/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /belarus/ + lads

No edition

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1st for edition

still want recommendations

black coffee without sugar is based

My Summer Car

>warning for racism
Fuck this gay nigger janny


>comfy multiplayer
ff14 or minecraft

i have minecraft, but noone to play it with :/

bannerlord this month, brothers
i wish there was a baltcraft server

somebody should host one

don't you guys have your own state-financed game

tranny-stalking, the national sport of estonians, has been canceled due to virus - Estonian President

its a disgrace and only used to educate children

what game?


Hating life

life i lost interest


idk, if a bunch of weird people from Yas Forums played it together it could be fun

a /balt/ game, a 90s style turn based RPG where 3 brothers have to travel through the world to kangaroo land

wrong thread

not at all

sounds based

i hope you're not implying that lithuanians are our brothers

fuck you, we're in this together
our suffering is mutual

lithuanians are garbage people

so are latvians
still love you

I think we went through and learned a lot today on /balt/

everybody died of corona

i fucking despise you
the world would be better off if lithuania were a nuclear crater

Ivan, stop

es ienīstu krievus, jo viņi ir pārāk stulbi, lai saprastu, cik laba būtu šī pasaule, ja viņi nomestu pāris atom bumbas teritorijā, kas atrodas uz dienvidiem no Latvijas


what a funny language
>bumbas teritorija
bimbis bambis bumbas

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Don't listen to that urbanite cunt. You are the best and so are eestis.
We scatvians love our poostonian and shithuanian brethren.

Every time a teutonic cuck boy sucks my Big Baltic Cock and spills my N1C1 y-haplogroup filled DNA on his face:

>waah let me suck on the disgusting unwashed lithuanian cock
you fucking disgust me
you are worse than a lithuanian

Are we the chaos undivided of Yas Forums?

some faggot parked in my spot yesterday
his car is still there right now
i'd slash his tyres, but it would just keep him there longer

cum on it

it's a nissan sedan, can't get it up on such a disgusting car

if you do it on his door handle, he will think twice before parking there


Fuck the exhaust


the car is too ugly


/balt/ is chaos undivided
Finns are Slaaneshites
Estonians are Tzeentch followers
Latvians are nurgle plaguebearers
Lithuanians are khornites

Hole is hole

sorry, i have standards

171 cases now

Are we going to get 200 by Monday like I predicted?

Honey, you're probably going to hit 300 before Tuesday.

We are in top3 by per capita infections. Based government, I think borders still aren't closed kek

lmao only 30 here

I think we're closing at the same time, tonight at midnight.

12 here (I think)
One has recovered

'wear a mask just like me'

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15 now, but it's still all people coming in from abroad.
It's probably due to lack of testing, there should me more cases based on how long ago first case was logged and how fucking stupid our people are acting (citizens, not government).

>only 30
Oh sweet summer child...

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dogs can't be infected by it, so it doesn't count

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they can get infected, but it doesnt affect them and they cant pass it on people

Unless you have sex with them

for latvians, it's a question of when

You could say... they really... SCREWED THE POOCH on that one ahahahahahahaHAHAHA

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i would never have sex with a lithuanian

>implying ANYONE would have sex with you
rape doesn't count, you sad fuck

bark bork
birkis borkis

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how do lithuanians understand this language? is it tonal?

latvian sound funny
make me go hehe
binkis bankis