
Attached: the ol spicy keychain.jpg (845x1036, 242.14K)

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Ireland's government has called for the closure of all pubs and bars in the country from this evening "until at least 29 March".

In a statement, it also called on members of the public to refrain from organising or goiing to parties "in private houses or other venues which would put other people's health at risk".

is that meant to be funny

yeah just tried to use contactless and chip-and-PIN and it didn't work either, it said THIS MACHINE IS OUT OF ELECTRONS

oh wait nah it didn't because it always works, this is why you don't rely on cash boomer.


i dunno, it's a matter of perspective

was in the pub last night cause i'm not a coward


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the duality of man

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haha really funny this

Anyone who doesn't find this funny must be a total bellend, a right boring wanker

he didnt laugh he's just being contrarian

>3 presumptive cases of coronavirus identified in Nova Scotia
kept you waiting, huh?

>no Boris didnt actually mean what he said he meant this other thing which he never mentioned at all

Absolute tory boot licker cope

nani sore?

went pub on thursday and not been feeling well since

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You just killed granny

the vertical stabiliser is very different
the windows are very different
the engines are totally different
nose shape is very different
i know it looks very similar to modern airliners, that's why i said i don't like modern airliners that much. the comet was the first commercial jetliner in the world so it's design was totally unique. it looks normal and boring to you, but it was entirely unique to people at the time because it was the first. the only conventional jetliners i like are the Comet, early boeings (the 707, the 727 and the 737-200) and the TriStar desu. back when commercial airliners were actually interesting, exciting and had interesting designs.
at least military aircraft and still constantly pushing the boundaries and interesting new experimental designs are always being developed.

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It was explained in great deal this morning you fucking idiot.

so how about that ol' coronavirus eh lads

if you're talking about herd immunity go watch the conference and see for yourself what he meant

The pubs will all be dead anyway cos Liverpool aren't playing

uh ohhhh

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Yes when he backtracked days later moron

a classic

friendly reminder that this isn't /brit/ at all and you've all been tricked into posting in /birt/

wuhan flu


Herd Immunity is an outcome, one of 2 possible ones for every country.
cope more

Very Kino event

It's only going to get worse

If you haven't done so yet, go and stockpile tomorrow morning. You're going to be indoors for a few months

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ok and?


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i noticed, alas i simply do not care!

Will there be another massacre on the FTSE 100 tomorrow?

You sly fox.

utter shit


Raises an interesting point as to how well funded the banks are.

I hear Barclays and Santander are in real trouble.


Welcome to 2020 /brit/;

>Coronadeniers talking about how it's just a flu
>Posts about how bad it really is


>an outcome

A strategy you absolute imbecile

ahh yes I will certainly believe this entirely unsourced drivel
trust me bro I know insiders in WHO trust me you have to bro hahaha PATHETIC

Quadrilogy of man.

packet of fizzy blue and pink cola bottles down the gullet

*tosses cape over shoulder and jumps out the window in a swashbuckling fashion*


slight cough lads

Global gdp this year is going to be half that of last year. Nobody is travelling and many aren’t working. What do you think is going to happen to equities?

ah yes the schizo ramblings of Yas Forums posters are definitely what i am going to base my life around

More bailouts ahead, no mortgage relief for the working man

shut the fuck up


gee, i didnt think you'd take it to heart

this thread is BIRT not BRIT

we're in here

Change corona to brexit and you have the entire history of brit

It's a single issue forum

people can't find the general in the catalog when it's named something other than /brit/, so kinda have to make a new

yes they can
be quiet


think how funny it would be

no they can't
t. someone who has been in such a predicament

yeah well i don't care
so there you have it

Grow up

Then you're a mong.

They look like the Bogdanoff brothers

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You seriously think the economy is going to just stop until this thing blows over?
you're out of your goddamn mind

>What do you think is going to happen to equities?
how can you be thinking about rome: total war at a time like this