God i wish we could swap other e*ropean CUNTries with China

God i wish we could swap other e*ropean CUNTries with China
They're much more likable people and better neighbors

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nevermind the fact that it was covered up for months

>be solely responsible for creating the problem
>make a shitty political cartoon
>people forgive you
Damn Euros are easily manipulated no wonder you became US vassals

>chinks unironically think they're the good guys in all of this


Ok Giovanni ping pong Wong

We all know Americans planted the virus

under normal circumstances I would think you're memeing, however considering you always make shit posts I doubt it.

You chinos are unbelievably shameless.

Cina + italy is the new world order

A new, glorious era

Attached: italy-china.jpg (770x440, 49.1K)

5 years on 4chink gave me Paris syndrome on USA. You are the most disgusting pieces of shit i can think of and even more retarded than the internet claims. You want to blame Chinese for this unintentional struck of the bad luck? You fucking abomination of human being, You have on purpose destabilized the entire middle east to secure the exchange ratio of your fake randomly printed currency by enforcing on the entire world the dolar-operated oil transactions, causing the biggest migration crisis of the XXI century. You are literally SATAN of international community. I hope Best Korea nukes that piece of shit volcano of yours and anihilate your disgusting kind. In this case of wordwide crisis and the tragedies of thousands of people your stupid brain can only think about "bat soup bad, chinese man bad"?

Damn so I guess China-Italy is the new OTP

Take that back

Attached: Chino guns.jpg (1024x576, 78.35K)

Thirdies need to stick together.

Holy based

will I get a cute Chinese gf?


woah, just woah

Imagine having some random Chinese retard eat bat or some other wild animal in a cross contamination setting and then praising them for infecting your country.

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>tfw china cares more about white people than white people themselves

What is going on with this timeline?

China's not all that bad but you don't have to suck their dick about this. It's nice that they're helping.

if you want an empire mcfatsoberg you have to pay more monies

A German infected Italy, retard.


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Uh, hello? Based department? Poland just dropped a fucking truthbomb.

pay reparations for the spanish flu you roadkill-eating yokel

I envy them

Yeah retard the virus all originated from China. Wuhan in the hubei province.

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Why are they all so readily obedient towards China? Or is Italy one of those countries that is politically shackled to China and can never risk criticizing them openly?

China is getting powerful like the USSR you need satellites. Pay us more.

do you want to feel safe? Spend more monies in Western Europe economies and give us free access to your market or else... China happens.

And Ebola originated in the Congo. You don't see people demanding the Congo nuked every time there's an outbreak. Just shut up already globalist swine.

because even though they screwed up, they offer their help. Your cunt on the other hand is the exact opposite.

true, but just look at all the fats here sperging out the second you mention China in any positive context.


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That's fucking based

We're simply grateful to China as they're the only ones who are actually helping us and not ignoring or downright antagonizing us like our fucking neighbours, why is that so hard to conceive

mutts will never recover from this

>Or is Italy one of those countries that is politically shackled to China and can never risk criticizing them openly.

kek you just described our relation with the US / Nato

unbelievably, catastrophically, cataclysmically based

Proof of anti-China propaganda on the internet fuelled by the NED and (((democracy think tanks)))

everyone believes the internet is full of 50-cent shills when it was the opposite this whole time...

What is with you retards and this permanent US vs Other superpower dichotomy? are you all so dependent on foreign help that you can only think in terms of outstretched hands begging for aid from economic superpowers? It's a bizaree worldview

There are countries in the world not named USA or PRC, many of whom could be of use to Italy in this time of crisis.

>I hope Best Korea nukes that piece of shit volcano of yours and anihilate your disgusting kind.
Welcome aboard.

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>china sends Italy 1,000 ventilators
>meanwhile mutt states can't even get one from their own federal government
Mutts btfo

Attached: coronavirus america 4543.png (870x723, 62.51K)

>Proof of anti-China propaganda
I wouldn't go so far, it's just mutts who drank too deep of the Yas Forums koolaid and are scared of their waning influence on the world stage. I don't think there's any deeper mystery to it.


The 50 cent army is real but they stick mostly to chinese-speaking sites. Yas Forums is far more likely to have mutt/indian/british/etc shills.

not even "many replies to post lol", but seriously fucking based and 100% true

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As based as it gets.

Oh shit, these are unholy levels of Based.


Probably because this dichotomy is constantly being shilled everywhere, mostly due to US fearmongering, no offense mate. Inter-EU solidarity is already accounted for since it's structured that way, but I'm also curious why you never hear other countries coming to aid. India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico and so on, it always the first world coming to their aid but never in reverse.

It's not just Yas Forums(nel) though. It's all over the Youtube comments sections and rebbit and it's been like that since the HK "protests"

Just look at any US conservative media, they have been OBSESSED about China and have been using this occasion to spread the CHINA BAD narrative. They are prepping normies for a coming conflict with China. nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/03/conservatives-obsessed-with-revenge-on-china-for-coronavirus.html

Mexico helped the US during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. They even sent some of their military.

still same what he said in what you replied, but think "american" koolaid instead. Its not sponsored/payed people, just propaganded brainz.
That said... FUCK >diaspora< ch*nks in Canada and Australia

Somebody call the based department. We've got a category V on our hands.

>1000 ventilators

Attached: ventilator.jpg (960x960, 80.61K)

So this... is the power... of the Based Department!?

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put me in the screenshot

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> Indeed, some of the China-obsessed conservatives downplay the severity of the epidemic even as they foment rage at China for causing it. “If you point out that this whole thing came from China, why, that’s racism and xenophobia and all that — and yet we’ve got a bio-threat,” says Rush Limbaugh. Given that Limbaugh has insisted the coronavirus is no worse than the common cold, it’s not clear that anger at China is even required.

This always struck me as curious. In the same breath U.S. warmongers are pushing for open conflict with China because of the virus, they're also saying the virus is literally nothing to worry about.

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Can Finland join too?

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Unfathomably based.

I don't get the ventilators bit