Haha Edition..
5Toubun Threads
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How is Indon dealing with covid-19? We just got like 200 more cases after one day lmao
Its increased to 116 cases yesterday (today is monday right?). Only 3 death though.
Are they all related to the Petaling cluster?
Yes, like 15k people attended that event.
>3 deaths
It will be updated tomorrow I guess?
I'm counting at least 3 more over the weekend. One of them I know personally.
well. Corona virus mortal rate actually just 2%, so i think 3 deaths of 116 cases is pretty normal though.
>3 deaths
It's 5.
At least one of them was medical personnel treating corona patients. I hope it wasn't medfag
Give me my /asean/ mommy gf now, and yes, I am already being myself.
Exponential growth is scary bros.
What's scary about the cases here are the religious congregations.
Have some Humanity bro. Don't be a selfish bastard.
don't worry, the deaths come a week behind the cases
That analogy doesn't work though.
There is an old riddle about a lily pad in a pond. The lily pad doubles in size every day and after 30 days it completely covers the pond. On what day does the lily pad cover half the pond?
If you answered without really thinking about it you probably answered “day 15”. Our mind automatically goes to this answer because we are comfortable with linear thinking. If the lily pad covers the entire pond in 30 days than it must cover half the pond in 15 days.
Of course, if you stopped to think about it you would realize that the lily pad only covers half the pond on day 29. It then doubles one final time and covers the entire pond on day 30.
A more interesting question is, how much of the pond would the lily pad have covered on day 15? Take a second and write down an estimate.
The correct answer is that the lily pad will only have covered .0031% (3 thousandths of one percent) of the pond on day 15. In fact, the lily pad will only cover more than one percent of the pond on day 24.
I'm hoping we are protected by this entire city being filled with autists
white race = big violence = holocaust, genocide in the Americas, WWI, WWII, 3000 years of continous wars in Europe.
black race = small violence = OJ simpson, Shakur Tupac assassination. random ghetto killings.
brown race = small scams = indian phone scams, filipino dating scams.
yellow race = big scams = Japan, China exchange rate manipulation, theft of western technology by China, Japan , South Korea, Taiwan, FDI in China.
My sis is told to go home from her indekost bros
Is she cute?
Don't worry, I'll protect her in your place.
Also fuck your preians, public services are the only one kept open and rs dr soetomo is already too full without these panicking faggots coming to triage
>bro i just came back from x
>pls corona test
nigger you're not even fulfilling one of the criterias to even qualify as the pemantauan stage, sit your ass back home rather than making ER life harder
Keep going even if it look shit, you will better at it overtime. Also what kind of paper?
What's a preian?
Probably still copypasting this and among other new dutdut shills things knowing they get money from it from this gov.
Imagine liking retarded quints
Duterte kissing China's ass might be good this time no? There's a small chance that they'll give us the vaccine since I don't think America will since apparently Drumpf wants to pay top dollar for exclusivity.
I don't feel so good, bros.
Just wash your hands lmao
I just watch morning news. Manila on lockdown?
>Duterte kissing China's ass might be good this time no? There's a small chance that they'll give us the vaccine since I don't think America will since apparently Drumpf wants to pay top dollar for exclusivity
You do realize china is the source of the virus and it will take years to fully realise if that vaccine or any really works
Wtf this paid duts for pro chink is not a meme
Since 2 days ago.
what's the connection between trails series and go toubun?
why the heck Malaysia suddenly have +190 infected with corona in a day ?
Cause of that 5k ppl gathering or so I heard.
>190 confirmed case
/an/ is pretty comfy
sarapan apa gan
puasa gan
biar autophagy dan beta hydroxybutyrate naik biar lebih tahan corona
Beautiful morning, you're the sun in my morning babe
bros, i am scared to dead...
there are legit positive corona cases in my place, but the gov just want to cover it up... it must be the whole freaking chinese tourists, like there are at least 5 people died bcs of it and they could still managed to cover it up.
Help me... i don't think i like where this is going,
what do you want the government to do?
welp, idk... perhaps just tell those chinese to at least stay in one place (read=quarantine) if they don't want to go back into their own country yet?
iqra' bismirabbikalladzi khalaq
where are you?
stay indoors
>being a citynigger
so much other land in indonesia user
They want herd immunity here.
I already have the herd immunity
Somewhere up the North, not in Java though... We just recently started the minor "quarantine", and yet the wagecucks still goes to their jobs and shrug it off by saying "Heh, we indon hv stronk imuniti."
lowkey want them to get infected with the fucking corona
Jokes on you, i am not even near in the main city in this island. I live nearby the sea..
north what?
surabaya is one of the lowest risk around with how hellish hot it is
no one asked
>coughing everywhere
B-bros... i cant get out, it's has been 50 minutes please help
die normie
user, Medan still not get hit by corona yet.... i hope..
well, i will give you a hint. The place where the whole chinks would go to for vacation, like the tourists here majorities of them are these damned corona carriers.
u sure abt that?
as i am writing this corona has claimed another victim, with a total of 6 people currently right now (known to us at least) total of 3 chinese tourists and 3 locals...
fuck this man, i never know this thing would be this bad. I don't think the whole 2 weeks lockdown would work considering how China actually still have a lot of, claim to be cured patients who returned in the span couple of days later
you are also a chink
wasn't things already got better in china?
I was just on hospital duty last week on rs dr soetomo's ER lung department
Literally the trashbin for the most terminal and of course panicking coronafags who's actually pneumonifags
Literally nothing, haha..