to protect the Israelis :)
I don't get the derision here. If we're the only country that can make the vaccine, then we get all the money from selling it abroad. Plus we're funding the development, so we do have a stake in that company and a right to what it does with its products. Don't pretend every other country wouldn't do the same thing if it had the chance.
Ironic coming from a country where half of it is ruled by murdering drug lords.
Please tell me about how the real world works, Mexico
Hilarious. Four more years, I beg of you.
The man makes a fair point Pedro
>On January 23rd, 1923 Banting, Best, and Collip were awarded the American patents for insulin which they sold to the University of Toronto for $1.00 each on November 5, 1923 for free mass distribution globally
Mexicans really have no self-awareness do they
I really want Trump to win again so we can watch this comedy unfold even harder as he slips further into dementia.
>We’re the only country that can make the vaccine
Then why the fuck do you need to pay Germany to make it for you?
So? Their virtue signaling didn't do any good in the end as everyone else who worked in insulin actually wanted to be able to feed their family.
That's not what they doing, dumbass. They're just identifying the vaccine. If this deal goes through, we're the still ones MAKING it.
*fixes world wide markets by injecting 1.5T into them*
no need to thank us, rest of world
>by offering large sums of money to a company in Germany that develops it
>a company in Germany that develops it
>that develops it
>develops it
No no, he's saying it's righteous for America to profit off the virus by exclusively buying the vaccine and forcing every other country to pay for it
Are you suggesting that people who sold said patent in 1923 died of starvation because I don't understand your argument here.
Americans are monstrous individuals and when they attempt to convict the world for sharing their greed, stupidity and general malice they convict only themselves.
DEVELOPING it is not the same as PRODUCING it you stupid fucking Jew. PRODUCING it is the entire point of the deal.
>does your prime minister work hard for America
Unfortunately, yes. The entire political class here are fucking traitors that need to be lined up in front of a firing squad.
>pharmaceutical companies struggle to feed their families
There are dozens of companies around the world developing a vaccine right now. This German company is just one among many.
Also consider that otherwise credible Germans make up lies to further their anti-American agenda:
I'm saying that selling it for $1 did nothing since everyone else in the insulin business needed to make money to feed their family and buy necessities. Those researchers could afford to act like they cared because they were guaranteed the media coverage to get gibs and book deals to make money.
Drug lords your country both created and keeps employed. Get some self awareness.
>Those researchers could afford to act like they cared because they were guaranteed the media coverage to get gibs and book deals to make money.
Provide link proving this.
Not every successful businessman starts out rich, you know?
I don't need to because it's basic common sense. Do you need me to prove that the sky is blue too?
>people unironically think the federal government is handling this crisis accordingly
what a fucking shit show lmao
Ok so you have no proof they wrote books and made money. I figured you were talking out of your ass. Thanks for the confirmation.
>pharmaceutical companies just now started generating profit
Stop feeding him.
Explain it to us or you are just talking out your ass.
So if I say the sky is blue, I'm talking out of my ass? It's basic common sense, my sheltered glownigger.
Guy was a CEO and got fired pretty instantly once this came out. This isn't China, you can't just lie abut shit and get away with it.
Stop trying to steal our scientists you fucking faggots
Is this more than a move Trump wants to pull off in order to save his reelection? If that company were to develop a vaccine, it would be funded by our government because of various programs. Why does Trump feel like he has to piss our government off in order to have a shot at getting his hands on it apart from wanting an Ace up his sleeve against Biden? It's not like they won't get it if we develop it.
this shit is so fucking overblown it's ridiculous honestly
This, people are freaking our over a nothingburger.
>Italy's hospitals are so overwhelmed, they're sending people home to die
How stupid can you honestly be?
dont worry they have free healthcare so why do they care?
>they're sending people home to die
Boomers, not people.
Ah yes, the hyperintelligent Aussie
It's nothing, don't worry. Even if they really tried, our government wouldn't allow it. Let's not shit on each other too much, okay?
>>Italy's hospitals are so overwhelmed, they're sending people home to die
>killing off the elderly, freeing up vast fortunes of pension money, healthcare resources, and real-estate
how is this anything besides a win-win-win?
Ask me again when your parents and grandparents are dead because they couldn't get the Gold Pack pandemic coverage insurance.
If we really manage to develop a vaccine first, I'd be surprised. But it will take a while.
No one's worried, it's just an hilariously out of touch move to comment on
My parents have life insurance. I'll be investing the payout in their honor and using the gains to buy ornate vases for their ashes to put on my fireplace.
It's pretty immoral, but it's a valid move. And I believe it's 99% election stuff, if it's even true. That Greenland story was way more extreme.
>>Ask me again when your parents and grandparents are dead because they couldn't get the Gold Pack pandemic coverage insurance.
they already are buddy, try again
if we are lucky we might get some dead senators soon (preferably some of the fucks who have been in office since the last millennium)
trump will die
didn't their greatest ally already developed a vaccine?
That makes no sense at all
>muh family bonds
you live in a failed state ruled by drug lords and socially stuck in a colonial caste system